Special thanks to astronomer Roger Kanacke, who allowed me to observe with him at the NASA Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii; to botanist and friend Gary Nabhan; Jan Timbrooke at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History for her help with Chumash; the naturalists and biologists at Yellowstone National Park; friend and biologist Brendan Kelly; Leila Philip, who traveled with me to Japan and interpreted for me; our friends in Japan—Kanzaki-san, Raku-san, Sakuraba-san, and many others—who welcomed us along the way; and my editor, Dan Frank, for his clarity and great patience.
Thanks also to teachers and friends on the path: Takashi Masaki, Ray Hunt, Allan Savory, Lilla Kalman, Frank Hinckley, Will Hunter, Patrick Markey, Rusty, Sam, Yaki, Slim, and, of course, Press.
A fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation helped make this book possible. Warm thanks.