Politics in Europe and Beyond
I wonder what he meant by that.
Prince Metternich on the death of scheming statesman Talleyrand
This going into Europe will not turn out to be the thrilling mutual exchange supposed. It is more like nine middle-aged couples with failing marriages meeting in a darkened bedroom in a Brussels hotel for a Group Grope.
E.P. Thompson on the EEC, in the Sunday Times, 1975
Up Yours Delors!
Sun headline, attacking the President of the European Commission, Jaques Delors
I was my best successor but I decided not to succeed myself.
Pierre Trudeau on his decision not to seek another term as Canadian Prime Minister
A political leader worthy of assassination.
Irving Layton on Pierre Trudeau
A man who looks as if he has two flies fucking in his mouth.
Boris Yeltsin on his adviser Sergei Filatov
He has missed a wonderful opportunity to keep his mouth shut.
Jacques Chirac on Ariel Sharon
Israel’s dark id.
Tony Judt on Ariel Sharon
I understand why he has to do this – to prove he’s a man. He’s afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this.
Angela Merkel, after Vladimir Putin brought a dog to a press conference, knowing she had a fear of them
An unfuckable lard-arse.
Silvio Berlusconi on Angela Merkel
What is his name? It’s someone with a tan. Barack Obama!
Silvio Berlusconi
Better to like women than to be gay.
Silvio Berlusconi
In twenty years of politics, I have never insulted anyone.
Silvio Berlusconi
You won the elections, but I won the count.
Anastasio Somoza, dictator of Nicaragua
Why the fuss over the Burmese elections? They said it was a general election – and the generals were elected.
Ray Rayner