Respecting Your
Father’s Favorite

Lunchtime is Briana’s favorite hour of the day. When she’s with her friends, their stories about the morning’s activities fill her up. That, plus the freshly baked banana-nut muffins the cafeteria lady makes every day!

Bree’s third period social studies classroom is right around the corner from the cafeteria, and around 11:30 the smell of those muffins made her stomach grumble in expectation. She rushed through the food line, heading straight for the designated lunch table where Jessica and the rest of the cheer squad were waiting. That’s when she saw him.

The sight of Austin Thomas suddenly made Briana feel more like hurling than eating.

“What’s up, Butterfingers?” he said. “Don’t drop your tray like you do the basketball.” He made an exaggerated gesture like she was going to cover him with her milk.

“Go away, Austin.”

He followed her to their table. “I’m just saying. You seem to have a hard time holding on to stuff.”

The girls strategically chose where to sit. From the back of the cafeteria, they could monitor everyone. The rear location was also the only spot that allowed them to peek out the large window to the outside commons area. From there, they could admire the football players sitting under the massive live oak tree planted in the middle of the commons. Every year, new football players carved their name and number into the sturdy, wide trunk. It was their way of connecting with the title-winning champions of the past who played for the Live Oak Lions.

Besides that, the school board had approved the installation of new lighting meant to brighten up the aging space. Until the workers completed the job, their window seat preference was the best-lit and illuminated place in the cafeteria — perfect for “people-peepin’,” as Briana called it.

Jessica noticed how irritated Briana was with Austin’s unrequested escort. “Well, she has no problem holding on to you though, does she? I’m going to start calling you ‘Tag-a-long Thomas’ since you can’t seem to get enough of my girl. From now on, if you want to talk to her, make sure you go through me first, Tag-a-long.” Briana and Jess fist bumped.

People admired Bree and Jessica’s relationship. They met when they were seven years old, when their families moved into the neighborhood at the same time. Their neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins, hosted a barbeque in her backyard to welcome them. With an awesome swimming pool in the backyard, she had the best house on the block. It’s the perfect spot to endure the sweltering summer heat. The day of the party, the two girls wore the exact same bathing suit! Bree knew that any girl who would pick the same water wear had to be wonderful. Through cheerleading camps, youth group, retreats, big sisters, and baby brothers, they’ve been besties since day one! Briana and Jessica love each other, and they don’t take kindly to insults.

Bree sat down next to Jessica, and Austin bent over to whisper in Briana’s ear. “Just a helpful hint. You catch the ball first, then you take off and dribble with it.” He stood up and made catch and dribble motions with his hands. All the guys at the other end of the table laughed.

“Catch this!” Bree yelled. She elbowed Austin in his stomach.

The sound of her angry voice drew the attention of Mrs. Gray, one of the seventh grade English teachers. Mrs. Gray walked over to their table, “Is there a problem Miss Robinson?”

“Yes. Allow me to introduce you.” Smiling, Briana extended her hand toward Austin. “Mrs. Gray, meet Problem.”

Everybody laughed, even Austin.

“What’s going on you two?”

“Austin’s making fun of me because I messed up in gym class!”

“Is that true?” Mrs. Gray looked at Austin.

“No,” he said.

“Okay, but, it was just a joke,” Austin confessed.

“So you’ve got jokes, is that it? How does Coach Sanders feel about all those jokes? Doesn’t he like to be notified when his comical basketball players, such as yourself, crack one joke too many?”

He looked at Briana. “My bad.” Smiling, he tapped her on the shoulder. “I’m sorry. I was just playing around.” He extended his hand for her to shake. “Are we cool?”

Briana shook his hand as briefly as possible. “Whatever.” She looked at the teacher. “Thank you, Mrs. G.”

“That’s why I’m here.” She patted Briana on the shoulder. “It’s my job to keep you out of trouble.” She looked toward Austin. “Now finish your lunch before it’s time to go.”

