

List of Abbreviations


Part One    The Fire, the Columbian Exhibition, and the Boosters

1    Henry Blake Fuller and Chicago

2    Harriet Monroe and Chicago

The Columbian Exhibition, the “Columbian Ode,” and copyright

Worker’s Rights and Arts and Crafts: The lawsuit and verdict in context

3    Edgar Lee Masters, Sherwood Anderson, and Chicago

Edgar Lee Masters’s critique of Chicago

Sherwood Anderson, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Craftsman ideal

Part Two    Making Modernism Out of Chicago

4    Willa Cather and Chicago

Elia Peattie and Willa Cather’s embrace of the modern

Willa Cather’s critique of Chicago: The Song of the Lark

Fanny Butcher and the crass commercialism of the book market

5    Ernest Hemingway and Chicago

Oak Park, Chicago, and the idea of the “good businessman”

The business of making good, honest modernism

Making good modernism out of bad business

The bad business of patronage

6    William Faulkner and Chicago

The Mosquitoes, double dealers, and confidence men

Sanctuary, gangsters, and Ulysses

Wild Palms and the historical exchange between Chicago and the South

7    F. Scott Fitzgerald and Chicago

Ginevra King: True to type

The Medills and the McCormicks: “The Camel’s Back”

Eleanor “Cissy” and Joseph Patterson: “May Day”

Chicago plots: Among the Ash Heaps and the Millionaires


Works Cited
