

The physics of music

J. Backus, The Acoustical Foundations of Music, 2nd edn, W. W. Norton, 1977

W. Bragg, The World of Sound, G. Bell and Sons, 1927

M. Campbell and C. Greated, The Musician’s Guide to Acoustics, new edn, Oxford University Press, 1998

H. Helmholtz, On the Sensations of Tone, 2nd edn, Dover Publications, Inc., 1954

D. M. Howard and J. Angus, Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, 2nd edn, Focal Press, 2000

I. Johnston, Measured Tones—The Interplay of Physics and Music, 2nd edn, Taylor & Francis, 2002

S. Levarie and E. Levy, Tone—A Study in Musical Acoustics, 2nd edn, Kent State University Press, 1980

J. R. Pierce, The Science of Musical Sound, 2nd revised edn, W. H. Freeman and Co., 1992

J. G. Roederer, The Physics and Psychophysics of Music—An Introduction, 3rd edn, Springer-Verlag, 1995

C. Taylor, Exploring Music—The Science and Technology of Tones and Tunes, Taylor & Francis, 1992

Journal Papers

D. Deutsch and K. Dooley, “Absolute pitch among students in an American music conservatory: Association with tone language fluency,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125(4), April 2009, pp. 2398–2403

R. W. Duffin, “Just Intonation in Renaissance Theory and Practice,” Music Theory Online, Vol. 12, No. 3, October 2006

J. Powell and N. Dibben, “Key–Mood Association: A Self-Perpetuating Myth,” Musicae Scientiae, Vol. IX, No. 2, Fall 2005, pp. 289–312