Briana sat back down and resumed her conversation with her friends while they finished eating. When only five minutes remained until the start of the next lunch period, the crowded cafeteria quickly thinned. The mass exodus of students leaving the cafeteria collided with the famished group attempting to enter. Can you say, major chaos?

Daughter, You Decide

What do you do when someone makes jokes about you? How do you feel when they attempt to gain laughs at your expense? Do you return the insult and make jokes about them?

“I never have understood why we’re not allowed to use the other door to get in here,” Jessica said.

“The problem is not that there’s only one way in,” said Briana. “The problem is the people who don’t get the plan and follow directions.”

Jessica surveyed the long line of students trying to exit through the entrance. “You mean people like your boy Austin?”

Briana saw Austin standing in the line, knuckling Nicholas’s arm. “First of all, he’s not my boy. Second of all, right. People exactly like Austin. They just don’t understand what’s up.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you showed him the way,” Jessica said, winking.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Briana felt her face heating up.

“It’s so obvious, Bree. He likes you.”

“Yeah, right. The only way I care to show Austin Thomas is back to California where he came from.”

“Don’t be so hard on him. You know he’s cute. And smart too. He’s probably still just trying to figure things out, you know what I mean? They’ve only been here since the summer. It’s basically like he’s starting a brand new life. You wouldn’t know what to do either.”

“Maybe. But this is not that serious. And I can’t believe you’re sticking up for him and not me, by the way!” She pointed to the cafeteria’s entrance. “That door is for coming in.” She turned and pointed to the cafeteria’s exit. “That door is for leaving. Notice the prominent sign that says exit in big … red … letters. Duh! If he’s so smart, why can’t he read the signs?”

“Wow. I knew it! You like him too! But I didn’t know you liked him that much,” Jessica said.

Briana’s Box

You’ve probably been called something other than your name, just like Austin called Briana “Butterfingers.” How did that make you feel? If it was a name meant to highlight a weakness or shortcoming of yours, like “Butterfingers” in Bree’s case, you were likely hurt and angered by it. Here’s why.

Names are special. Father God honored Adam, the first human being, with the responsibility of naming every living creature.

Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.

— Genesis 2:19

Names make up our identity. Yet your name goes beyond simple identification of you as a person. To Father God, your name represents you. In the Bible, there are many stories of families naming their children based on the experiences the family had in bringing that child into the world.

So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”

— 1 Samuel 1:20

The name Briana means “noble”. Her parents chose that name for her because they envisioned their daughter as a woman of honor and dignity. When others negatively refer to you instead of using your name, it hurts because your name suggests who you are as a young woman.

Daughter Deed

Do you know what your name means? Can you do a daughter deed, and research the meaning of your name? Start by asking your parents. You will learn a lot about yourself, and you’ll have fun doing it too! Be sure to write down what you find out in the space below. You’ll want to keep your notes forever!

Praise Prompt

Name-calling is just uncool. When people call you names and say bad things about you, it can really stress you out. Instead of stressing, read and think about the words below from Psalm 139. When you’re finished, go stand in front of a mirror. Then look at yourself, and say “I am who Father God says I am! He made me marvelously! Thank you, Father!” And, Faithgirl, make sure you say it loud and proud!

Psalm 139:13–18

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you

when I was made in the secret place,

when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all the days ordained for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be.

How precious to me are your thoughts, God!

How vast is the sum of them!

Were I to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand —

when I awake, I am still with you.

Believing with Briana

Now that you understand the significance of names to Father God, are you curious about the name of God himself? Well, grab something to take a few notes because there is much to learn! God’s nature is so big and full that you cannot understand everything about who God is with just one name. Throughout history, God has shared many different names for himself with the people who love him. For girls like you who want to know what it means to be loved by God, two connected names mean the most.

The first name comes from a conversation between God and a man named Moses. Moses was a great leader who God directed to free Hebrew people from slavery. Like you, Moses was curious about God’s name. Moses knew that the purpose of naming exceeds identification, and lets you know the nature of a person or thing. So, Moses asked God his name. The answer God gave Moses will help you learn a lot about who God is and how you can know him for yourself. Listen in on the conversation between God and Moses:

Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ “

God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers — the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob — has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation.”

