Acting: That Which Receives

I ONCE HAD A DREAM that I was sitting on a small stool about six inches high, and this old and very friendly but vigorous man was sitting on a bigger stool, teaching me some lessons. And he said: “You cannot run this world by actions. You can only run it by the Word.” And the dream ended. It took about two years for me to understand fully what that all meant. Now I understand it well enough to make it workable. Through experience, testing, and a lot of reading, it finally all became quite clear.

The dream actually has two meanings. Here is the first.

Actions are the last component of the creation processes. It is a little like swimming competitively. You cannot win the Olympics if you only know how to thrash in the water vigorously and barely make it from one end of the pool to the other. You are acting, and very strongly. No one will fault you on your effort in the pool. You get full marks for effort, for sure. But the people who win gold medals are the ones who prepare their spirits. Their being is prepared. They are confident, motivated, focused. Their minds are also prepared. Their technique is also prepared. They are rested and alert. And so on. Action in the pool is the most noticeable bit of their total winning package, but it is the final part of their creating that gold-medal-winning dash.

In your life, although you may not know it, you create your experiences first in your Self, spirit, being, then in your mind, then by your words, and finally by your actions. The process starts with being, then moves on to thinking, then to speaking, then to acting. In fact, acting only puts into place the system necessary to receive and experience what you create in being, thinking, and speaking.

Most people do not focus, nurture, and tend to the first three steps of being, thinking, and speaking; all they do is work like crazy all day and wonder why they are not “successful.” They do not use the Word. The Word refers to the laws of the universe—the way the universe works, on all levels, not just the visible and physical. These laws are not some commandments from God. They are simply the laws that regulate and enable the universe. These are not just spiritual laws; they can be proven scientifically using quantum physics. The Word, these laws, has nothing to do with a particular religion or person or philosophy; the laws of the universe apply equally and unfailingly to everyone and everything at all times. They never err. These are laws like the law of cause and effect—called karma or reaping and sowing in spiritual teachings—or the laws of energy conservation in science.

Actions are part of the Word, the laws of the universe, but they are only a small component of it. It is important to know what role actions play and how to use them in creating wealth or anything else. Actions are important, for sure, but you must understand that they are the last step. Their role is to receive what you have already created on your other three levels. You create; then you receive your creations; then you experience them. Action is for receiving and experiencing. You create a business in your Self, your being, then in your thoughts and words, and then you act to set up a system to receive this business in a manifested physical way so that you can experience it. See? Action does not create. It only receives and experiences.

In fact, even when it comes to experiencing, your actions don't create the experience—your mind does. Action just helps your mind to “do” the thing, then your mind decides: Will I experience this positively? Negatively? Joyfully? Fearfully? Fast? Slow?

Now let us look at the second meaning of my dream. This part actually goes beyond even the creation of these laws of the universe. Even before the laws came, there was an origin. I will only summarize it here. Before anything was created—anything at all—there was an infinite void (called the darkness in the Bible), a field of infinite potential, a field of No Thing. Out of No Thing, nothing and something arose. Even nothing needed a container, an originator, and that originator was No Thing, the Infinite Eternal Void. Now, the very first thing to arise out of that Infinite Void, that Infinite Undisturbed Peace, was a vibration. An instance of a vibration. For a reason we do not know, something awoke in that void, first by a small vibration. And then it happened again. And again, growing, exciting the next, and so on.

In the beginning, there was the Word, the vibration, a tiny infinitely small particle. An awareness, consciousness, creation. And as it grew, it shone even brighter, clearer, and started to create more like itself by exciting the void with intent, extending itself. Forever. Although they are all equal, the ones that came after are forever linked to and nourished by the First One. And the First One is forever the Universal God. In the beginning, there was the Word, the vibration. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That is how creation works, and it cannot work any other way. Therefore, it applies to you, because you are an extension of the original—your Self, your spirit, your soul is made in the image and likeness of the original.

