Many thanks to the editors of the following journals and publications in which these poems first appeared:

The CDC Poetry Project, “I Am My Own Transgender Fetus”; The Enchanting Verses Literary Review, “Alternative Facts”; Levure littéraire, “Puzzle”; Los Angeles Review, “Happy Hour,” “Lives,” “Unruly Aura,” “Naming the Puppy”; Poem-a-Day, Academy of American Poets, “He said I wrote about death,”; Rattle, “The Delivery Man”; “Letter to My Son”; Santa Barbara Literary Journal, “Late September”; San Diego Reader, “What it Means When You Dream You Bought a Red Cadillac,” “Dogs and Poetry,” “Dead Tired”; and Solstice Magazine, “Thirsty.”

With heartfelt thanks and endless gratitude to my publishers, Kate Gale and Mark E. Cull, and to the devoted team at Red Hen Press.

And, to my Poetry Angel—forever and forever.