The MEGAPACK® Ebook Series
The First Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Second Mystery MEGAPACK®
The First Mystery Novel MEGAPACK®
The Anna Katharine Green Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Achmed Abdullah MEGAPACK®
The Bulldog Drummond MEGAPACK®*
The Carolyn Wells Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Charlie Chan MEGAPACK®*
The Craig Kennedy Scientific Detective MEGAPACK®
The Detective MEGAPACK®
The Dickson McCunn MEGAPACK®,* by John Buchan
The E. Hoffmann Price Spicy Story MEGAPACK®
The Father Brown MEGAPACK®
The Johnston McCulley Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Lady Sleuth MEGAPACK®
The Mary Fortune Mystery & Suspense MEGAPACK®
The First R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®
The Second R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*
The Third R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*
The Jacques Futrelle MEGAPACK®
James Holding’s Conmen & Cutthroats MEGAPACK®
James Holding’s Murder & Mayhem MEGAPACK®
The George Allan England MEGAPACK®
The Girl Detective MEGAPACK®
The Second Girl Detective MEGAPACK®
The Gothic Terror MEGAPACK®
The Hardboiled Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Mahboob Chaudri Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Library Fuzz MEGAPACK®
The Noir Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Noir Novel MEGAPACK®
The Penny Parker MEGAPACK®
The Philo Vance MEGAPACK®*
The Pulp Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Raffles MEGAPACK®
The Red Finger Pulp Mystery MEGAPACK®, by Arthur Leo Zagat*
The Richard Deming Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Richard Hannay Spy MEGAPACK®*, by John Buchan
The Roy J. Snell Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Sherlock Holmes MEGAPACK®
The Singer Batts Mystery MEGAPACK®: The Complete Series, by Thomas B. Dewey
The Sky Detectives MEGAPACK®
The Spicy Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Suspense Novel MEGAPACK®
The Talmage Powell Crime MEGAPACK®
The Second Talmage Powell Crime MEGAPACK®
The Thubway Tham Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Victorian Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Second Victorian Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Victorian Rogues MEGAPACK®
The Victorian Villains MEGAPACK®
The Wilkie Collins MEGAPACK®
The Adventure MEGAPACK®
The Anne of Green Gables MEGAPACK®
The Baseball MEGAPACK®
The Cat Story MEGAPACK®
The Second Cat Story MEGAPACK®
The Third Cat Story MEGAPACK®
The Christmas MEGAPACK®
The Second Christmas MEGAPACK®
The Charles Dickens Christmas MEGAPACK®
The Classic American Short Stories MEGAPACK®, Vol. 1.
