(Headaches . . . Duh)
Not all headaches are created equal. I’ve had headaches before, but no one prepared me for what pregnancy could deliver. It was as though a jackhammering troll had moved into my head.
It all began around the tenth week of pregnancy. I was sitting on the couch watching television and kaboom! I clutched my head and screamed. My husband thought I was having a brain aneurysm. I thought I had about two minutes left to live. If I hadn’t been pregnant, I would have sliced my head off. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Get a grip on yourself . . . we get it.” But the pain, I tell you, was HORRIFIC! The only relief was a Tylenol and a heating pad for my neck. That took a whole 2 percent of the pain away. I was then left trying to figure out what to do with the other 98 percent. This went on for about two months. On someone’s advice, I started doubling up on my prenatal vitamins, and that helped until I got completely constipated again. These headaches are supposedly “normal” in pregnancy, so don’t freak out like I did and think you’re dying. Once again, our hormones are raging, causing the brain to throb. Just hang in there, partner; the best is yet to come!