Stewart moved, waking her. She opened her eyes as he reached for the pillow. He shoved it under his head. Unable to see his entire face, she placed her palms on his chest and tilted her head, resting her chin on her hands. He opened his eyes.
“I have yet to see eyes a more brilliant shade of blue. I find my heart fluttering.”
Stewart ran his fingers over her lips, her cheeks, and into her ruffled hair. She chuckled.
“Why are you laughing?” he asked.
“For some reason that I cannot explain, my memory drifted to the day I became acquainted with Goldie and Vicki. My greatest wish once we fell on the grass was for you to kiss me. Goldie responded with a wet tongue, straight across my face.”
“As I recall, you wiped your face. I would have been offended.”
Still finding Stewart’s wit challenging, she took a moment to consider a response.
“I believe I trust your tongue more than I trust Goldie’s. I still question where her tongue had been.”
Stewart scrunched his nose and then covered his eyes.
“Given the choice between kissing me and playing with Goldie, you preferred throwing the stick for the dog,” she continued.
“I hesitate to disagree with you, but I must. I was terrified you would reject my advances. You could have initiated things.”
Unable to speak for a moment, he obviously had no idea how hard it was for her to initiate the experience they just shared. It was completely out of character. To expect any such action before this point in the relationship was just ridiculous.
“I questioned whether you were attracted to me.”
“Attracted?” He raised his eyebrows. “You’re the most amazing woman I have ever met.”
“You’re too kind. I truly believe you will meet a special woman, fall in love, and plan a life with her. I will cherish this night with my last breath.”
“That will never happen. I’m in love with you.”
Stewart pulled himself away from her and reached over the edge of the bed. Natasha sat up and pulled her knees to her chest, keeping her bare shoulders tucked under the sheet. A box came into her line of vision as he settled back on the bed. Sitting upright, he held the item for her to see. It was a small box. Natasha stared in disbelief. Her brain registered that it was a perfect size for a ring. Her heart was convinced her brain was wrong. Even if marriage was possible, which it was not, Stewart would be foolish to consider a commitment before he graduated and started his career. Stewart’s family would insist on his ability to support a family before considering marriage. She turned her attention back to the box, terrified at what it might contain.
“I imagined this moment differently, but given the situation, I believe it is appropriate,” Stewart informed her. “My intentions were honourable when I agreed to lie with you.”
Natasha was silent. Stewart removed the lid to reveal a gold band with a beautiful diamond and two sapphires set on either side. Her heart broke. Why is this happening now? How can Stewart even consider it? It was her worst nightmare. Her world crumbled around her. With her eyes swelling with tears, she stared at the ring, unable to speak or move.
“I love you, Natasha. Once you graduate, I will approach your father for his blessing if you agree to become my wife.”
Natasha remained silent. Stunned.
“I am certain, once your father and I are acquainted, he will approve. Within two years, I will be well-educated and able to support you and, God willing, a family. My parents adore you and were delighted when I informed them of my intentions. They were by my side as I purchased the ring.”
He paused. She never spoke. What could she say?
“I looked at traditional rings, but Momma noticed the diamond with the sapphires. You have spoken many times about the colour of my eyes. We felt this ring would be perfect.”
Stewart removed the ring, placed it on the end of her left ring finger and pushed it toward her knuckle.
“Will you marry me? Will you be my wife?”
Numbly, she listened to Stewart’s words, but couldn’t respond. She loved him with her entire being, but her father would never approve of their marriage. Tears rolled unchecked down her face.
“This is not the response I was expecting. I imagined a big smile and an exuberant voice saying ‘yes.’”
Unable to look into his eyes, Natasha was ashamed she had never told him the truth. She allowed him to hope there might be a future for them. She would always cherish every moment she spent with him, but now she regretted returning to the river. Furious with herself, she must tell Stewart the truth. Admit she had deceived him.
“I’m certain you love me.”
“Indeed I do. With all my heart.”
“Say yes,” he pleaded. “Kiss me. Agree to become my wife.”
Her mind raced for adequate words. Tempted to just tell him her surname, she remembered a comment years earlier. He knew very little about the royal family—her family. At the time, that information was pleasing to her ears. Now, it made this moment even more difficult.
Her cheeks wet from tears, Natasha slid her hand from Stewart’s grip. She removed the ring from her finger, placed it in Stewart’s palm, and folded his fingers over it. Stewart looked stunned, devastated.
“I’m distraught, seeing the pain in your face,” she sobbed between the words. “I must speak honestly, with a true heart, but first, I must show you something.”
Natasha crawled out of bed and dressed quickly. Her back was to Stewart as she opened the bottom drawer of her wardrobe, removed the top items, and dug out a photograph wrapped in paper.