
Abalkin, Leonid
Abeille Supporter
conservatism on
Constitution and
morality of
Perot on
religious views on
Abortion Rights Mobilization
academic world, paralysis of
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
Adams, Henry
Adams, John Quincy
Adler, Mortimer J.
Adler, Renata
Admiral of the Ocean Sea (Samuel Eliot Morison)
Afghanistan War
African National Congress (ANC)
Against All Hope: The Prison Memoirs of Armando Valladares (Armando Valladares)
Agnew, Spiro T.
Ailes, Roger
Airborne (Buckley)
Alger, Horatio
Allen, Betty
Allende, Salvador
America’s Cup, recapturing of
Amin Dada
Amory, Mark
Andrea Doria
Andropov, Yuri
in Catholic Church
in Ivy League colleges
Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Aquino, Corazon
Arafat, Yasser
“Aria and Thirty Variations” (Bach)
arms control
Astaire, Fred
Atlantic High (Buckley)
Atlantic Monthly
Augustine, Saint

Bacall, Lauren
Bach, Johann Sebastian
F minor Concerto by
genius of
Baker, James A.
Bakker, Jim
Baldwin, Christopher
Ballard, Robert
Bankhead, Tallulah
Barbie, Klaus
Barnes, Fred
Baroody, Jamil
Bauman, Robert
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Bell, Derrick
Belloc, Hilaire
Bennett, William
Bergman, Ingmar
Berlin Wall
Berns, Walter
Bernstein, Carl
Bernstein, Leonard
Berrigan, Daniel
Biden, Joseph
Bierce, Ambrose
Bill of Rights see also Constitution, U.S.
Black, Charles
Black Panthers
Dartmouth College protests and
racial quotas for
social and economic plight of
teenage pregnancies and
B minor Mass (Bach)
boat people
Boesky, Ivan
Bogart, Humphrey
Bond, Richard
Bonfire of the Vanities (Tom Wolfe)
Bork, Robert
Boston Globe
Bradford, Mel
Bradley, Ed
Brandt, Willy
Breslin, Jimmy
Brewster, Kingman
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brezhnev Doctrine
British Board of Trade
Brokaw, Tom
Bronson, Frances
Brown, John
Bruce, Lenny
Buchanan, Pat
Buchwald, Art
Buckley, Christopher T.
Buckley, James W.
Buckley, Patricia
Buckley, Priscilla
Buckley, William F., Jr.:
Bermuda lawsuit and
“Blackford Oakes” novels of
chest pain of
“Columbus” journey of
as dog lover
eulogies delivered by
foreign relations as viewed by
on growing old
language as used by
as mayoral candidate
Micronesia trip of
musical ability of
New Yorker experience of
as observer in Nautile expedition
Russia trip of
surrogate fatherhood considered by
as UN delegate
Bundy, Ted
Bureau of Weights and Measures
Burke, Edmund
Burnham, James
Burns, Haywood
Burton, Richard
Bush, Barbara
abortion stand of
on family values
Bush, George
eulogy delivered by
family values of
oratorical abilities of
Persian Gulf War and
Republican Convention (1992) addressed by- 97
war on drugs by
Butler, Samuel
Butterfield, Fox
Buzhardt, Fred

Cadranel, Barbara
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse
Campbell, Carroll
Campbell, Glenn
capital gains tax
capital punishment
Carnegie, Andrew
Caroline incident
Carson, Rachel
Carter, Howard
Carter, Jimmy work habits of
Carter, Robert
Castro, Fidel
political prisoners of
Catholic Church:
anti-Semitism in
conversion to
“subsidiarity” principle of
tax exempt status of
Catholic University
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
of Mapplethorpe’s art
Chafee, John
Chagall, Marc
Chambers, Whittaker
on Cold War
on culture
in Hiss case
marriage of
pessimism of
on weariness
Chancellor, John
Charles, Prince of Wales
marriage of
Charlotte Observer
Chartres cathedral
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chesterton, G. K.
China, People’s Republic of:
oppression in
as ruled by Mao Tse-tung
Tiananmen Square uprising in
China: Alive in the Bitter Sea (Fox Butterfield)
Chomsky, Noam
Chopin, Frédéric
Christian Century
faith in
First Amendment and
moral foundations of
suffering and
war and
Churchill, Winston
Churkin, Vitaly
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
City College of New York
Civilization and Its Discontents (Sigmund Freud)
civil rights
Civil Rights Restoration Act (1988)
class, idea of
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Clurman, Richard
Coalition of Environmental/Safe Energy Organizations
Coffin, William Sloane
Cohen, Richard
Cold War
Alger Hiss case and
Cole, William
Colombia, upheaval in
Columbia University:
multiculturalism at
protests at
Columbus, Christopher
journey of
Commission on Financing Higher Education of the Association of American Universities
Committee for Religious Liberty
fall of
Hook’s views on
Compton, Ann
Congress, U.S., Executive vs.
Congress and the American Tradition (James Burnham)
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Mark Twain)
abortion and
Agenda for
challenge of
church-state issue and
environmental movement and
in foreign affairs
social welfare and
statist policies and
Supreme Court and
world trade and
Constitution, U.S.
abortion and
First Amendment of
Ninth Amendment of
Tenth Amendment of see also Bill of Rights
Contemporary Arts Center
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Artemis
Cooper, Diana
Cooper, Duff
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Cosell, Howard
Coup, The (John Updike)
Cranston, Alan
Croce, Arlene
Crossfire (television show)
Crowley, Aleister
Crozier, Brian
Cruising Speed (Buckley)
Cuba human rights violations in
common vocabulary in
decline of
culture of contentment
Cuomo, Mario