Can you imagine asking someone their name and they answer with “I am”? What would you think of them? Maybe you’d be tapping your foot, waiting for them to finish their sentence thinking, okay, so you were saying … you are? Thankfully, Jesus Christ came along and clarified the fuzziness of the “I AM” answer! It is his name and character that is the most special and highly regarded name to Father God. That name of Jesus Christ deserves more respect than any other name. Here’s why.

Has anyone ever told you that you look and act like one of your parents? Maybe you’ve heard that you have your father’s nose, or you walk and talk like your mother. This is because you inherited your physical attributes from your parents. You have a chemical in your body called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA for short. DNA is what determines how you look and behave. The reason you resemble your parents is that you have the same DNA they do.

Spiritually speaking, Jesus Christ looks just like his father too! Just as your parents passed down their DNA to you, Father God passed down his DNA to his unique Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the exact nature and character of Father God. In fact, Jesus even told his first followers that

“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

— John 14:9

Though God the Father is invisible, Jesus Christ the Son is visible. By looking at this Son, Jesus, you can see exactly what God the Father is like.

But, there’s a little more to this Jesus looks like his father thing! Not only does Jesus look like the Father, he is actually one with the Father. That’s why Jesus could say, if you’ve seen me, then you’ve seen the Father. When you wonder what God the Father is like, you can discover him by focusing on Jesus Christ.

Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.

— John 12:44–45

Jesus spoke the words “I AM” too. Just as Father God said the words “I AM” when he talked to Moses, Jesus spoke the words “I AM” frequently as he shared his life with and taught his followers his ways. Jesus shared with his followers that whatever he said is just what the Father told him to say.

On seven special occasions, Jesus said “I AM,” and his words make it clear that Jesus is the one who leads daughters to Father God. Now, take a close look at Jesus’s statements. Remember, these tidbits are principles of great value to help you understand what it means to be loved by God, and exactly how you can find Father God for yourself! Jesus said:

I am the bread of life.

— John 6:35

I am the light of the world.

— John 8:12

I am the gate.

— John 10:9

I am the good shepherd.

— John 10:14

I am the resurrection and the life.

— John 11:25

I am the way and the truth and the life.

— John 14:6

I am vine; you are the branches.

— John 15:5

Briana’s Tidbit #1: I Am the Bread of Life

Do you remember what fills Briana up at lunchtime besides hanging with her friends? That’s right! Those freshly baked banana-nut muffins in the cafeteria. Even though her appetite is small, Briana understands the importance of healthy eating habits to give her body the energy it needs to function at its best. Grainy foods, like Briana’s favorite muffins, are those made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or other cereal grains.

Grains are an important part of a healthy diet because they provide many nutrients you need every day such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. If you’re anything like your bread-loving friend Briana, you know this for sure: when you eat bread, a muffin, or a bowl of brown rice, it fills you up for a long time!

It’s the fiber in bread that makes you feel full. Fiber also lowers the chance that you’ll ever have heart disease, and it helps your body eliminate waste. The vitamins in grains, especially vitamin B, help your body release stored up energy and keep your brain sharp. The minerals found in grains, like iron and magnesium, help your body carry oxygen in the blood and build up your bones.

Now do you see why Jesus said, “I am the bread of life”? God is loaded with the goodness you need to experience a satisfying life, every day! He is the source of the daily spiritual nutrition you need. Just like eating foods loaded with dietary fiber, when you take God in, he keeps the cares of life from contaminating your heart with disease. When you mistakenly make bad choices and even purposely do things you know are wrong, it’s a sign that your heart is unhealthy. In those times, remember that your Father is like fiber! If you make a step to reach out to him, he’ll reach out for you, too, and keep your heart healthy.

