- Abbott Laboratories 44
- abortion, politics of 104, 109–10, 128
- Agamben, Giorgio 9
- Airlie House conference 72–3, 80, 92, 113
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 85
- Amgen 123
- Anderson, Benedict 33
- Archimedes 40–2, 50
- Arendt, Hannah 8–9
- Ashoka 66–7
- Asilomar Conference 54–8, 174
- atomic bomb 56
- Bayh–Dole Act 30, 52
- Berg, Paul 27, 30, 55–8
- bioinformatics 162, 168
- bios 9, 165, 174, 178
- Biotechnology Industry Organization 122
- Blair, Tony 33, 52
- Bok, Derek C. 53
- book of life 4, 6, 7
- Borges, Jorge Luis 169–71, 173, 179
- Borlaug, Norman 152–6
- Boveri, Thomas 20
- Boyer, Herbert 27–8, 30, 49, 54, 60, 79
- Boyle, Robert 118
- Bragg, Sir Lawrence 47–8
- Brave New World (Huxley) 34, 136
- BRCA 1/2 genes 85
- Brenner, Sydney 57, 59, 70, 174
- Britain (UK)
- Brivanlou, Ali 128–9
- Brown, Louise 6, 97, 100
- Bud, Robert 124
- Burger, Warren 80–1
- Bush, George W. 106–7
- Bush, Vannevar 24, 28–9
- Calico 172–3
- California, University of
- Berkeley 50, 75
- San Francisco (UCSF) 27, 49
- Caltech 153
- Cambridge, University of 16, 22, 47–8, 52, 128
- Canada
- embryo transfer guideline 98
- oncomouse decision 82, 86, 91
- Parliament 83
- Supreme Court 84
- see also oncomouse
- Carroll, Lewis 120
- Celera Genomics 27, 32, 53
- Cetus Corporation 50–1
- Chain, Ernst 43–4
- Chargaff, Erwin 126–7, 133, 140, 172, 174
- chromosomes 1, 20, 22, 150
- Church, George 130
- civic epistemologies 101
- Clinton, Bill 5, 33, 134
- cloning humans 107, 110, 135
- code (DNA as) 7–9, 32, 94, 172
- Code of Hammurabi 64–6
- Cohen, Stanley 27, 30, 49
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 34
- Collins, Francis S. 33
- Columbia University 20, 56, 126
- Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine 138
- complementary DNA (cDNA) 86
- constitutional order 65, 79, 81, 104, 108
- containment, in regulation 58, 63, 74, 133
- Correns, Carl 19
- Crick, Francis 2, 22–3, 45, 171
- CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) 137, 145, 170, 176
- Curie, Marie 41
- curiosity-driven research 40, 76, 148
- Darwin, Charles 16–19, 21
- Deisher, Theresa 107
- deliberate release (of GMOs) 60, 74–5, 90
- democracy 63, 70, 146
- Dennett, Daniel 170
- deregulation 62, 79
- de Vries, Hugo 19
- Diamond v. Chakrabarty 79–82, 85–6, 90
- Dickey, James 105
- Dickey–Wicker amendment 105–8
- DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 2, 35, 37, 42, 49–50, 177
- complementary (cDNA) 86
- CRISPR segment 137
- double helix 3
- engineering 94
- history of 41, 46
- mitochondrial 96
- recombinant (rDNA) 24, 71–2, 74–8, 125, 132–3
- Asilomar conference 55–8
- commercial application 28
- Dobzhansky, Theodosius 20
- Dolly (sheep) 6, 96, 134
- Double Helix, The (Watson) 45–8
- Doudna, Jennifer 5
- Dupanloup, Félix-Antoine-Philibert 14
- E. coli bacteria 28
- Edwards, Robert 95, 101
- Einstein, Albert 53
- Eli Lilly 28
- embryos 95, 101, 108, 139
- cloning 110
- definition of 114–16, 125–8
- destruction of 107, 111, 138
- early stage 96, 97, 103, 112, 128
- frozen 99, 176
- IVF 98–100, 102, 104–5, 109, 121
- research on 106, 112–13
- supernumerary 99
- test tube 100
- three-parent 96
- see also human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs); in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Endy, Drew 144–6
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 158
- epistemic things 95
- Ereky, Karl 123
- Espeland, Wendy 159
- Esvelt, Kevin 145–6
- ethics lag 132, 134, 141
- eureka moment 40–2, 49–50, 54, 60–1, 171
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) 87
- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 98
- European Union (EU) 160–1
- evolution 15–6