Dalí, Salvador
D’Amato, Alfonse
Dante Alighieri
Dartmouth College protests at
Dartmouth Review
Darwin, Charles
Davie, Michael
Davis, Angela
Death in Venice (Thomas Mann)
Deaver, Michael
Deep Throat (film)
de Gaulle, Charles
de Jouvenel, Bertrand
Dellinger, David
concept of
as “cure-all”
Deng Xiaoping
Depression, Great
Deputy, The (Rolf Hochhuth)
Dershowitz, Alan
Dewey, John
Diana, Princess of Wales marriage of
Didion, Joan
Diem, Ngo Dinh
Douglas, William O.
morality of
war on
D’Souza, Dinesh
Dukakis, Michael
Duke, David
Dunne, John Gregory
Duvalier, François
Duvalier, Jean-Claude
Dylan, Bob

Eastman, Max
Eber, José
Economics and the Public Purpose (John Kenneth Galbraith)
Edgar, Jim
Edinburgh, University of
Einstein, Albert
Eleni (film)
Elizabeth II, Queen of England boat party incident and
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
English setters
Enola Gay
environmental movement
equality, concept of
Erasmus, Desiderius
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Evans, Bergen
executive authority

faith, idea of
family values definitions of
Fanny and Alexander (film)
Farrakhan, Louis
Fatal Vision (Joe McGinniss)
Federal Communications Commission
Feeney, Leonard
Fiddler on the Roof (musical)
Final Days, The (television show)
Finley, Karen
Firing Line (television show)
First Amendment
church and state clause in
Flagstad, Kirsten
F minor Concerto (Bach)
Foderaro, Lisa
Fonda, Jane
Forbes, Malcolm
seventieth birthday of
Ford, Gerald R.
foreign aid
foreign relations
Fortensky, Larry
fossil fuel
Frank, Anne
Franklin, Benjamin
Freedman, James
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Milton
Frohnmayer, John
Fujimoro, Alberto
Fuller, Buckminster

Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galileo Galilei
Garment, Leonard
Gauguin, Paul
gay and lesbian rights
Georgetown University
Gerasimov, Gennadi
Germany, unification of
Giamatti, A. Bartlett
Gifford, Marjorie Otis
Gingrich, Newt
Gleason, Jackie
“Goldberg Variations” (Bach)
Goldsmith, James
Goldwater, Barry
González, Felipe
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gordievsky, Oleg
Gore, Albert, Jr.
Gorton, John
Gould, Glenn
Gould, Stephen Jay
Graham, Katharine
Gramm, Phil
Great Ideas, a Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World, The (Mortimer J. Adler)
Greenfield, Meg
Gregg v. Georgia
Gregory, Dick
Gromov, Boris
Gromyko, Andrei
Grunwald, Henry
Guernica, bombing of
Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

Haiti, democracy in
Harding, Warren G.
Hargis, Billy James
Harlem School of the Arts
Harriman, W. Averell
Hart, Jeffrey
Hasenfus, Eugene
Hatch, Orrin
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Head Start
Heath, James Buckley
heaven, idea of
Hefner, Hugh
Helms, Jesse
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry, Patrick
Heritage Foundation
Hertz Club
Herzog, Moses
Hess, Rudolf
Heston, Charlton
Hill, Anita
Hills, Carla
Himmelfarb, Gertrude
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf
atomic bomb and
Hochhuth, Rolf
Ho Chi Minh
Hollman, Joe
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
memory of
Hook, Sidney
Hooks, Benjamin
Hoover, Herbert
character of
Great Depression and
Hoover Institution
Horne, Lena
Horowitz, Vladimir
Horse’s Ass Committee
human rights
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Hurricane Gloria
Hussein, Saddam
Hutchins, Robert Maynard
Hyde Park, N.Y.

