Chapter Twenty-Five


Keeghan looked over her shoulder. Sherry stood behind her and adjusted the small train of her off-white silk wedding gown. Keeghan fidgeted with the scooped neckline, and gave a slight tug to the long lace sleeves. All three of her brothers offered to walk her down the aisle, but her poppa was doing the honours, smiling like a trooper. He spoke to her young niece and nephew. Sherry took her place beside her.

“You have a definite advantage working at the boutique.” Sherry said with mock envy. “You saw the perfect dress on a supplier’s website, and just like magic, it arrives by courier. I love this dress.”

“Me too.”

“Will and Jim are stepping into position,” Sherry informed her friend. “They so look handsome. It’s almost show time, Keegh.”

The music changed. Her poppa whispered to his grandchildren and they began the trip down the aisle. Sherry followed behind in a strapless fuchsia cocktail-length gown. In an attempt to calm her nerves, Keeghan fidgeted with her bouquet of pink roses and greenery.

“Keeghan, are you certain about this?”

She looked into her father’s eyes.

“I love him, Poppa. I’m not questioning my decision to marry him. My nerves will settle once I get through my vows. I’m beginning to wish we only invited twenty people.”

“You’d still be nervous. You are a vision, sweetheart. C’mon, that’s our cue. There’s a young man waiting for you.”

Keeghan stepped into the soft glow from the candles at the front of the church. Their family and friends were all looking at her. She gripped her poppa’s arm, afraid for a moment that she would faint. Once she was down the aisle, Will extended his hand. The minister asked the ritual question.

“Who gives this woman?”

“I do.”

Poppa kissed her cheek and joined her mom in the pew. Keeghan and Will turned to face the minister. The ceremony was perfect. Will spoke clearly and loudly. Keeghan struggled to get the words out. The minister pronounced them man and wife, and Will turned to their guests.

“I assure you, Keeghan said ‘I do.’ Jim and Sherry heard her.” His joke brought a swell of laughter from the congregation.

He gave her another gentle kiss to seal the deal. The licence was signed and witnessed. They were married.


* * *


Two days after returning from their honeymoon, they joined Papa for dinner. He delivered the personal cheque which would enable them to purchase the store. Weekends were spent renovating the interior of the premises. The new décor was perfect. Keeghan was content, but Will was growing impatient with his work, and desperately wanted to move ahead and open his own investment firm.

“William, think of your days in lending.” Keeghan overheard Lucas remind him during a phone conversation. “You have a choice. A new job or a house. You’re going to struggle to get a mortgage if you’re both recently self-employed. One of those ‘sorry, but’ conversations that you hated giving. Can you take me off speakerphone, I’m getting an echo.”

Will picked up the receiver and sent her an apologetic smile. Keeghan couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but the slight frown on her husband’s face concerned her.

Eager to move out of the apartment, they began searching the internet for a modest house in their price range. Ninety days after their wedding, they moved into their first home.


* * *


Six months after the wedding, Papa suggested a weekday visit at his apartment. Keeghan stood to clear the dishes when Papa stepped away from the table and disappeared into his bedroom. He returned a few minutes later and handed Will a cheque. Will looked at it, and then held it out for her to see.

“Papa?” Will asked.

“William, you are my only grandchild. You will receive some money when I pass. But right now, it pleases me to know I’m able to help with your dream, and see you enjoy it. Keeghan’s eyes sparkle when she talks about her boutique. This is not a loan, William, but a gift. I hope this is enough to help with your business.”

“It’s more than enough.” Will’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Your father agrees. It should be more than sufficient.”

The following morning, Will contacted a real estate agent and began searching for an appropriate retail location for his new venture. The day he signed the lease, he gave his notice at the bank. The business saw a slow but steady growth. Keeghan couldn’t be prouder of him.


* * *


Eighteen months after the doors to his investment firm opened, Will sat Keeghan down on the sofa for another discussion.

“What would you think of me asking Jim to join me in the business as an associate?”

“I think it’s a fabulous idea. We’ll invite him and Sherry to dinner. Besides, Sherr and I need some time to discuss their wedding plans.”

