Weights, measures and temperatures

The metric weights and liquids used in this book are those of the Standard Association of Australia.

To make these recipes you need a few inexpensive pieces of equipment obtainable at most supermarkets.

These are:
A standard graduated 250 ml (8 oz) fluid
measuring jug for measuring liquids.

A nest of 4 graduated metric measuring cups comprising: 250 ml cup, ½, 1 , and ¼ cup – used for measuring dry ingredients.

A set of standard measuring spoons comprising:
1 tablespoon (20 ml)
1 teaspoon (5 ml)
½ teaspoon (2.5 ml)
¼ teaspoon (1.25 ml).

American and UK measuring cups and spoons are also sold. These vary from the Australian standards. Follow one set of measures; do not mix them.

How to measure correctly

DRY INGREDIENTS: In measuring dry ingredients (flour, sugar, etc.) heap the cup or spoon and level off the excess with a knife or spatula.

LIQUID INGREDIENTS: The metric measuring cup shows 1 cup, ¾, 2, ½, ¼ and 10 cup measures and their metric equivalents. The litre jug has a similar breakdown from litre to ¼ litre and also shows graduations in millilitres (1000 ml – 4 cups – 1 litre).
All cup and spoon measures are level.

Many ingredients are given in rounded metric gram/kilogram weights; imperial measurements are given in brackets. A small set of scales is a bonus in the kitchen. A measuring tape or ruler that gives both metric and imperial measurements is also a help.

The recipes in this book have been made with the 250 ml cup.

55–60 g eggs have been used unless otherwise specified.

Can, pack and bottle sizes are given in metric. As a guide, refer to table below. Some cans and packs may vary a little from exact sizes given according to the different brands available. It is best to use the nearest size.

56g2 oz
130 g4 oz
200 g6 ½ oz
230 g7 ½ oz
310 g10 oz
425 g13 ½ oz
440 g14 oz
470 g15 oz
825 g1 lb 14 oz



Oven temperature guide

Oven temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F). Oven temperatures vary according to make; therefore, refer to the instruction book that accompanies your oven. All ovens should be preheated to the specified temperature particularly for cakes, biscuits and pastry recipes.