The dreamscape is a place contemptuous of time and conscious reality. Not marred by reality, we cannot willfully visit it. Our minds take us there only when we are in the least conscious control. It is then that a strange and wonderful stage is set and a script chosen from the side of the mind that is not of mere will. Dreams appear as apparent whimsy, caprice….a runaway train charging through a dreamscape of odd un-manicured lands peppered with strange creatures, friends, lovers, loathsome characters, but always devoid of the construct of time. It is here on this stage we recall things that apparently never happened in our conscious, time structured world, at least not as perceived in the so-called world of ‘reality’.
Is the dreamscape a fantasy world just because there is no apparent time to it? Or is the conscious awareness of time the illusion...the unreality? In dreams there is energy and isn’t time only a fleeting notion and but a subservient and bendable element in the universal equation of energy, matter and motion? Energy is the dynamic driven by being and movement and, as such, controls and manipulates time. Yet we are taught to consciously regulate energy into chunks of time, a most unnatural attempt to capture the potential of energy, when it is energy that creates a moment in the first place.
In a universe filled with energy, we are the self-conscious species…creators, manipulators and curators of time and time is the hideous product and penalty of our selfawareness. By this very awareness we are doomed…sinners in paradise…because in paradise it is energy…spirit it may well be called…not time, that controls all matter, all life. Thus, the dynamic: the agitation and acceleration of things made of matter and life creates energy and energy creates matter and so the cycle goes on timelessly.
So who is to say what dreams are? Because our dreams reintroduce us to the dynamic that consciousness of time tries to sublimate, dreams try to tell us about our energy as movers in the universe. Dreams are, then, the gathering place of the sum of our minds experiences. So dreams are unfettered by, and devoid of the artificial constructs of dates and place markers which, when all is said and done, are only way points of the conscious mind and as such…inconsequential in navigating a timeless universe filled with unfettered energy.
Dreams are, then, and at the least, energy… the product of our being in motion through space, and as energy they are spirit, soul, fervor, Godhead.
Let us always dream in timeless suspension and fluidity, going wherever in the never-ending universe the energy of our souls takes us.