Chapter Thirty-Seven


Marcus related the events to Stewart afterward. Nanny had been summoned to the castle. The king and queen wanted their daughter home and under their control. Nanny was led outside to the cast iron table and chairs where Anna was waiting, resplendent in a bright yellow gown. Harold had retired to his study, leaving the women to converse in private. Nanny adjusted the skirt of her pastel gown as she settled in the chair to Anna’s right. She removed two pictures from her purse as the twins watched, hidden from view. A photograph of Natasha in her wedding gown was placed on the table in front of the queen. The woman was livid her daughter had indeed married the young man without parental approval. The colour drained from Anna’s face as Nanny showed a second portrait. This one of Natasha with Marcus and Joshua on either side. Her hands clenched into fists.

“The boys are to be summoned to the castle. Reprimanded.”

Nanny remained calm. “Nothing would make those two happier than to be relieved of their royal duties,” she reminded her employer.

Anna made no reply. Nanny rose and left the castle. Natasha’s condition wasn’t mentioned.

Joshua and Marcus eavesdropped outside their father’s bedroom while their mother discussed her conversation with Nanny. “Natasha is to be forced home. Her marriage will be annulled,” he thundered.

He vowed to regain control of the defiant princess. Surprisingly, Anna did not mention the twins’ involvement to their father. The twins returned to their wing.

Fearful for Natasha’s safety, Anna composed a telegram to be sent in haste. She sent it to Nanny, knowing it would find its way into Natasha’s hands. She insisted Natasha return home immediately.

After reading the telegram, Nanny questioned her own safety. She wrote a reply, warning Anna of the consequences of any form of retaliation. If she suspected she was being followed, she would inform the boys and ask for their assistance. She reminded Anna that her sons supported their sister’s position.

The following evening, Marcus was about to open his brother’s bedroom door when he heard his mother’s voice. She was begging Joshua to abide by tradition, the wishes of his parents, and persuade Marcus to follow. Marcus could hear the discouragement in her tone when Joshua declared his unwavering support of their sister.

The following day, the boys went to see Nanny and then onto the cottage to update Stewart.

“Given Natasha’s delicate condition, I think it’s best we keep this information from her,” Joshua whispered. “She has suffered enough stress and turmoil.”

“I’m optimistic your father will have a change of heart and accept our marriage.”

“I hope you’re right, Stewart.”


* * *


While at the cottage, Natasha’s stomach blossomed. She was showing obvious signs of pregnancy when they returned to their apartment the following month. Time sped for the young Donovan family as they prepared for the new arrival. Natasha was kept occupied sorting through boxes of baby clothes and supplies from Stewart and Vicki’s childhood. Eliza and Vicki cleaned the acceptable garments and shopped for additional supplies. With Willard’s assistance, the bassinet and infant furniture was repaired and cleaned. Stewart began designing a nursery in the corner of their bedroom, going over every detail with Natasha. Goldie became her shadow from the moment the Donovans arrived until the time Vicki took her place on the buggy to return home.

The apartment seemed lonely when it was just her and Stewart.

As her pregnancy progressed, Natasha grew nervous about the actual birth. She knew very little about newborn babies, or about caring for a child. Natasha quizzed Eliza when they were together. Cherishing her time with her new family, she began inviting them to dine on Sundays.

They were having a wonderful discussion one Sunday afternoon when Natasha placed her hand on her stomach. She looked at his momma.

“That was the strangest sensation.”

“The baby moved,” Eliza explained with delight.

“Stewart, you must feel this.”

Stewart shifted closer and placed his hand beside hers on her enlarged stomach. It felt as though her belly was a large body of water with waves rolling across the surface.

“It’s amazing to think a child is living in your womb.”

“This baby wishes to become acquainted with its poppa,” Natasha responded as a third movement rippled through her belly. “You’d almost think it is capable of hearing. It recognizes your voice.”

Natasha extended her hand toward her sister-in-law to encourage her to feel the baby.

“Patience,” she said. “We will feel movement again.”

Vicki knelt in front on Natasha, and within a few moments her eyes lit up with wonder.

Life was uneventful, normal, as Stewart informed her. Perfect. Her stomach continued to expand. The realization she would become a momma became more real each day. Natasha craved the outdoors, for the opportunity to leave the confines of the apartment. She chaffed at the restrictions, but she knew she could not risk being seen.

