
“He’s besotted,” Mr. Menard said. “Absolutely besotted.”

The old man was behind her, but Katherine could make out his voice. She leaned a little closer.

“I think she’s done wonders for him,” Mrs. Menard said. “He actually smiles now.”

“I can’t disagree with you on that.” Mr. Menard sniffed. “Was a cold fish before. Do you know he asked to see pictures of the grandchildren the other day? Said Letitia was a beauty and that little Arnold looked like he’d inherited my good strength.”

Katherine heard the pride in his voice and smiled.

“Always knew the prince was sharp as a whip. Guess he just needed the right woman.”

Distracting Katherine from her eavesdropping, Uncle Jasper came alongside her and caught her in an affectionate hug. “So, he finally found you,” Jasper said. “The man on the music box.”

Katherine’s eyes widened in surprise. “How did you know?”

“Uncles know everything. Have you forgotten?”

Torn between laughing and rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “No. I haven’t forgotten the important things like how to catch a fish and that honesty always works best. I also haven’t forgotten how a certain man took the time to teach a little girl about love. I’m very lucky to have such a wonderful uncle. Thanks,” she said, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

She watched him fight the mistiness in his eyes and felt the same clutch of emotion inside her.

He shook his head. “I’m the lucky one, Katie,” he said gruffly. He cleared his throat and released her. “I think your man’s headed this way. He can have this dance, but you save one for me,” he muttered and melted into the crowd.

Katherine watched him go for a minute, then turned and smiled wide, spotting Alex, devastating in black formal attire, stride toward her. His diamond earring stud winked at her with sexy glee.

“Time for our waltz, darling. I selected the music myself.”

Katherine nodded and took his arm. “Have you talked to Chad?”

“About anything in particular?”

“The book he’s planning to write about our courtship. He says it’ll make him a millionaire.”

Alex gave a long-suffering groan. “Did you tell him about our dungeons?”

“No. I showed him. I also told him that he wouldn’t want to get himself fired from his position as manager of Pirate Island Campground. He was surprised when I told him you were the one who’d bought it. Then I pointed out that I could make his life a living hell with my newly gained position as the princess of Moreno.”

Alex’s mouth twitched. “I’m so glad to see you’re using your new power appropriately.”

“I learned from the best.”

He laughed, then ushered her to the center of the dance floor. A hush descended over the festive wedding reception, and Katherine felt a hint of nervousness at all the attention she was receiving. When she looked into Alex’s eyes, though, she felt steadied.

She bent in a deep curtsy. Alex took her into his arms, and the music began. Sweet and poignant, the tune wasn’t the traditional wedding waltz. It was Paganini. Her heart tightened in her chest, and a wave of memories washed over her. She felt tears threaten.

Alex squeezed her waist. “I knew you’d cry,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

She inhaled hard, trying to blink back the tears.

“You didn’t know I’d give you that earring as a wedding present.”

“You didn’t know I’d wear it. And I knew you’d get pregnant that night in my suite.”

“I’m not sure how that happened,” she murmured, still amazed that his prediction had come true. She was now carrying a part of Alex inside her. It shook her every time she thought of it. “It wasn’t the right time.”

His face lost a bit of overwhelming confidence. “You are happy about it?”

“Incredibly. I just can’t believe it.” Her eyes filled with tears again. “I love you so much, and I dreamed of you, but I never dreamed I’d be so—”

Alex pressed his mouth over hers, stopping the flow of words, but not the emotion that was like a strong river flowing between them.

The kiss went on and on, past the whispers, the titters. Finally he pulled back from her when the guests broke into applause.

“You’ve given me life and love, mon amie,” he said, his voice tense and husky, his eyes full of emotion. “My heart is yours.”

Their gazes locked in love and joy. The moment was powerful and intimate. “And my heart is yours,” she whispered, thinking she’d belonged to him even before she’d met him.

Katherine took a deep breath, knowing they both needed to gather their composure. The reception had only begun. She looked pointedly at his ear. “Your Highness, your earring is very, very distracting.” She lowered her voice in invitation. “Will you wear it all night?

Heat flared in his eyes. His smile was full of threats and promises, all designed to send her into a frenzy. She felt the first of it rushing through her blood.

“Darling, it will be my pleasure.”