Author’s Note

In bringing Quest For Adventure up to date for the new millennium, I am indebted to many for their help. First I want to thank my fellow adventurers who have given up their time in talking to me, responding to my questions and affording me a glimpse into their respective worlds.

Maggie Body, editor of practically all my books, including the original Quest for Adventure, and Louise Wilson, my secretary all these years, have once again combined superbly to keep me on the editorial track.

On the picture front, Frances Daltrey, who runs my picture library, has proved to be a brilliant picture researcher, locating original pictures and finding new ones. She has been ably aided by her son William and by Margaret Trinder who also helps me in the office. Audrey Salkeld has once again given generously of her wide knowledge of the adventure field and Ken Wilson, old friend and former editor has come up with many useful suggestions.

Susan Haynes, my managing editor has kept us on course and Nigel Soper has done a handsome job in designing the book.

My special thanks and appreciation, as always, goes to my wife Wendy, for her loving support and encouragement.