The Classic Humor MEGAPACK®
The Dog Story MEGAPACK®
The Doll Story MEGAPACK®
The Horse Story MEGAPACK®
The Lesbian Pulp MEGAPACK®
The Military MEGAPACK®
The Peck’s Bad Boy MEGAPACK®
The Pirate Story MEGAPACK®
The Sea-Story MEGAPACK®
The Thanksgiving MEGAPACK®
The Utopia MEGAPACK®
The Walt Whitman MEGAPACK®
1. George Allan England
1. Fletcher Flora
2. Ruth Chessman
1. Winston K. Marks
2. Mark Clifton
3. Poul Anderson
4. Clifford D. Simak
5. Lester del Rey (vol. 1)
6. Charles L. Fontenay
7. H.B. Fyfe (vol. 1)
8. Milton Lesser (Stephen Marlowe)
9. Dave Dryfoos
10. Carl Jacobi
11. F.L. Wallace
12. David H. Keller, M.D.
13. Lester del Rey (vol. 2)
14. Charles De Vet
15. H.B. Fyfe (vol. 2)
16. William C. Gault
17. Alan E. Nourse
18. Jerome Bixby
19. Charles De Vet (Vo. 2)
20. Evelyn E. Smith
21. Edward Wellen
22. Robert Moore Williams
23. Richard Wilson
24. H.B. Fyfe (vol. 3)
25. Raymond Z. Gallun
1. Henry S. Whitehead
2. George T. Wetzel
3. Emil Petaja
4. Nictzin Dyalhis
5. David H. Keller
6. Clark Ashton Smith
The First Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Second Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Third Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Fourth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Fifth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Sixth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Seventh Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Eighth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Ninth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The 10th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The 11th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The A. Merritt MEGAPACK®*
The A.R. Morlan MEGAPACK®
The Andre Norton MEGAPACK®
The C.J. Henderson MEGAPACK®
The Charles Dickens Christmas MEGAPACK®
The Darrell Schweitzer MEGAPACK®
The Dragon MEGAPACK®
The E. E. “Doc” Smith MEGAPACK®
The E. Nesbit MEGAPACK®
The Edmond Hamilton MEGAPACK®
The Edward Bellamy MEGAPACK®
The First Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®
The First Theodore Cogswell MEGAPACK®
The Fred M. White Disaster MEGAPACK®
The Fredric Brown MEGAPACK®
The H. Beam Piper MEGAPACK®
The Jack London Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Lloyd Biggle, Jr. MEGAPACK®
The Lost Worlds MEGAPACK®
The Mack Reynolds MEGAPACK®
The Mad Scientist MEGAPACK®
The Martian MEGAPACK®
The Milton A. Rothman Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Miss Pickerell MEGAPACK®
The Murray Leinster MEGAPACK®***
The Second Murray Leinster MEGAPACK®***
The Philip K. Dick MEGAPACK®
The Second Philip K. Dick MEGAPACK®
The Plague, Pestilence, & Apocalypse MEGAPACK®
The Pulp Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Randall Garrett MEGAPACK®
The Second Randall Garrett MEGAPACK®
The Ray Cummings MEGAPACK®
The First Richard Wilson MEGAPACK®
The Robert Sheckley MEGAPACK®
The Science-Fantasy MEGAPACK®
The Space Opera MEGAPACK®
The Space Patrol MEGAPACK®, by Eando Binder
The Second Space Patrol MEGAPACK®, by Eando Binder
The Steampunk MEGAPACK®
The Stephen Vincent Benét MEGAPACK®
The Time Travel MEGAPACK®
The Second Time Travel MEGAPACK®
The Third Time Travel MEGAPACK®
The Utopia MEGAPACK®
The Willam P. McGivern Fantasy MEGAPACK®
The First Willam P. McGivern Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Second Willam P. McGivern Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The William Hope Hodgson MEGAPACK®
The Wizard of Oz MEGAPACK®
The Zanthodon MEGAPACK®, by Lin Carter
The 2014 Halloween Horrors MEGAPACK®
The Horror MEGAPACK®
The Second Horror MEGAPACK®
The Achmed Abdullah MEGAPACK®
The Second Achmed Abdullah MEGAPACK®
The E.F. Benson MEGAPACK®
The Second E.F. Benson MEGAPACK®
The Algernon Blackwood MEGAPACK®
The Second Algernon Blackwood MEGAPACK®
The Cthulhu Mythos MEGAPACK®
The Elliott O’Donnell Supernatural MEGAPACK®
The Erckmann-Chatrian MEGAPACK®
The Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Second Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Third Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Fourth Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Fifth Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Sixth Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Gothic Terror MEGAPACK®
The Haunts & Horrors MEGAPACK®
The Lon Williams Weird Western MEGAPACK®
The M.R. James MEGAPACK®
The Macabre MEGAPACK®
The Second Macabre MEGAPACK®
The Third Macabre MEGAPACK®
The Arthur Machen MEGAPACK®**
The Monster MEGAPACK®
The Occult Detective MEGAPACK®
The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK®
The Darrell Schweitzer MEGAPACK®
The Uncanny Stories MEGAPACK®**
The Vampire MEGAPACK®
The Victorian Ghost Story MEGAPACK®
The Weird Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Werewolf MEGAPACK®
The William Hope Hodgson MEGAPACK®
The Andy Adams Western MEGAPACK®
The B.M. Bower MEGAPACK®
The Max Brand MEGAPACK®
The Buffalo Bill MEGAPACK®
The Burt Arthur Western MEGAPACK®
The Charles Alden Seltzer MEGAPACK®
The Cowboy MEGAPACK®
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Western MEGAPACK®*