Just like the vitamin B found in foods from the grain group, God gives you energy and helps your mind stay sharp and focused on the work he needs you to do. That’s right, Faithgirl! God’s daughters have work to do — and that means you! Your relationship with him gives you the strength of body and mind you need to get the job done well. You may have days when you feel tired and sluggish, or you think you’re unable to do something you know you’re supposed to do — like homework or soccer practice perhaps! Tell yourself, my Father is like fiber! Then get to it!

I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power.

— Ephesians 3:7

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

— 2 Timothy 1:7

Lastly, God is just like those minerals found in the grainy breads Briana enjoys so much. The iron from grain group foods is critical in helping oxygen stick to the blood that flows through your body. Think of iron as the glue that holds everything together. It’s a really big deal if your body lacks the iron to make the oxygen bind to your blood. Every single system, organ, and cell in your body must have oxygen to function normally — and that means you need your iron, Faithgirl.

You also need God. He’s just like that iron too. God is the glue that holds everything together so that you can get out there and take action like his strong daughter! With God, all things are possible.

Speaking of strong, how much strength would you have without a sturdy skeleton? You got it. Not so much. The magnesium in Bree’s bread keeps your bones tough enough to support you. Guess what, Faithgirl? Your relationship with Father God does the same thing for you. When you’re with God, you can celebrate because he’s strong and tough enough to support you no matter what challenges or obstacles you have to stand up to each day.

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ.

— 2 Corinthians 1:21

Are you excited yet? If you’re like Briana and you spend little time with your dad, you might feel unsure. That’s understandable. After all, the whole father thing hasn’t worked out that well for you in the past, right? Well, believe this, Faithgirl. Father God created a special place in your heart that is only for him. He is the only one who can fill you with the love and acceptance your heart wants.

Is it possible that you are trying other things or relationships to fill what only Father God can? If you’ve begun sexually intimate relationships with others, started using drugs and alcohol with some of your friends, or you treat people around you harshly, it might be because you’re missing the Father’s love.

Daughter Deed

Can you think of anything in your own life that you are using to fill you up instead of your relationship with Father God? Can you do a daughter deed, and write a list of things that you turn to instead of him?

Thanks for being brave. It takes a lot of courage to own up to it when you’ve been heading in the wrong direction. But you took the first step, which was admitting you’ve got some changing to do. G-double O-D-J-O-B! Good job, good job! Now, let’s get back to Briana’s tidbits to learn more about what Father God is all about!

Briana’s Tidbit #2: I Am the Light of the World

Do you remember why Bree, Jessica, and the squad chose to sit in the back of the cafeteria?

That’s right! They wanted to be able to see what’s going on with everybody else! But that wasn’t the only reason, right? Remember, the huge window in the back of the cafeteria allows the sunshine in. The sun’s radiance illuminates the large room, making it easy for the girls to see what’s up in the world of Live Oak — at least among the people who have second lunch like Briana! Also the sunshine helps light the cafeteria itself, which feels dark while new lighting is installed. Lastly, the heat of the sun beaming through the window prevents the frigid cafeteria air from freezing Briana’s limbs to icicles!

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” His words are your reminder that God is like that sunshine bursting through the cafeteria window. As you learned from Briana, the light of the sun helps you see. Light also brightens dark places and it keeps you warm. As his daughter, you can count on Father God to help you see, to displace darkness in the world around you, and to keep you from growing cold.

God enables you to see the way on your path through life. Do you ever feel like your life is a maze? As you’re learning, life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes the decisions you make — which club to join, if you should borrow the money you need for those jeans, if you should go to the dance, or how hard to study for the next test — get overwhelming, and you are unsure of what to do. In those instances, remember that God is light, and he will help you see the best way to walk out of your situation.

God is also the light whose radiance transforms dark places and situations in the world around you. How do you feel when you read about current events or watch the news on television? Do the stories make you sad sometimes? It may be difficult to do at first, but make a decision to focus on the good news, instead of the bad. Here’s the good news: even in the middle of the sad and dark circumstances of the world around you, the light of God continues to rise and shine around you because you are his daughter.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

— Isaiah 60:1–3

Besides helping you see and overcome darkness, God’s light also helps keep you warm.

