
This book started as a story for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. My gratitude goes to my editor, Debbie Van Tassel, who wisely stopped me from trying to write about myself in the third person and kept me going; Susan Goldberg, who gave me time and support; Debra Adams Simmons, who made the book possible; Karen Long, my wise reader; and Lisa De Jong, an artist and a comrade. Thanks also to Clara Roberts, Stuart Warner, Wendy McManamon, Lynn Ishay, Madeline Drexler, and Rosie Kovacs.

I still can’t believe my good fortune to have Elisabeth Schmitz as my editor and Grove Atlantic as my publisher. Through many drafts, Elisabeth’s sensitive editing and kind, calm manner helped me transform a newspaper story into a book, and Katie Raissian’s editing and enthusiasm came at just the right time. Thanks also to Morgan Entrekin, Deb Seager, Justina Batchelor, and to my agent, Jane Dystel, who led me to them.

Cuyahoga Arts and Culture gave me a generous Creative Workforce Fellowship grant just when I needed it. Thanks to everyone at CAC and the Community Partnership for Arts and Culture.

The Cleveland Rape Crisis Center was there for me from the beginning, and still is. Thanks to Sondra Miller, Megan O’Bryan, Kirsti Mouncey, Sarah Trimble, and all the staff and volunteers at this wonderful and necessary healing center.

My deepest thanks and love to Laura Wills, Charlene Blakney, Pastor Anthony Singleton, and First Lady Pam Singleton, and everyone who welcomed me at Emmanuel Christian Center, and to the Rev. Thomas Gallagher.

Thanks also to: Larry Donovan, Richard Thoma, the University Circle Police Department, Judge Harry Hanna, the doctors and nurses at University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Sue Johnson, Debbie Axelrod, Meryl Johnson, Diana Tittle, Marcie Goodman, and K.J. Montgomery.

I’ve saved my most important thanks for last.

To Dan and Zoe, who make me proud and fill me with love. To Chris, who stood by my side.

To Nancy Connors and Claire Connors, both generous with their advice, their unshakeable support, and their memories. They are first-rate writers and readers, and even better sisters. And in memory of our one-of-a-kind mother, Susie Sterrett Connors Mackenstadt.

This book truly would not exist without Jim Robenalt, a historian and writer of extraordinary books, who showed me how to do this by his example, encouragement, and love.

Finally, to all the survivors. And to the lovely, lost girls.