So how does all this work? Look at it again. Then remember all we have learned about quantum physics. The first step in the creation of anything is your vibration. Remember that everything vibrates, and it is by that vibration that we harmonize and attract experiences to our selves. Consciousness, in a sense, is a vibration. Happy conditions arise because you are happy, and not the other way around. Wealth comes to you because of your wealth consciousness. So before you act or do anything at all, first ask yourself: “How am I vibrating?” And how do you tell how you are vibrating? You tell by how you feel. Your feelings show you your vibration. So how do you feel in relation to money? How you feel determines what you attract to you. You are like one huge radio with a tuning knob, and you can tune into any experience simply by matching your feeling to it. Action is a necessary step, but the last step nevertheless. It cannot be used effectively to initiate, as initiation is the function of being, followed by thought.

Know all this, and you will stop thrashing about in the pool.

Always do an excellent job. Always focus on the task and produce excellent value from it. Do this no matter how small the action seems. Even the smallest action has the potential to be the cause of the greatest next opportunity for you. In this universe, absolutely everything is a cause for another thing and is caused by something else. Even your smallest action may cause a previously unrevealed big thing that you need. Even an action as small as a smile or good service can cause the establishment of a relationship and the opening of doors that you never thought possible.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Ideas are worthless without action.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Action makes it possible to receive what is coming your way from your intentions. Intention initiates the creation of wealth; action enables the reception of it. Take action.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Even the smallest action may be what is needed to move you on to great wealth. Everything counts; every act counts and every act defines your next world. The universe is one huge chain reaction.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Do not try to do anything. Just do it. Or do not. But do not ever just try. Either you set out to do something, or you do not do it; but never set out to try to do it. If you try to do something, the universe will try to give you a result. But if you just do something with a resolve that it will be done (not “it may work out,” but “it will work out”), the universe will honor that resolve and give you back its own resolve.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

You already know how to do the things that you are not doing. If you are making $100,000 a year, you know how to take that to $1 million. If you sit and think it through, you will realize that you have some plans, some clues, that can get you there, or at least get you started on a path that will get you to that higher income level. In other words, you cannot possibly say truthfully: “I do not know what the first thing is that I should do to increase my income.” It is not possible. At the very least, you have a clue about the first step, however small it may be; and that is all you need to start. The rest will reveal itself to you as you move on. But if you are not acting on that first clue or step, you'll never get to the next step. Bridge the gap now, by doing what you know, now. Start now. Just do it. The next step will become clear and available after you take the first.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

If you are not in a perfect business, do not wait until you are. Start now in the one you are in and move gradually to the one you wish to have. This is the same with location, knowledge, and everything else. Start now; do not wait until things are “perfect” before you act.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Stop reacting and start creating.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

As if. Act as if you are already the person you want to be. Act as if it is impossible not to get where you wish to go.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Opportunities increase as they are taken.

Sun Tzu

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

Take advantage of the opportunity most available to you now, and it will open up previously hidden paths to more opportunities. By the law of cause and effect, your taking advantage of the opportunity closest to you will cause the unfolding of many more opportunities previously unavailable to you.

—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—

All other things held constant, to the extent that an individual or society has positive and grand actions in the right way, so will it have wealth and happiness.

As you can see, acting is not difficult. In fact, it is the easiest part of creation. In the past, it has been overemphasized, but as you can see, it is the last step in a very big system. This alone—ignoring the previous steps to acting—can explain a lot about why many people are not as wealthy and happy as they wish to be. Now you know.

But always remember that acting is very important in the chain of events, even if it is not the start of the chain. Do not now ignore it. The way to wealth and happiness is the way of perfect balance. Balance your body, mind, and soul. Balance the time and emphasis you give to being, thinking, speaking, and acting—don't just act all day long and do little structured thinking and visualization, for example. Nor should you spend all your time on spiritual nutrition and ignore acting and everything else. That would not only be selfish; it would also fail to complete the cycle of creation.

Now that you have the full set of creation tools with you, let us look at the fuel that makes them work. The tools of creation are just that—tools. They need one last ingredient to work—an ingredient so powerful that no other force can equal it.