Have you ever dissed anyone else? Usually it’s because they treated you badly first, right? When Briana was cold toward Austin, it was because he’d called her “Butterfingers”, remember? Because he’s the light of the world, what God does in situations such as Briana’s is warm your heart up so you can forgive the person who hurt you. Instead of reacting with a cold heart, the light of his love inside you will motivate you to let go of hurtful words and actions against you.

Briana’s Tidbit #3: I Am the Door

Briana allowed Austin’s hurtful words to freeze her heart up toward him. Do you remember the conversation she had about him with Jessica? Harsh, don’t you think? Being new to Live Oak, Austin still needed help learning the order of things, like which doors to use in the cafeteria. He was ignorant of which door granted access into the room, and that there was only one door students were permitted to use for entering.

Just as the one door used for entering the cafeteria, Jesus Christ is the only door for entering a loving relationship with Father God. Jesus Christ is the person who gives you access to Father God. Since Jesus is God’s special son, as God’s daughter you can consider Jesus your awesome big brother who leads you to your Father!

At first, this might be a tough idea for you or other people in your life to understand. But, it’s like what Briana told Jessica about understanding the plan and following directions. Bree’s school officials established a specific point of access into the cafeteria because they wanted to maintain a peaceful environment during the lunch hour. Teachers like Mrs. Gray on duty, the flow of the food lines, and yes, the door through which students enter were all designed to uphold a unique atmosphere, without confusion, in the cafeteria.

Father God desires a peaceful environment too. Seriously, think about how many times you’ve heard a grown-up talk about how much they just want some peace and quiet! To be honest, sometimes you want that too. What about after a long day of practice? Think about how you feel after wracking your brain over that last math test. Or what about when you came home from that trip to the fair or amusement park? You were ready to lay it down and rest peacefully, girl!

To keep the peace of his environment, Father God had to establish certain guidelines, just as those in the cafeteria. One major disruption to the peace God so loves occurs when his daughters misunderstand or forget that he wants them to live special lives committed to him. These unfortunate memory lapses lead to God’s daughters making bad choices and experiencing unpleasant consequences! You remember from the last chapter that God wants his daughters to learn to stay clean, don’t you? But he knows that because you are human, sometimes you’re going to make messes.

Still, he wants to enjoy being with you! Wanting to enjoy his peaceful environment and the presence of his children, Father God thought of a plan that would accomplish both at the same time. His Son, Jesus Christ, is at the center of that plan. Jesus is the entry point of knowing Father God. He chose Jesus because he is the one son who is able to exist perfectly — without any misjudgments, mistakes, errors, or sin — just as the Father does himself.

So keep the peace, and hit the door, Faithgirl!

Briana’s Tidbit #4: I Am the Good Shepherd

Briana liked junior high much better than fifth grade. She felt the teachers treated the students with more respect, like they weren’t babies anymore. For example, some of the cafeteria rules in elementary school were different from those in junior high. At Live Oak, students could sit wherever they chose, rather than in assigned seats. One thing that did not change, though, was the presence of teachers in the cafeteria serving lunch duty.

Teachers like Mrs. Gray were essential to keeping cafeteria confusion to a minimum. Do you remember what other duties Mrs. Gray told Briana were a part of her job during lunchtime? Yep, you got it! Mrs. Gray said she was there to protect Briana and to keep her from involvement in troublesome situations.

School cafeterias can be one crazy place, right? When Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd,” he was telling you that he serves you in the same way as Mrs. Gray does on cafeteria duty. Jesus is your source of protection and guidance as you go through potentially dangerous environments. When you find yourself involved in the middle of an unpleasant experience, like Briana’s exchange with Austin, remember, God’s got your back!

One of the main jobs of a shepherd is to keep the sheep he tends from danger. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could see everything and know exactly when some situation was about to harm you? The truth is, that’s humanly impossible. It is possible for God though. He can see you no matter where you are. He also sees and understands the things that are headed your way — both good and bad. Like a good shepherd, he works to prevent you from putting yourself in harm’s way because you can’t see what’s coming.

