Day ???
So hungry.
There. Meat. Fresh. Fresh fresh fresh meeeeat.
Snarl, growl, and push my way to the front. This one’s almost picked clean.
A sound, the snapping of a twig. The others too involved with the meager feast to hear. But I do. My head comes up. Swivels with my body toward the woods.
Creeping. Sloooooowly.
Brown hair. Smells so goooood. The noises of the others hold its attention. It doesn’t see me.
It takes a step back, turns, prepares to run. But I am already there and in its path.
I grunt and grin, imagining the slip slide of the hot fresh meat in my hands, in my mouth, and down my throat.
Eyes widen. “Sarah?”
It’s so familiar, that name… my name. I shake my head. Nonono. My gaze flies in the direction of the other body. Is that…? Who is…? How could…? Where is…?
“Ben…ja…min?” My voice a rusty croak.
Its hands are up. It…he… Lee backs away. “He’s safe, Sarah. In the stronghold. With Jenna.”
“Saaaafe?” That word is good.
He nods.
“Yes, safe. Benjamin’s safe.” One hand rises slowly, holding tightly to black metal.
I’ve seen things like that. They’re bad. I growl and swing an arm out to smack it away. But too slow.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
A crack. A flash. A force that knocks me backward and to the ground. Yes…a gun that thing was. And this is death. The true release I’d forgotten I craved.
“Thank…you…” I stutter.