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One of the earliest sources for this book was the album Istanbul 1925 (Traditional Crossroads, 1994), the work of the violinist and sound engineer Harold G. Hagopian, who accessed the original metallic masters of Columbia recordings from the 1920s and re-created an audible world that few people remembered ever existed. His Traditional Crossroads label has gone on to issue several other period recordings, including the haunting Women of Istanbul (1998), where I first listened to Roza Eskenazi, and two volumes of Udi Hrant’s early work. More recently, Ian Nagoski has cataloged the musical world of the “Ottoman diaspora” in America after the First World War on the album To What Strange Place (Tompkins Square, 2011).
The rerelease of old recordings is a booming business in Turkey, and at the center of it is Kalan Müzik, a company that has reissued a trove of Greek, Armenian, and other music of Istanbul’s minority cultures, as well as the forgotten art of Turkish tango and bel canto. I first heard the voice of Seyyan on Kalan Müzik’s Seyyan Hanım: Tangolar (1996). The same company’s Kantolar: 1905–1945 (1998) is an introduction to the light music of the Istanbul stage.