But, what about if it’s too late, and harm is encroaching? Well, he’s there in that instance too. It’s a fact of life that sometimes a girl needs rescuing from unplanned disasters! God, the good shepherd, will be there, just like Mrs. Gray was for Briana, to help you out of your miserable situation.

One of the reasons why sheep stay out of danger is they know and trust the voice of their shepherd. This is very important for you too, Faithgirl. As you grow, you will learn when God is speaking to your heart, just as a sheep knows the voice of its shepherd. It is critical that you learn to recognize and trust his voice. He speaks to give you words of direction that will help you stay out of trouble.

“His sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

— John 10:4–5

Briana’s Tidbit #5: I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Because he hurt her feelings, Briana was unhappy with Austin, to say the least! Jessica suggested that Briana consider forgiving him. Do you remember the reason why Jessica thought Austin was unfamiliar with the cafeteria rules? Girl, you’re good! Austin and his family were new in town.

If you’ve ever relocated to a different city or state, you know how tough it can be packing up and heading out. It takes courage to change communities. You have to adjust to a new climate, new people, and a new way of doing things. As Jessica said, moving from one place to a different one means major change!

Being the new kid on the block is challenging, but it can also be fun. Transition from old experiences to new ones are a part of life, Faithgirl — like Briana graduating from elementary school to junior high. As tough as it might be at first, if you approach a new beginning with the right attitude, it can be rewarding for you.

New life is exactly what Jesus was talking about when he said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” With this statement, Jesus was saying that following him leads you to a new way of existing and living. When you recognize that Jesus picked you to become a part of the love between him and Father God, you choose whether to participate. If you say yes, your life as you know it will change drastically, for sure! Yet, new life in the city with Jesus is always better than the life you leave behind!

New life with Jesus means your community of friends will change. You will lose some old friends along the way, but God will replace them with new friends who are also walking with Jesus Christ into the love of Father God. When you are Father God’s daughter and a sister of Jesus Christ, your environment changes. Physically, you are still earthbound, of course! Yet, your thinking and your heart are with Jesus Christ.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

— Colossians 3:1–3

In your new life with Jesus Christ, you learn to live in a way that is different from your old life. Every town, city, and state has its own unique way of doing things. For example, in some cities you can ride a bus for transportation. Some cities have curfews for youth. While some locations have mayors to help govern, smaller towns have managers. Each location has its own pattern.

God has a pattern for your life too. When you receive new life from Jesus Christ, day by day, he makes your mind new by shaping it to God’s pattern, instead of the old one to which you were accustomed. Before too long, he has transformed you, and the life you once knew no longer exists!

You might be thinking, well, what’s so wrong with the life I have right now? Perhaps things are going well for you, and there is little you want to change. That’s fantastic, Faithgirl. God is good to people who receive the new life of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to those who do not receive him. A life overflowing with God’s goodness, though, is an exclusive benefit of those who choose to follow Jesus Christ to Father God. What will you choose? Keep on reading for more tidbits to help you decide.

Briana’s Tidbit #6: I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life

The unfolding events of the mild altercation between Briana, Austin, and Mrs. Gray contain great information to help you understand what Jesus meant by saying, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Here’s why.

Briana was irritated when she saw Austin following her to their table, wasn’t she? In Briana’s defense, Jessica had some strong words for Austin. She told Austin that in the future, if he wanted to speak with Briana, he had to come through her first. Now that’s what best friends are for! Jessica is determined that no one is going to get to her best friend and upset her.

Jesus Christ had the same idea in mind when he said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

Just as Jessica decided that she herself would become the only way Austin could get to Briana, Father God decided that his Son, Jesus Christ, is the only way God’s daughters get to him.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

— John 14:6

Now, Jesus was a bold leader. He said many things that enraged religious leaders. This, however, is one of Jesus’ most controversial statements. As you grow in your love for Jesus and the Father, other people will question whether it is true. That’s why the next thing Jesus said is that he’s the truth! Faithgirl, remember this: following Jesus Christ is the only way you can get to Father God.