- controlling 5, 132–3, 137
- Darwinian 21
- second discontinuity 17
- FET v. Heckler 75, 78, 90
- Fleck, Ludwik 119
- Fleming, Alexander 42–4
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 124
- Florey, Howard 43–4
- Foucault, Michel 8, 119–20, 150
- Foundation on Economic Trends (FET) 75
- Francis Crick Institute 128
- Frankenstein 33, 136
- Franklin, Rosalind 22, 46–8
- Frederickson, Donald 71–3
- Freud, Sigmund 16–17
- Frostban 75, 77
- Galileo 41
- Garden of Eden 4, 117, 139
- Gauguin, Paul 12–16
- Genentech 28, 30, 51, 61
- bacterial insulin 37
- Chakrabarty brief 79
- genetic engineering 24–5
- genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 60, 90
- genome 24, 170–1
- genomics 5, 63, 163
- Germany 52, 124, 133
- abortion politics 109–10
- biotech regulation 108–12
- Embryo Protection Act 110–1
- Green Party 123, 166
- Parliament (Bundestag) 111, 123
- Gitschier, Jane 49
- Gosling, Raymond 47
- Green Revolution 152, 154, 156, 161
- doubly Green Revolution 156
- greenhouse gas (GHG) 160–1
- Gutmann, Amy 135
- Hacking, Ian 173
- Hammurabi 64–5, 67, 178
- Hargreaves, Ken 127
- Harvard Crimson 52
- Harvard Stem Cell Institute 144
- Harvard University 34, 71, 82, 129–30, 136
- Healy, Bernadine 30–1
- HeLa cell line 87–8, 91, 96, 123
- Hilgartner, Stephen 32
- Hiroshima 56
- Hooke, Robert 122
- human dignity 108–9, 127–8, 178
- human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs) 96–7, 100, 105–6, 108, 136
- Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 128
- Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) 101, 103, 105
- Human Genome Project (HGP) 30–2, 51
- Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) 31–3
- human progress 10, 147, 151, 168
- Hurlbut, J. Benjamin 59, 115, 134–5, 136
- Huxley, Aldous 34
- Hyman, Steven 162
- ice-minus bacteria 76, 78
- Illinois, University of 142
- in vitro fertilization (IVF), invention of 95
- Javits, Jacob 72
- Jefferson, Thomas 33
- Jenner, Edward 122
- Johns Hopkins Hospital 86
- Jonas, Hans 73, 80, 92, 113, 121, 123
- Judson, Horace Freeland 5–6, 33, 57, 59, 172
- Kay, Lily 153, 164
- Kekulé, August 47, 56
- Keller, Evelyn Fox 21–2, 173–4
- Kennedy, Edward M. 72–3
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics 72
- Kennet, Lord 127
- Kohler, Robert 20
- Lacks, Henrietta 86–9
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 18, 21
- Lamberth, Royce C. 107
- language games 116, 118–19, 121, 141
- law lag 69–70, 90, 134
- Lederberg, Joshua 57
- Lederle 44
- Levine, Aaron D. 113
- Library of Babel (Borges) 169–70, 179
- life patents 80, 85
- Lindow, Steven 75, 77
- Lovell-Badge, Robin 113, 128
- Lysenko, Trofim 6–7
- McLaren, Anne 102
- Mendel, Gregor Johann 18–20, 21, 45
- Mendelian genetics 7, 154
- Merck 44
- Merff syndrome 189
- Merton, Robert K. 55, 62
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) 157
- Miller, Henry I. 124–5
- MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 71, 107, 144–5
- Mode 2 science 148
- Monsanto 84, 155, 156
- Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser 182
- Morgan, Thomas Hunt 20
- Morgridge Institute for Research 144
- Moses, as judge 65–6
- Mullis, Kary 50–1, 53, 54, 171
- Murdoch, Alison 113–14
- Myriad Genetics 85
- gene patent decision 86, 91
- National Academies (US) 137
- of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 146, 172
- National Bioeconomy Blueprint 147
- National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) 134–5
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) 26, 30, 70
- Dickey–Wicker 106–8
- FET criticism of 75–6
- Lacks settlement 88
- National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) 31–2
- Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) 71–3
- National Public Radio (NPR) 128
- National Research Council (NRC) 146
- A New Biology for the 21st Century (report) 147–68
- National Science Foundation (NSF) 29, 145
- Nature, Watson–Crick article in 5, 47
- Nature Biotechnology 113, 128
- New Biology 142, 147–68
- New Deal 25
- New York Times 4, 35, 131, 134
- Newton, Isaac 38, 41, 50
- Nobel Prize 1, 44–5, 50, 95
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics 165–7
- Oldham General Hospital 97
- oncomouse 82, 84, 86, 91
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert 53
- Panopoulos, Nickolas 75
- patent law 82–3, 85
- patentable subject matter 82, 86
- Pauling, Linus 45–6
- penicillin 42–4
- Pfizer 44
- Polanyi, Michael 38–9, 54–8, 62, 76
- Pollack, Robert 56
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 50–1
- Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (PCSBI) 135
- primitive streak 102, 131, 139
- progress
- Proposition 71 (California)
- Pseudomonas syringae 75
- Ptashne, Mark 52–3
- Rabb, Harriet 106
- Rabinow, Paul 50–1
- race, genetics and 35–6, 87–8, 140
- Randall, John 22
- Reagan, Ronald 25, 79
- recombinant DNA (rDNA) 28, 58, 73–4
- Reich, David 41–2, 140
- reproductive biology 10, 19
- Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg 95
- Rifkin, Jeremy 75
- Rockefeller Foundation 152–3
- Rockefeller University 128
- Roe v. Wade 104
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. 28
- Roslin Institute 96
- Ruse, Michael 133
- Sagoff, Mark 158–9
- Sarewitz, Daniel 45
- Schaffer, Simon 118
- Schmeiser, Percy 84
- Schröder, Gerhard 111
- Schrödinger, Erwin 1–3, 9, 149–50, 178
- Science 31
- Science for the People 71
- Scientific American 137
- self-organizing embryo-like structures (SOELS) 130
- self-regulation of science 54–8
- separation of powers 80, 83, 91, 107
- Shapin, Steven 50, 53, 118
- Shelley, Mary 33
- Sherley, James 107
- Sherley v. Sebelius 184
- Shiva, Vandana 154
- Shvetaketu 8, 175
- Simian Virus 40 56
- Singer, Maxine 76, 155
- Sinsheimer, Robert 4–5, 132, 133, 140
- Skloot, Rebecca 87
- Smith, Adam 39
- social contract 29, 69
- sociotechnical imaginaries 11
- sovereignty of science 68–9, 70–4, 79, 81, 91
- Spencer, Herbert 17
- Splicing Life 138
- Steinmetz, Lars 87
- Stalin, Joseph 6
- Stanford University 27, 55, 144
- Steptoe, Patrick 95, 101
- Strasser, Bruno 51
- Summers, Lawrence 34
- Sutton, Walter 20
- Swanson, Robert A. 28
- Synberc 145
- synthetic human embryo-like entities (SHELEs) 130–1, 136, 139
- synthetic human entities with embryo-like features (SHEEFs) 130–1, 136, 139
- Ten Commandments 65
- Thiel, Peter 172
- Thomson, James 97, 105, 112, 144
- thought community (Denkgemeinschaft) 119
- Toulmin, Stephen 176
- Trinity College, Dublin 1
- Tschermak, Erich von 19
- Tuskegee Syphilis Study 87
- Uddalaka 8
- United Kingdom (UK) see Britain
- United States (US)
- Congress 61, 70, 73, 80–1, 105, 107–8, 111
- courts 69, 75, 78, 89–90, 107
- Department of Agriculture 43
- Supreme Court 79–82, 85–6, 104
- see also patent law
- Upanishads 8
- Wade, Nicholas 4–5, 57–8
- Wall Street Journal 124
- Walters, LeRoy 72
- Warnock, Mary 101–2, 114
- Watson–Crick (article) 5, 23, 47, 51
- Watson, James D. 20, 54, 57
- White House 33, 53, 105, 134
- Wicker, Roger 105
- Wilkins, Maurice 22, 45–8
- Wisconsin, University of 97, 112, 144
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 118
- Woese, Carl 142–3, 146, 149, 167
- World Trade Organization 155
- Wright, J. Skelly 76
- Wright, Susan 132–3
- x-ray crystallography 22, 46
- Yavapai Indians 159
- Young, Frank E. 124
- Yun, Dr. Joon 172
- Zernicka-Goetz, Magdalena 128–9
- Ziolkowski, Theodore 64
- zoe 9, 165