Dear Diary,

I will remain optimistic. Father will relent in his stubborn pride and accept our marriage….


* * *


Stewart and Natasha were sitting on the sofa, talking to Vicki and Momma when Natasha doubled over and gripped her stomach.

“My word,” Natasha groaned.

“The baby?” Stewart asked. He turned and looked at his momma. “Doc is not expecting this baby to arrive for two more weeks.”

“I will go for him,” Mrs. Donovan responded. “Vicki and Goldie will remain here.”

His momma arrived with Nanny and Doc within the hour. Natasha was taken into the bedroom. His poppa joined Stewart and Vicki when he finished working. The wait continued. A few hours later, the wail of a newborn broke the tense silence. Stewart rose from the chair and strode to the closed door. Placing his hands together, he stared at the ceiling.

“Dear Father in Heaven, I beg of you. Look after Natasha and our baby.”

“Your momma was not quiet while giving birth to you or Vicki. I never questioned the pain she experienced during childbirth.”

“Perhaps in Natasha’s mind it’s inappropriate to vocalize such emotions. What I would give to hear her voice. To know she’s well.”

He returned to his poppa’s side and sat on the sofa. It seemed an eternity before the door opened. His momma was holding a small infant wrapped in a white blanket. She was beaming with pride.

“Poppa, you have a daughter,” she told her son. “Natasha is eager to see you.”

Stewart hurried to Momma’s side. He took his daughter into his arms and kissed her tiny forehead.

“We created a child,” he remarked in wonderment. “I promise to love you, little one.” With gentle movement, he worked his way into their bedroom, leaving his momma in the parlour with his poppa and sister. Natasha was resting with her head leaning against pillows.

“She’s beautiful. I’m proud of you.”

Stewart placed their newborn baby in her arms. Natasha’s body tensed.

“Oh my stars,” she winced as the child sought her nipple.

“Relax,” Nanny said. “Bond with the child.”

“I fear that may take time. I must remind you, I’ve never held an infant.”

“Our child requires a name,” Stewart reminded her.

He sat on the edge of the bed, extending his index finger. The baby wrapped her small hand around it. Natasha’s eyes were fixed on their infant. She never moved.

“Please, take her in your arms. I’m tired. I wish to rest, and breathe.”

Stewart gathered his daughter into his arms.

“I’ve done a great deal of thinking,” she said. “I would be proud to name our daughter after the women in your family, but it would grieve me to disappoint either your momma or Vicki. I would like to name her Hope.”

With both he and Natasha praying her parents would accept their marriage, Stewart appreciated the significance of the name.

“Hope … I’m not aware of your middle name,” he admitted, embarrassed by the fact. “It would please me if our daughter shared a piece of your name.”

Natasha glanced toward Nanny as she stood by the door.

“I was not given a middle name,” she replied. “It would please me if you would consider having our daughter baptised Hope Elizabeth Victoria Donovan.”

Stewart beamed. “Momma and Vicki shall be very pleased. Vicki and Poppa would like to meet our daughter.”

“Yes, please. Invite them in.”

His family entered.

“Allow me to introduce you to Hope Elizabeth Victoria Donovan,” he announced.

A tear ran down his momma’s cheek.

“Would you care to hold Hope?” Stewart asked his poppa.

“Nay. I shall be a loving Papa, but must regain my confidence before holding a baby with these working hands.”

With his momma’s assistance, Hope was placed in Vicki’s arms.

Dear Diary,

Our beautiful, healthy child was born. I pray I am able to be a good, loving momma. From this day forward my life shall be dedicated to Stewart and Hope’s happiness….


* * *


Eliza arrived daily to assist with Hope’s care.

“Hope is a true Donovan,” Natasha boasted when the Donovans arrived for a visit. “She possesses the Donovan blue eyes.”

“Most babies have blue eyes, my dear,” Eliza informed her. “We will have to wait and see if Hope’s remain that way.”

Eliza guided Natasha as she fed, changed, bathed, and dressed the baby. Soon, Natasha became more confident with Hope as she bonded with her daughter. Nanny and the twins visited a few times a month. The bond between the men strengthened.