The George W. Ogden Western MEGAPACK®
The Lon Williams Weird Western MEGAPACK® The Western MEGAPACK®
The Second Western MEGAPACK®
The Third Western MEGAPACK®
The Western Novel MEGAPACK®
The Second Western Novel MEGAPACK®
The Third Western Novel MEGAPACK®
The Fourth Western Novel MEGAPACK®
The Fifth Western Novel MEGAPACK®
The Sixth Western Novel MEGAPACK®
The Western Romance MEGAPACK®
The Zane Grey MEGAPACK®
The Bobbsey Twins MEGAPACK®
The Boy Scouts MEGAPACK®
The Boys’ Adventure MEGAPACK®
The Bryce Walton Boys’ Adventure MEGAPACK®
The Dan Carter, Cub Scout MEGAPACK®
The Dare Boys MEGAPACK®
The Doll Story MEGAPACK®
The G.A. Henty MEGAPACK®
The Girl Detectives MEGAPACK®
The Miss Pickerell MEGAPACK®
The E. Nesbit MEGAPACK®
The Penny Parker MEGAPACK®
The Pinocchio MEGAPACK®
The Rover Boys MEGAPACK®
The Second Carolyn Wells MEGAPACK®
The Sky Detectives MEGAPACK®
The Space Patrol MEGAPACK®
The Tahara, Boy Adventurer MEGAPACK ®
The Tom Corbett, Space Cadet MEGAPACK®
The Tom Swift MEGAPACK®
The Wizard of Oz MEGAPACK®
The Young Adult Award-Winners MEGAPACK®
The A. Merritt MEGAPACK®*
The A.R. Morlan MEGAPACK®
The Achmed Abdullah MEGAPACK®
The Algernon Blackwood MEGAPACK®
The Second Algernon Blackwood MEGAPACK®
The Anatole France MEGAPACK®
The Andre Norton MEGAPACK®
The Anna Katharine Green MEGAPACK®
The Arthur Conan Doyle MEGAPACK®: Beyond Sherlock Holmes
The Arthur Leo Zagat Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Arthur Machen MEGAPACK®**
The B.M. Bower MEGAPACK®
The Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson MEGAPACK®
The Bram Stoker MEGAPACK®
The Burt Arthur Western MEGAPACK®
The C.J. Henderson MEGAPACK®
The Charles Alden Seltzer MEGAPACK®
The Charles Dickens Christmas MEGAPACK®
The Darrell Schweitzer MEGAPACK®
The Dashiell Hammett MEGAPACK®
The E. Hoffmann Price Spicy Story MEGAPACK®
The E. Nesbit MEGAPACK®
The E.F. Benson MEGAPACK®
The Second E.F. Benson MEGAPACK®
The Edmond Hamilton MEGAPACK®
The Edward Bellamy MEGAPACK®
The Erckmann-Chatrian MEGAPACK®
The F. Scott Fitzgerald MEGAPACK®
The First R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®
The First Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®
The First William P. McGivern Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Fred M. White Disaster MEGAPACK®
The Frederick Douglass MEGAPACK®
The Fredric Brown MEGAPACK®
The Second Fredric Brown MEGAPACK®
The George Barr McCutcheon MEGAPACK®
The Guy de Maupassant MEGAPACK®
The H. Beam Piper MEGAPACK®
The H. Bedford-Jones Pulp Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Harold Lamb MEGAPACK®
The Henri Bergson MEGAPACK®
The Jacques Futrelle MEGAPACK®
The Jane Austen MEGAPACK®
The Johnston McCulley Mystery MEGAPACK®
The Jonas Lie MEGAPACK®
The Katherine Mansfield MEGAPACK®
The Lloyd Biggle, Jr. MEGAPACK®
The Lon Williams Weird Western MEGAPACK®
The M.R. James MEGAPACK®
The Mack Reynolds MEGAPACK®
The Mary Fortune Mystery & Suspense MEGAPACK®
The Max Brand MEGAPACK®
The Murray Leinster MEGAPACK®***
The Second Murray Leinster MEGAPACK®***
The Philip K. Dick MEGAPACK®
The Rafael Sabatini MEGAPACK®
The Randall Garrett MEGAPACK®
The Second Randall Garrett MEGAPACK®
The Ray Cummings MEGAPACK®
The R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*
The Second R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*
The Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®
The Second Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®
The Robert Sheckley MEGAPACK®
The Selma Lagerlof MEGAPACK®
The Stephen Crane MEGAPACK®
The Stephen Vincent Benét MEGAPACK®
The Talbot Mundy MEGAPACK®
The Third R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*
The Virginia Woolf MEGAPACK®
The Walt Whitman MEGAPACK®
The Wilkie Collins MEGAPACK®
The William Hope Hodgson MEGAPACK®
The William P. McGivern Fantasy MEGAPACK®
The William P. McGivern Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
The Zane Grey MEGAPACK®
* Not available in the United States
** Not available in the European Union
***Out of print.
Each one is only available from our web site for a single day—on Free Ebook Tuesday! Like us on Facebook to see new title announcements.
The John Gregory Betancourt MINIPACK®
The Richard Deming Crime MINIPACK®
The Charles V. de Vet MINIPACK®
The Paul Di Filippo MINIPACK®
The Lt. Jon Jarl of the Space Patrol MINIPACK®, by Eando Binder
The Richard Wilson MINIPACK®
The Rufus King Mystery MINIPACK®
The Sime~Gen MINIPACK®
The Spicy Mystery MINIPACK®
The Thubway Tham Thanksgiving MINIPACK®
The Great Book of Wonder, by Lord Dunsany (it should have been called “The Lord Dunsany MEGAPACK®”)
The Wildside Book of Fantasy
The Wildside Book of Science Fiction
Yondering: The First Borgo Press Book of Science Fiction Stories
To the Stars—And Beyond! The Second Borgo Press Book of Science Fiction Stories
Once Upon a Future: The Third Borgo Press Book of Science Fiction Stories
Whodunit?—The First Borgo Press Book of Crime and Mystery Stories
More Whodunits—The Second Borgo Press Book of Crime and Mystery Stories
X is for Xmas: Christmas Mysteries