Writing a book, I have found, is really a group effort. This was certainly true for 7 Secrets of the Newborn. From the very start, this book has been shepherded along by many, but it was my St. Martin’s editor, Nichole Argyres, who was the one who initiated the process by suggesting that I consider writing a book about children. Nichole was the true provocateur of this project, and I will forever thank her for getting it rolling and believing that maybe there was a book “inside of me” somewhere.
From there, I engaged the services of Sally Collings, an experienced writer who became the individual who organized me and encouraged me on a daily basis throughout this journey. Sally prodded me to think deeper, and then helped shape my thoughts when I did. She aided me in putting these thoughts on paper and then cleaned up my messy grammar after I did. In essence, Sally made me look and sound better than I really do, and as I confessed to her more than once, she protected me from myself. Thank you, Sally, for your essential role in bringing this book to fruition.
And then there were the many others who were there quietly sparking ideas in my head, sometimes without even knowing that I was leaning on them for insight. Included in this group are my Pacific Ocean Pediatric colleagues: Leian Chen, M.D., Noel Salyer, M.D., Kelly Sidhpura, M.D., and my nurses and office staff who endured the process so kindly: David Acosta, Esther Acosta, Andrea Villaseñor, Debbie Walker, Lisa Kessenich, Dorita Lynch, Jenifer Villena, Cathy Kayne, Angel Alvarado, Elana Pisani, Karmel Bas, Petrina Gratton, Victoria Scribner, Brandy Jennings, Tashan Gavini, and Ramona Davoudpour, M.D. My thanks to each of you for your patience throughout this endeavor.
To those researchers and authors who granted me a moment of their busy schedules: Jill Stamm, Ph.D., Erica Komisar, LCSW, John Medina, Ph.D., Susannah Heschel, Robert Karen, Ph.D., Dmitri Christakis, Ph.D., Adrienne La France, Teresa Woodruff, Ph.D., Brett Finlay, Ph.D., Jay Belsky, Ph.D., and Susan Lynch, Ph.D.: Thank you, each of you, for enriching our understanding of the world we live in and thank you for granting me your personal attention and encouragement.
My nephew and office manager Casey Kessenich was ever helpful in tracking down articles and books and offering ideas from the very start. Thank you, Casey, for all that you have done!
For those who read portions of my book and made recommendations: Ben Bush, Barak Lurie, George Damascus, Robin Afrasiabi, Carlie Baiocchi, RNC-OB Natasha Beck, Psy.D., Harvey Karp, M.D., and Patricia Heaton, my sincere thanks for taking the time to make this book more readable and relevant.
To those whom I delegated many of my Africa mission responsibilities during this process: Cheryl Tormey, Dal Basile, and Patricia Peterson, special thanks for picking up the slack where I have fallen short.
Special thanks to my dear friend Harrison Sommer, my sagacious “sounding board” and Saturday-morning walking companion who has added helpful thoughts and comments from day one. Also to our lifelong friends Leon and Susan Hampton for their never-ending encouragement, to Dr. Gary and Eileen Brown for their ongoing emotional support, to Dennis and Barbara Metzler for their interest, to Gerri Coons who stood beside me as my nurse for over thirty years, to Dan Lieber, M.D., for his wise words, and finally, to my dear friend, thinker and inventor Darryl Massey for his enthusiasm and encouragement.
Also, special thanks to the pastors in my life who have been a source of both wisdom and insight: Pastor Harold Warner, whose integrity and vision I admire deeply; Pastor Bill Neil, who has heard my ramblings for longer than I want to admit; and Pastor Rob Scribner, who has been a source of inspiration for over thirty years.
I also want to thank my siblings who have quietly shared and supported this process with me: my brother, David Hamilton, and sisters, Katy Giannini and Debbie Grooms.
Special thanks to my beloved children: Joshua, Noel, Sarah, Peter, Emily, and Hannah Joy, all of whom have given me the ultimate full-color, firsthand experience in parenthood. I’m also thankful and appreciative of my seven lovely grandchildren: Nathan Hamilton, Levi Howard, Emery Jean, Hannah Jane, Bennett Robert, Louisa Anne, and John Julian who, by simply being who they are have enriched me and reminded me again of the blessings of parenthood.
My deepest honor and appreciation goes out to my father and mother, both of whom are now past. My parents guided me along a narrow path during the early stages of my life and provided a sure foundation from which I was able to build upon. Forever I will thank them for their great sacrifice in raising five children.
Finally, I want to thank my wife, Leslie, who is the number one joy of my life. I love her dearly. Since high school Leslie has been my ever-present confidante, a resource for practicality, and a never-ending treasure trove of good humor. She keeps my head out of the clouds and is my ultimate no-nonsense guide. Her unfailing belief that this project was worthy and her supporting prayers provided the soil for this project to grow.