If you think about the bond between Briana and Jessica, you can understand why. Do you remember how old Briana and Jess were when they first met? Seven, right! They’ve shared tons of memories and have grown to love each other deeply. That’s how Father God and Jesus Christ are too. The love they share is extraordinary! Like Briana and Jess, they refuse to stand by and watch other people displease their loved one. God loves you no matter what choices you make. Yet, it is still displeasing to him when you are disagreeable and ignore his directions.

Jesus is incapable of ignoring Father God. He loves the Father too much to disregard his ways and hurt God’s heart. Consequently, Jesus Christ is the only person who always pleases Father God because he heeds Father God’s words without fail. Knowing you — both how much you crave Father God’s love and how you can sometimes displease him, Jesus is the awesome big brother who steps in to help you. He simply tells you, “follow me.”

Daughter Deed

To help you think the same way Father God does, will you do a daughter deed and focus on your BFF for a few moments? How long have you known him or her? Where did you meet? What would you do if you knew someone was irritating or displeasing your BFF? When you finish, take a few more minutes and write your friend a note of thanks for his or her friendship. Remember to drop it in the mail!

Thanks, Faithgirl! One of the ways you know God loves you is that he gives you good friends!

Do you remember what happened next, when Briana got mad and raised her voice at Austin? Their teacher, Mrs. Gray, approached the table and tried to get the truth. Initially, Austin denied that he’d called Briana “Butterfingers.” Briana told Mrs. Gray that Austin was giving a false impression of the way things were.

Unlike Austin’s version of the story, the truth is information that accurately expresses the way a matter or situation actually is. When you tell the truth, it means you’re sharing knowledge as it is in reality. The truth is different from your opinion, thoughts, or speculation about the way things are. It is permanent, unchanging, and double-checked over time. For example, in Briana’s case, she does not really have fingers made of butter. She never has. She never will. Nothing (including the number of times Austin counts her dropping the basketball!) will ever change that. It is the truth and points to what’s really going on.

Jesus Christ described himself as the truth because he’s what’s really going on! Have you ever heard grown-ups say “It’s not about you”? Sure seems like it’s all about them, right? That is untrue. According to Father God, it’s actually all about Jesus Christ. Everything you know as real in life is pointing to him. This is why he could declare he is the truth.

You see, God’s plan is that the world you experience with your five senses — what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell — serves as a foundation to help you comprehend the true, spiritual reality as you grow up. Your physical life comes first to prepare you for the new spiritual life you can experience in Jesus Christ.

You see, the world as you know it is temporary. Things around you are unpredictable and constantly changing. Jesus Christ remains the same. Remember, one of the qualities of the truth is that it never changes.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

— Hebrews 13:8

Another quality of the truth is that other people validate it. Austin confessed, and in the end Mrs. Gray orchestrated the extension of justice, requiring Austin to make amends for dishonoring Briana.

Austin’s confession did more than enable Mrs. Gray to make a fair decision. When Austin finally told the truth, it relieved Briana. She was free to continue enjoying her lunch with her friends. That’s because knowing the truth liberates you from the traps and pitfalls of life that try to get you down. When you’re not tangled up or stuck in messy situations, you’re free to live a joyful life!

That’s why Jesus Christ followed up saying he is the truth by saying he is the life. Knowing God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who is the truth, sets you free too! Free from what? you ask. From the temptations and tricks that try to slip you up and keep you from enjoying life. Following Jesus the truth gives you freedom from bondage, enabling you to walk joyfully into new life!

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

— John 8:31–32

Are you ready to walk? Then keep reading, Faithgirl; you’re on your way!

Briana’s Tidbit #7: I Am the Vine; You Are the Branches

Do you remember where most of the football team sat during lunch? Yep, you got it! Outside in the big open space called The Commons. They showed their team spirit and honor for the football players of the past by etching their names and player numbers into the tree trunk. It was a tradition that started when Live Oak first opened. To the team, that trunk was the vital connection that motivated them to win games on Friday night.