I Am Curious—Yellow (film)
Illiberal Education (Dinesh D’Souza)
“Imagine” (Lennon)
Inferno, The (Dante)
Inouye, Daniel
In Search of Anti-Semitism (Buckley)
Institute for the Study of Conflict
Iran-Contra trial
initiatives against
Republican Guard of
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
Italians, prejudice against
Ivins, Molly

Jackson, Derrick
Jackson, Jesse
public toleration of
Jackson, Michael
Jarrell, Randall
Jarrett, Vernon
Jaruzelski, Wojciech
Jefferson, Thomas
Jennings, Peter
Jesus Christ
Jim Crow laws
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Paul
Johnson, Samuel
Jonathan Foundation
Joslyn, John
Joyce, James

Kahane, Meir
Kahn, Herman
Kalb, Marvin
Kant, Immanuel
Kean, Thomas
Kelly, Grace
Kemp, Jack
Kemp, Joanne
Kempton, Murray
Kendall, Willmoore
Kennedy, Edward on Bork
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
work habits of
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kenyon College
Keyes, Alan
KGB: The Inside Story (Oleg Gordievsky)
Khmer Rouge
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khrushchev, Nikita
Killy, Jean-Claude
Kilpatrick, James Jackson
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinsley, Michael
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Kirpatrick, Ralph
Kissinger, Henry
Koestler, Arthur and Cynthia
Kondracke, Morton
Kretchmer, Arthur
Kristol, Irving
Kuwait, directives to help

Lahr, Dwight
laissez-faire economics
Landers, Ann
Landowska, Wanda
LaRouche, Lyndon
Last Temptation of Christ, The (film)
Latin Mass Committee
Laugh-In (television show)
Law, Bernard Francis Cardinal
Lawrence, T. E.
Laxalt, Paul
Lazarus (Malraux)
Leary, Timothy
Lefever, Ernest W.
Lehrer, Jim
Lehrman, Lew, religious conversion of
Lendl, Ivan
Lenin. I.
Lennon, John
Letterman, David
Letters of Evelyn Waugh and Diana Cooper, The
Lewis, Anthony
censorship as viewed by
South Africa criticized by
Lewis. S.
Lichenstein, Charles
Lieberman, Joseph
Lincoln, Abraham
rose incident and
Lincoln Memorial
Linder, Benjamin
Lipatti, Dinu
Li Peng
Lippmann, Walter
Live Aid
Long, Huey
Lord, Betty Bao
Lord, Stanley
Lord, Walter
Los Angeles Times
Losing Ground (Charles Murray)
Louis, Joe
Lowenstein, Allard
Luce, Clare Boothe
Buckley’s dinner with
Catholicism of
Luce, Henry
Lyons, Eugene

Macaroni (film)
MacArthur, Douglas
McCain, John
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
Macdonald, Dwight
MacDonald, Jeffrey
McEnroe, John
McFarlane, Robert
McGinniss, Joseph
McGovern, George
Mack, Connie
McLaughlin, David T.
MacNair, Algernon
Malraux, André
Manchester, William
Mao Tse-tung
Mapplethorpe, Robert
censorship of
Marcos, Ferdinand
Marcus, Steven
Marie Antoinette
Markov, Georgi
Marshall, Thurgood
Marx, Karl
Mashek, John
Mather, Cotton
Maxwell, Robert
Medeiros, Humberto Cardinal
Meir, Golda
Mencken, H. L.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Miami Herald
Michener, James
military service, duty of
Mill, John Stuart
Milton, John
Minuet in G (Bach)
Mitchell, Andrea
Mitchell, George
Mitterrand, François
Modern Times (Paul Johnson)
Modes of Being (Paul Weiss)
monarchy, restoration of
Mondale, Walter
Montero Duque, Ricardo
Moore, Roger Allan
abortion and
Judeo-Christian teaching of
More, Thomas
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morrow, Lance
Mosbacher, Bus
Mostel, Zero
Mother Teresa
Mount, Ferdinand
Mount Everest
Mount Rushmore
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Muggeridge, Malcolm
D’Souza’s critique of
effect of, on academic world
as practiced at colleges
Murphy, Robert
Murray, Charles
Muskie, Edmund
Mussolini, Benito
Muzzio, William
Mydans, Seth

