Chapter Thirty-Five


Still in their nightclothes, Natasha and Stewart stood by the sofa, arguing. The outer door opened. The conversation stopped.

“Pardon the intrusion, but that is not a pleasing tone,” Nanny remarked, entering the room. “You did not respond to my knock.”

“My apologies. We must learn to keep our voices lowered. Natasha woke, and reached for the basin once again. I wish to take her to see the doctor. She insists it is not necessary. I insist it is.”

“It is just my nerves,” she repeated.

“Which the doctor shall confirm,” Stewart reinforced.

“I’m also concerned for your health,” Nanny declared. “You require the attention of a physician.”


“I must insist. I know just the place.”

Nanny led the horses into the orphanage driveway. Nanny went inside and reappeared with a woman neither recognized. Natasha was taken up the steps and into a room, leaving Stewart and Nanny in the lobby.

After a thorough examination, the nurse brought Stewart into the examination room. He sat on the edge of the bed beside her. The doctor informed them Natasha was with child. Natasha glared at the doctor, certain he was mistaken. Her attention shifted to Stewart. He stared at the floor. The doctor continued, informing them the nausea was normal at this stage of the pregnancy. The baby was healthy, with a strong heartbeat. Together, they walked out of the room and down the steps to that all-familiar lobby where Nanny waited for them.

“I’m not ill or dying, but with child,” Natasha informed her.

“Yes. I suspected as much,” Nanny admitted.

It was a quiet ride home. Stewart never spoke as he guided Nanny’s team of horses. Entering their apartment, Natasha collapsed on the chair and stared at the floor. With the upheaval in their lives, being with child had not occurred to either of them. She dreaded the impending conversation with Stewart. She peeked at him from the corner of her eye. He had been so quiet all the way home. What is he thinking? Will he wish to walk out of my life? We are in no position to have a baby at this point in our lives. This is dreadful timing, but I want this baby. With the prospect of a magnificent future ahead of him, becoming a father at this stage of his life would destroy Stewart’s plans, not to mention his future.

While at university she had heard of procedures to terminate unwanted pregnancies. It wasn’t an option she was willing to consider. In her womb she was carrying something their love created. I’m carrying Stewart’s child. I can only pray Nanny will remain by my side to assist me. What in God’s name will Mother say … and Father? Can I hide this from them? Pregnancy out of wedlock. His family will be disgraced. Stewart will be—no, I will lose my life before my parents learn Stewart’s name. She repressed the urge to bury her face in her hands and wail like a child of Vicki’s age.

* * *


Keeghan turned from the screen and looked at Alexander.

“That poor girl,” she sympathized. “Pregnant. I can’t imagine. She needs Stewart and Nanny to support her. In her shoes, I couldn’t even consider terminating the pregnancy.”

Alexander never responded. Turning her attention back to the screen, she wanted the story to continue. She needed to see how this dilemma would unfold.


* * *


Stewart sat on the second chair, leaving Nanny to sit on the sofa. With his chin resting on his fist, Stewart stared at the floor. Never speechless as a rule, he had not spoken since the doctor proclaimed the results of the examination.

“I must assume you used the tranquillity of the ride to think as I have,” Natasha began, keeping her voice low. “Please, do not feel obligated to support me, or this child. You will not be disgraced, nor will your family. I will never speak your name as long as I’m able to breathe. My apologies.”

Natasha removed the diamond from her finger, holding it out for him.

“God have mercy,” Nanny whispered in a barely audible voice.

Stewart stood and approached her. He took the ring and held it for a moment, as if he had never seen it before. She looked into his face. His eyes were not that ice-cold blue. He wasn’t angry or upset. Perhaps they could part amicably, the way she always wanted. He squatted in front of her, pushed the ring onto her finger, and kissed it.

“Do not apologize, and do not contemplate a life without me. We’ve discussed having a family. This wasn’t planned, but this baby shall be raised knowing its poppa.”

Fighting tears, she smiled. The timing was awful, but Stewart was going to stand beside her.

“I’m terrified,” she admitted. “I shall go into hiding until I give birth. You must return to school. Once you finish your education you can visit and become acquainted with your child.”

“I also used the solitude of the ride to think. I will not take a passive role in my child’s life. It is time I step forward and assume the role of head of the household. I love you, and will love this child for all eternity. News of this pregnancy changes everything. We will be married, and soon. You are of legal age, and I have no wish for any financial support from your family. This child will be raised a Donovan. Momma and Vicki will assist in finding proper attire. With Poppa’s assistance, I shall arrange the church and minister.”

Turning his attention to Nanny, he continued. “Would you be so kind as to inform Marcus and Joshua? Obviously Natasha’s parents will not be invited or informed of the event.” He turned his attention back to Natasha and placed his fingers under her chin. “Our dream is coming true. We shall be married and start a family all at the same time.” He knelt down and looked at her stomach, placing his hands around it. “I shall be a poppa,” he announced with excitement. He looked up at her and smiled before turning his attention back to her stomach. “With a humbled heart, I promise you little one, I shall be the best poppa possible. I love you, and I love your momma.” Stewart kissed her belly, and then took Natasha’s hands in his and kissed them.

Nanny stood and bade them farewell. Her expression was not of elation, but concern.


* * *


Later that afternoon, Stewart’s parents and sister arrived for a visit while Natasha rested. Stewart told them the news. While concerned about the timing, they were ecstatic at the thought of a grandchild. Once Natasha woke she was congratulated and offered suggestions to help settle her stomach. Overjoyed, she was still glowing with happiness and contentment when they left for the evening.

“I told you Momma and Poppa would support us. They love you like a daughter, Natasha.”

Dear Diary,

It began as one of my worst days and turned into the best day of my life. My dream is coming true….