The trunk of a tree is like a vine on a plant. Just as the trunk of the Live Oak tree does, the vine provides stability for the branches of a plant, holding those branches up. Although the ground usually obscures the root of a plant, you can see the vine extending up through the earth. Vines also serve as a connector, supplying a pathway for the life-giving nutrients and water to flow to the branches. If you sever the branches from the vine for any reason, the branches soon wither and die.

Are you beginning to see why Jesus Christ said, “I am the vine; you are the branches”? He was sharing the reality that he is the strong, stable support you need to hold you up in life. It can get tough at school sometimes, right? Do you ever feel misunderstood by your family? What about boys like Austin Thomas who insist on annoying you? Sure you’re strong, Faithgirl! But all of that is a bit much to bear. Instead of bearing those frustrations, trust that Jesus Christ is your true lifeline of support. With him, you’ll exchange your frustrated life for one that is filled with good fruit — and makes Father God smile!

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

— John 15:8

The vine is the extension of the unseen root showing up through the ground. In the same way, Jesus Christ is the extension of God whom you are unable to see. The unseen spirit of God provides life, like an obscured plant root. Nevertheless, it is Jesus Christ, the true vine, who extends that life to you, one of the branches. He is the one through whom all the blessing and riches of God flow.

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

— Philippians 4:19

Aspire to make that flow through Jesus Christ uninterrupted. By saying he is the vine and you are a branch, Jesus stressed the need for you to stay connected to him. Branches are cut off vines for many reasons. Environmental issues like wind and cold, hungry wild animals, and bugs and insects worming their way through all pose threats to branches on a vine. You too face cold situations sometimes. Your circumstances might make you feel like a wild beast is trying to eat you up! Little by little, worries seem to sneak into your heart, like a pesky inchworm. These all threaten to cut you off from Jesus Christ, the vine.

One of the ways branches are protected is by covering or wrapping them. You can cover yourself too! Ban these branch cutters from your life with a covering of prayer, Faithgirl. Continue talking with God each day. Spend time sharing your thoughts with him and listening for his voice to speak to you. You may feel drawn away from God by many different things and situations. Yet to remain attached to Jesus Christ is to remain in the love of Father God. And his love is what you want, right?

Then, look to Jesus Christ because that is where the Father’s love is located. Remember, in Father God’s heart, Jesus Christ is the name and character who is far above everything and anyone else. Father God chose to invest all of his love in Jesus for one reason. Although Jesus is one with Father God, he diminished himself to the status of an ordinary, common person. Because Jesus willingly humbled himself in this way, Father God designated the character of this unique Son as the highest aspiration of all other sons and daughters.

Faithgirl, your beginning into the love of Father God starts with the humility of Jesus Christ. Humility is making yourself — your ways, your thoughts, what feels right to you — lower than God’s ways and thoughts. You acknowledge that you can do nothing by yourself and become entirely dependent on God. And in that place of humility, you will find that Father God gives you the strength to love him back in the way that pleases him the most.

Daughter, Declare Your Prayer!

Father God, thank you for giving grace to the humble! Your special Son, Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth, and the life. May I follow him, my older brother, all the way to you. May I find your love in him and always stay connected. Thank you for choosing me and making me free to experience new life!

Briana’s Banana-Nut Muffins Recipe

What You Need

1/3 cup applesauce

1/2 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 eggs

3 medium bananas, mashed

1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour

2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 cup hot water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl, beat oil and honey together with a wire whisk.

Add eggs, one at a time, and mix well after each addition.

Stir in mashed bananas and vanilla extract.

In another bowl, mix flour, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg together, and add it to the wet ingredients.

Add baking soda to hot water and stir. Add to mixture.

Spread batter into a greased 9×5 inch loaf pan or into greased muffin tins.

Bake for 60 minutes for the loaf pan or 18 minutes for muffins.

Bread is done when browned and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.