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
Namphy, Henri
Nanking, Rape of
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Nash, George
National Association of Laity
National Audubon Society
National Conference of Catholic Bishops
National Council of Churches
National Endowment for the Arts, effect of censorship on
National Review
Rusher’s retirement from
thirtieth anniversary of
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Nautile, expedition of
Netanyahu, Benjamin
Netanyahu, Jonathan
New Deal
Newman, Edwin
Newman, John Henry Cardinal
New Republic
New York
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Review of Books
New York Society for Ethical Culture
New York Times
New York Times Book Review
New York Times Magazine
Ngo Dinh Diem
Sandinista government in
U.S. relations with
war in
Nicolson, Harold
Night to Remember, A (Walter Lord)
Ninth Amendment
Niven, David
Nixon, Richard M.
public resurrection of
resignation of
North, Oliver
Norton, Eleanor Holmes
nuclear power, future of
nuclear proliferation
nuclear winter

ocean excavation, of Titanic
Ocean Research Organization
O’Connor, John Cardinal
anti-Semitism ascribed to
Odyssey (Homer)
Oh, Calcutta!
Ono, Yoko
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Organization of African Unity
Orr-Cahall, Christina
Ortega, Daniel
Orwell, George
O’Sullivan, John
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Other Victorians, The (Steven Marcus)
Overdrive (Buckley)
Oxford English Dictionary

Palme, Olof
idealism of
policies of
Paris, Treaty of
parochial schooling
Perelman, S. J.
Perjury (Allen Weinstein)
Perle, Richard
Perot, Ross
abortion as viewed by
presidential debates of
Persian Gulf War:
public response to
Soviet Union as peacemaker in
UN resolutions in
U.S. military in
Philadelphia Society
Philippines, democracy in
Phoenix House
Phoenix Symphony Orchestra
Picasso, Pablo
Pictures from an Institution (Randall Jarrell)
Pinnock, Trevor
Pipes, Richard
“Piss Christ” (Serrano)
Planned Parenthood
pluralism, tolerance of
Poindexter, John
Policy Review
Pol Pot
Porter, Cole
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Colin
Prejean, Dalton
preppiness, snobbery and
Presley, Elvis
Primakov, Yevgeny
ways of
Pulitzer Prize

Quaddafi, Muammar al-
Quayle, Dan
Quayle, Marilyn
querencia, use of term
Quindlen, Anna

Rabelais, François
Rabin, Yitzhak
racial discrimination, Dartmouth College protests and
racial quotas, for blacks
Racing Through Paradise (Buckley)
Radosh, Ronald
Raiders of the Lost Ark (film)
Ranck, Gerald
Rangel, Charles
Rather, Dan
Ray, James Earl
Reagan, Maureen
Reagan, Nancy
character of
marriage of
Reagan, Patti
Reagan, Ronald
in Barbados with Buckley
character of
conservative principles of
in Iran-Contra affair
marriage of
Republican Convention (1992) addressed by- 93
storytelling ability of
UN speech of
work habits of
Reality (Paul Weiss)
Red Cross
Reems, Harry
Rehnquist, William H.
abortion and
First Amendment and
Lennon on
political partisanship and
sin and, see sin
tax exemptions and
Republican Convention (1948)
Republican Convention (1992):
Barbara Bush’s speech at
family values embraced at
George Bush’s speech at
God and
Reagan’s speech at
Revel, Jean-François
Review of Metaphysics
Reynolds, Barbara
Rich, Robert
Roche, John
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
rock music
Rockne, Knute
Rodman, Peter
Roe v. Wade
Rogers, Ginger
Rolling Stones
Romanov, Nicholas
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rosenthal, Abe
Rosenthal, Mitchell
Ross, Harold
Rostenkowski, Dan
Rostow, Eugene
Rowan, Carl
Rushdie, Salman
Rusher, William A.

