I have to wonder how many people are aware of the raging controversy among the astronomy and scientific communities that still continues today regarding some photos of the Martian surface. The photos in question are of the Cydonian region on Mars taken by the 1976 Martian Observers. Hundreds of thousands of photos were sent back to Earth by the Observers. It wasn’t until a few years later, when photos of the Cydonian region were taken from storage archives and computer enhanced, that a massive stone humanoid face was detected staring out of the sand: a structure larger than any of the sculpted stone ruins on planet Earth. And not far from the face there were pyramids, many of them all seemingly aligned in mathematical precision toward the face. It has since been calculated that if one were positioned in ancient times near the center of the pyramid city looking towards the Martian east at the time of the equinoxes, the Sun would have risen directly out of the mouth of this face... a very advanced engineering achievement!
The original (raw) photo from one of the Viking orbiters.
Leading one of the first research teams to study the Cydonian photos was Richard C. Hoagland. Mr. Hoagland is no stranger to the scientific community. In 1965 at the age of nineteen, he became the youngest curator at the Museum of Science in Springfield, Mass. Shortly thereafter, he became regarded as one of this country’s most respected authorities on many astronomical projects, such as NBC consultant for Surveyor I and other Moon landings and CBS consultant to Walter Cronkite about the Apollo Program.
In one of his books, The Monuments of Mars, Mr. Hoagland chronicled the entire story from the discovery of “surface abnormalities” on Mars to the now recognized advanced mathematical technology of the Cydonian pyramids. He has also chronicled the attempt by NASA and the American Government to conceal these discoveries from the general public, as well as their attempt to discredit hundreds of reputable scientists, philosophers, physicists and astronomers from all over the world who researched these important discoveries. In the fall of 1993 when the new Mars Observer was began its final orbital phase around the planet (equipped with cameras that had fifty times more clarity and power to view the Martian topography), the mystery deepened. According to NASA, the Observer vanished…
The face and the “city” from another perspective created by stitching Viking frames together.
I must admit that I was very skeptical when first reading about the discoveries on the surface of Mars; but, after 20 years of active research, I have no doubts that there are stone ruins on Mars which indicate a possible past inhabitancy by advanced humanoid beings. During my early studies of photos from the Cydonian region, I contacted different universities and scientific institutions that were involved with the Mars Project and came upon the work of Stanley McDaniel, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Epistemology at Sonoma State University in Santa Rosa, California. He had just finished a year of research linking a team of independent scientists from around the world, which culminated in a 200 page “McDaniel Report.” This report, presented to the U.S. Congress and NASA, documented a seventeen year independent scientific investigation of the Martian ruins along with the deliberate cover-up by NASA.
What did the McDaniel report find? First and foremost, the study found that NASA has never carried out one single objective, scientific inquiry into the “landforms” and that NASA has consistently sent false and misleading statements to the press and to members of Congress, hoping to discredit the vast body of independent and reputable scientists that have been dedicated to the Mars project. Of the many “landforms” in the Cydonian region, the face has been the most thoroughly studied and according to McDaniel, “the photos have undergone the most exhaustive series of tests for the evaluation of digital images originating from an interplanetary probe available to scientists today.” The most advanced techniques of image enhancement, such as photoclinimetry and fractal analysis, have been applied to the photos by investigators who are acknowledged experts in their fields. In almost every test, the data has shown the face to be of artificial origin and masterfully created. Many of these studies are covered in Richard Hoagland’s book, The Monuments of Mars.
The McDaniel report is the most complete scientific study of the face and other artificial structures on Mars. The report was completely ignored by NASA.
According to Professor McDaniel, the scientific method provides a natural context in which to express skepticism. “Most new scientific claims have to pass through a standard set of hoops and obstacles corresponding to a form of skepticism which, in essence, asks the question; “Is there a more common or conventional explanation?” In the case of the placements of mounds in Cydonia, one such hoop is the random geology hypothesis. We described the placements of these mounds and tested this hypothesis showing that it is untenable for explaining the repetition of tetrahedral triangles. We accomplished this by showing that the probabilities of the placements appearing by chance are virtually infinitesimal.”
Mathematical research of the Martian ruins has indicated a strong possibility of intentional design and artificial construction. McDaniel did not set out specifically to prove the reality of “intentional design” with the Martian ruins. He left that task to the expert astronomers, geologists, physicists and others. Being a professor of Epistemology (the study of the nature and origin of human knowledge), he had other motives. His report was a formal protest to the deceptive policies of NASA. It is his view that both NASA and the U.S. Government are morally responsible to provide any verified discovery of past or present extraterrestrial intelligence to all of humanity and that any deviation from this moral responsibility goes against the long standing NASA policy to disclose any important information regarding interplanetary discoveries. Any such discoveries would be revolutionary for the development of human knowledge!