There was no discussion. Jim was ecstatic as he accepted. Will’s business grew rapidly.


* * *


Keeghan and Will were enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with her family when the topic turned to Will’s business venture.

“I’ve got a little story that you might find interesting, Will,” Keeghan’s brother informed him. “Mum’s the word, but my boss is looking for a new investment firm to manage the company pension. I don’t know the details, but I do know your company was the only one recommended to him, and it didn’t come from me. I don’t carry that kind of weight as far finances are concerned. They don’t know your connection to my family.”

Will didn’t even try to restrain his grin. “Are you serious?”

“I wouldn’t joke you about this. We have over five thousand employees. You’ll be getting a phone call on Tuesday.”

“Holy sh—” Will mumbled before putting his hand over his mouth and looking around the table at the young kids.

“Congratulations, young man. That is an accomplishment. Obviously well-deserved. I was wrong about you, and I’m man enough to admit it. I must have a bright daughter for her to see you for the intelligent, kind man that you are.”

You could have heard a pin drop in the room. Keeghan looked to see her mom beaming with pride. Keeghan stood up and hugged her poppa. He kissed the top of her head, walked over to Will, and shook his hand. Keeghan and Will celebrated the double good news when they got home.


* * *


Keeghan was in her office doing some research for new product lines when Will’s email popped up with an attached link. As the page from their local humane society filled the screen, the sad eyes of a puppy stared back at her. Unable to resist the temptation, she picked up the phone and inquired about the dog. The border collie was a healthy twelve-week-old female looking for a loving home. She ended the call and pushed the memory button for Will’s direct line.

“Well?” he asked. “I take it you saw the picture of the dog.”

“We have to go see her. Border collies are so smart. That’s our dog.”

Once their work day was completed, Will and Keeghan drove to the humane society. As expected, there was no question once they met the dog. She would be the perfect addition to their family. With the documents completed, they rode off with her. Their first stop was at the local pet store for food, dishes, a leash, a collar, a brush, some toys, and a bed. Constable, a name given to her by her previous owners, came home.


* * *


Four months later, Keeghan was reading the local paper when she noticed a listing for an open house. Turning on the computer, she looked at the virtual tour and sent the link of the country home to Will.

‘What do you think? Do you like it?’

Three days later, they had an appointment to view the house. The home was tucked behind evergreens and maples, five hundred feet from the roadway, giving them the seclusion that they both dreamed of. The contemporary bungalow had a natural colour scheme throughout, with green, beige, caramel, and soft red tones that complemented their modern furniture. There was an L-shaped countertop and centre island in the open concept kitchen.

“This is perfect for baking, and entertaining, and I love the hardwood floor,” Keeghan raved.

While preparing meals, she would have a wonderful view of the yard, and bird feeders from the multitude of windows in the open living room, adjacent to the kitchen. The brick fireplace in the living room was perfect for making love in front of a roaring fire. Will winked at Keeghan as they admired it. The tour continued. At the end of the hallway was a large master bedroom with a breathtaking view of the ocean.

Keeghan could picture their queen-sized bed in the middle of the room with the dressers, vanity table, and mirror, and two wing chairs beside the window for reading at night. The en-suite bathroom had a stand up shower while the main bath had a good sized soaking tub. In the lower level there was a laundry room, and a large room that would be perfect as a family room for the big screen television Will always wanted. Will and Keeghan walked out of the house and wandered around the back yard. Behind the home, a thirty-foot staircase, in desperate need of repair, would take them to the ocean. Holding her hand, Will assured her they could make the house their home. Keeghan agreed wholeheartedly. Will called Lucas to confirm the bank financing.

“Shouldn’t be a problem?” she heard Will repeat. “Fantastic. This is our dream home.”

Keeghan called the real estate agent the following morning with an offer that she, Will, and Lucas thought sounded reasonable. Ninety days later, they moved in. With both businesses making a profit, Keeghan was persuaded to hire a store manager, and two part-time employees. The transition went flawlessly, and her business continued to flourish under her supervision.