Safer, Morley
Safire, William
Sagan, Carl
saint, definition of
“St. Matthew Passion” (Bach)
St. Thomas More Church
Salamanca, University of
Salazar, Antonio
Savings & Loan bailout
Sawyer, Diane
Sawyer, John
Scarlatti, Domenico
Scarlet Letter, The (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Schell, Jonathan
Scheuer, James
Schiff, Dolly
Schlamm, Willi
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schwarzkopf, H. Norman
Scorsese, Martin
Sealestial xix
Senate, U.S.
Serrano, Andres
responsibility and
self-indulgence in
Shakespeare, William
Shalit, Gene
Shanahan, Edward
Shaw, George Bernard
Shawn, William
character of
editorial precision of
retirement of
Sheed, Wilfrid
Shultz, George
Sierra Club
Simon, Neil
Simpson, Alan
acknowledgment of
nature of
rediscovery of
60 Minutes (television show)
Skinner, B. F.
Smith, Adam
Smith, Bruce Buckley
Smith, Edward J.
Smith, Gerald L. K.
Smith, Jane Buckley
Smith, Lane
Smith, Liz
Smith, William Alden
Smollet, Tobias
Sobran, Joseph
social grace:
at parties
querencia and
Socialist International
Solarz, Stephen
Souter, David
Soviet Union:
in Afghanistan
arms race and
Chernobyl meltdown in
dissolution of
economics of
as “evil empire”
Gorbachev regime and
Iran-Iraq War and
as peacemaker
as terrorist nation
Spandau Prison
Spanish-American War
Stained Glass (Buckley)
Stalin, Josef
Stamford Advocate
Stanford University
Stark, Pete
Star Wars
Stern, Isaac
stock market crash (1987)
Stoops, Reginald
Strauss, Lewis
Student/Sponsor Partnership
of Jesus Christ
nature of
Sullivan, Andrew
supply-side economics
Supreme Court, U.S.
authority of
Bork nominated to
Thomas nominated to
Sutter, John
Swaggart, Jimmy

on capital gains
religious institutions exempt from
Taylor, Elizabeth
teenage pregnancies
Temptation of Wilfred Malachey, The (Buckley)
Tempting of America, The (Robert Bork)
Tenth Amendment
Teresa, Mother
Terkel, Studs
combating of
Soviet Union and
Terrorism: How the West Can Win (Jonathan Netanyahu)
theology, concept of
Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint
Thirty Years’ War
Thomas, Clarence
public response to
Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and
Supreme Court nomination of
Thomas, Lewis
Thoreau, Henry David
Three Mile Island
Thunder Out of China (Theodore White)
Times (London)
deaths of passengers on
investigation of
ocean excavation of
officers and crew of
remains of
safety precautions on
sinking of
Titanic: The Death and Life of a Legend (Michael Davie)
Titanic Historical Society
Today (television show)
Todd, Mike
Trewhitt, Henry
Tripodi, Rick
Trudeau, Garry
Trudeau, Pierre
Truman, Harry S.
Tureck, Rosalyn
Turner, Nat
Twain, Mark

Udall, Morris K.
Ulysses (James Joyce)
United Nations
and human rights in Cuba
ineffectiveness of
Jerusalem and
Persian Gulf War resolutions of
terrorism and
United Negro College Fund
United States Information Agency
Updike, John
USA Today

Valenti, Fernando
Valladares, Armando
torture of
van Gogh, Vincent
Vanity Fair
Vassar College, multiculturalism at
V-E Day
Victoria, Queen of England
Vietnam, North, recognition of
Vietnam War
Hanoi bombing in
U.S. responsibility in
V-J Day
Volkogonov, Dmitri A.
voters, ignorance of

Waldheim, Kurt
Wallace, George C.
Wallace, Henry A.
Wallace, Mike
Walters, Barbara
Walters, Vernon
Warner, Margaret
war on drugs
conservatism and
see also drugs
Washington, Craig
Washington, George
Washington Post
Washington Times
Watergate scandal
Waugh, Evelyn
class fixation of
cynicism of
insensitivity of
wit of
Wayne, John
Weaver, Richard M.
Weicker, Lowell
BuckPac’s opposition to
Titanic and
Weinberger, Caspar
Weinstein, Allen
Weiss, Paul
Wesleyan University, protests at
Wheelock. Webster
White, Ralph
White, Theodore H.
China as viewed by
Whitehead, Alfred North
White Star Line
white supremacy
Wicker, Tom
Wickman, Dewayne
Wieghart, James
Wildmon, Donald
Will, George
Catholic Church attacked by
Williams, Ed
Williamson, Marianne
Wills, Garry
Wilson, Woodrow
Windfall (Buckley)
Windsor, Duke of
Windsor, Wallis Warfield Simpson, Duchess of
wisdom, process of
Witness (Whittaker Chambers)
Wolfe, Tom
Women, The (Clare Boothe Luce)
women’s rights, combat duty and
Woodward, Bob
Worsthorne, Peregrine
Wright, Jim
Writer’s Art, The (James J. Kilpatrick)
Wynne, Joshua

Yale Daily News
Yale University
equality at
Yardley, Jonathan
Yellowstone National Park

Zhao Ziyang
Zhivkov, Todor