In the fall of 1992, Richard Hoagland addressed the United Nations in New York. For nearly two hours, Mr. Hoagland kept the UN members spellbound with a riveting slide show of the Martian ruins and their seemingly advanced geometry. He was able to relate this geometry to some of the ruins on Earth. This set the stage for major news networks to prepare for the Fall of 1993 when the new Observer was set to enter the Martian gravitational belt. Many of the networks had made preparations for live, national coverage of the incoming photos although NASA was carefully avoiding any commitment to re-photograph the Cydonian region.
All of the excitement around re-photographing the “face” came to a head on the morning of August 22, 1993 (the day the new Observer was set to arrive at Mars). Mr. Hoagland appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America for a short but very important debate with Dr. Bevan French, the official NASA spokesperson for the Mars controversy. The debate did not go well for Dr. French and, at one point, the ABC host simply asked, “Why, Dr. French, don’t you just take the pictures and prove these guys wrong?” Just as the show concluded, a NASA spokesperson from California made a call to Lee Siegal, science editor for the Associated Press. The spokesperson, Robert McMillian, told Seigal that something had gone wrong with the Mars Observer the night before – which would have meant a fourteen hour gap in press communications!
Within a few weeks after the “loss” of the Observer, Richard Hoagland and others received information from engineers within NASA that the Observer was indeed alive and sending photos back from Mars and that the whole project had been turned into a secret “stealth” mission. The U.S. Government and the military wanted a safe window period to view the incoming photos before they ever went on national television. In recent years, serious charges of scientific and ethical wrong-doing have been directed at both NASA and Washington by the world-wide scientific community. Why is it that certain people in power do not want the general public to be aware of the existence of more advanced beings out there in our solar system? I believe McDaniel has answered that question well. If the American people are fully informed about these discoveries, they are likely to begin questioning all the current theories of human origin, purpose, and our political-religious future. The discoveries could actually unite human beings on this planet in a quest for universal truth. This is what the government really fears.
On September 12, 1997 the Mars Global Surveyor successfully entered its orbital path around Mars. The Surveyor was equipped with a new high resolution camera capable of taking pictures with a resolution of a meter or so (the MOC). Interestingly though, the complete control of these incoming images was put in the hands of one person – Michael Malin. Mr. Malin is well known for his avoidance of the Cydonian controversy and for censoring all incoming Martian images.
The NASA cover-up of the Martian ruins has become one of the most deceptive policies ever to disgrace the American people. So many leading scientists, journalists and educators from around the world were standing ready for the new photos in the Fall of 1993 and again in the late summer of 1997… They were suddenly told that there was nothing to see. But NASA was really too late to stop the Mars Project from going forward. Many thousands of hours of research had been done and many findings had already been presented by some of the top planetary scientists in the world. It has become only a matter of more detailed photos to present to the general public – photos that have been deliberately withheld.
What does this all mean and what are the scientific implications of such a discovery? Mr. Hoagland and others have outlined three possible theories – all of which would radically alter our conceptions of human reality:
> Either humanity was on the planet Mars before it cooled, lost its atmosphere and its ability to support material life as we know it… and human civilization was somehow transported to Earth.
> Or, humanity has been visited by alien beings or “God-Goddesses” that built similar pyramids on both planets.
> Or, there were other beings in this solar system that evolved independently of human beings who just happened to look like us and build pyramids like us.
Whatever the case may be, something very powerful is going to change in the collective human consciousness when these discoveries are fully brought to light!
Something has changed in my conscious mind. My whole thought processes have changed as I question more than ever the established intellectual, political and religious norms of today. It is very important for all of humanity, for our future and spiritual development, that we demand a full investigation in this matter. The truth should never be denied even if it does begin to dismantle our current belief systems. So many strange things are manifesting in this world today – so many new discoveries about our universal past and our universal future. We must not turn our backs and retreat into the Dark Ages when people were forced to believe in the self-serving doctrines of political institutions. We must acquire a taste for the truth at whatever cost.
Over the past 16 years since the disappearance of the 93 Observer, many new developments have taken place with NASA’s plans for future Mars missions. There has been a renewed “interest” in getting to Mars. No less than nine missions to Mars have been developed either independently by the U.S. or jointly with other Nations. It seems that Mars has become top space science priority all of a sudden! And there has been a rush of scientific articles published around the world that reveal increasing amounts of evidence about the reality of Mars – its past oceans, atmosphere, weather patterns and possible life. Ultimately, the truth about artificial structures on Mars will come out and it will reveal a startling pattern of human evolution that likely extends both to the past and to the future on other planets in our solar system!
The very first image sent back from the surface of Mars from the Viking Landers. The blue skies and Earthlike landscape shocked NASA control. Within minutes, controllers were ordered to red tone this image and all future images coming from the surface of Mars. Fortunately, this image slipped out into the press before the foolery started.
The Northern Hemisphere of Mars during the Martian summer taken by the Hubble Telescope. There are distinct seasons (color changes) on Mars much like the seasons on Earth.