I ONCE HAD A RATHER COMPLEX DREAM in a language that was, well, symbolic—or maybe wordless would be the best way to describe it. It was one of those dreams you have when you are just almost waking up; when you are half awake/half asleep. I was well aware of what was happening. An orange wall appeared in front of my eyes, and I began to pay attention. Then, in a script that looked like symbols, yet which I could somehow read during the dream, “words” started to appear that said something like “Conditionality does not exist. It is created.” This went on for quite some time. A knowing voice also read along, in a vibration-like language, as I watched and understood. The message was about five sentences long—very complete and sensible knowledge. It ended in seconds, and I quickly got up and pulled out my notebook to try to write down the exact words that were spoken. But the minute I started getting frantic and looking for a pen, I lost the exact words. In any case, their composition was not linear like the sentences in this book.
Nevertheless, I was able to keep the meaning even though I lost the exact wording. In this chapter, you'll read the essence of that message. It is a little easier to understand if you first understand the real nature of time and quantum physics. Once you fully understand time, you will also understand that it is a scientific illusion. Einstein and other brilliant scientists have shown us how the space-time continuum really works. We now see how everything—past, present, and future—all exists in an eternal moment of Now. But being little participants within this moment, we experience a sensation of time as we pass other participants in that continuum.
As we see in quantum physics, the quantum “soup” is quite literally all things and all options that can possibly exist existing all at once. In other words, everything you can possibly imagine and more exists already, and it exists at this moment of Now. Everything!
So a wealthy you and a non-wealthy you exist simultaneously, but you are experiencing only one of them—you are conscious, awake to, and aware of only one.
It is now time for you to put on your thinking cap.
Question: If everything exists all at once, right now, how can conditions exist as real properties of the universe?
Answer: They can't.
Question: If all possible outcomes exist, how can there be a condition against certain outcomes existing, when they already exist?
Answer: There can't.
Look, just a moment ago, you read the last sentence. You have already read it. How then can there be a condition that you have not read it when you have already read it? It is not possible. So because everything possible, everything conceivable, already exists, it is not possible for there to be a condition of its not existing.
Your being wealthy already exists—scientifically and spiritually. All you need to do is shift your awareness, your consciousness, to that part of your Self that is wealthy. There are no conditions to that part's existence—nothing can stop it from existing because it already exists. But you can create other outcomes that look like conditions. For example, another thing that exists, but that you may not be experiencing, is your not being wealthy, your procrastination or feeling out of time, your going to the casino and getting a gambling habit, your being in a poor country and having no education, and so on. All these are independent existences that are the opposite of wealthy existence. But just because they exist does not mean that the wealthy existence does not exist or exists depending on these other existences.
People make the mistake of saying: “Well, if I had been born into a wealthy family, or in a good country, or with this gift or that knowledge, or if I had gone to that college or had that thing happen to me, I would be wealthy.” They assume that wealth has a condition. Yet what they call a condition is actually another independent existence. In other words, you can get to wealth with or without having to pass through the so-called condition. You do not need to fulfill these conditions to get wealthy. But when you believe in conditions, they will be there. There are countless paths to wealth, and conditions are just one of those paths; it is your choice whether or not you wish to go through conditions. Even time, which looks like a condition, is not. People think you need a lot of time and age to get wealthy, so it happens that way for them, but it does not have to be that way.
Everything that is conceivable exists; you can only understand this if you understand the nature of time, quanta, and spirit. Conditions are not if-then statements that separate having and not having. They are just another outcome out of an infinite number of outcomes. They do not exist as conditions; they exist as just another possible existence. You do not have to pass through them; but if you believe in conditions and you create them, then of course you will experience them.
The important thing to know is that, even scientifically, conditions do not exist as if-then statements, as requirements that you have to go through, or as traps that you are born in and must stay in, or as things you can only get out of by performing certain actions or getting external help. Conditionality does not exist. We have designed conditionality on our own. What you call a condition is not a condition; it is just another one of infinite possible existences, and it does not exclude you from having another existence.
Read on, and you will understand conditions, and then overcome them. Conditionality does not exist.
Outside circumstances can only affect you as far as you allow them to do so.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
The outer environment and conditions of a person are always related to the person's inner states and thought. It is through the environment and conditions that we experience and discover our thoughts and states. This is made possible by the fact that the universe, without error, fashions the environment and conditions we experience from our thoughts and states of being. We are always in the perfect setting to see and experience ourselves, to change and grow. It is in recognizing and using this perfect system that we can direct and quicken our growth in wealth and all other areas.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Think outside the box—the box that has been created by your past conditioning, experiences, teachers, news, environment, and so on. It is not a real box; it only exists in your mind and the minds of those around you. This is all that keeps the box there. It is not real on its own; it needs you and everyone else to survive.
You can break out of the box by thinking outside it. You have heard this many times, but now you can finally do it all the time. You do it by dropping all constructions you have in your mind as to how to do things. For example, some people who have never had a university education believe that, to be wealthy, you have to have a university degree. They were told that, and they think they may have observed that, so they hold it to be true. But this limitation can be removed simply by dropping that construction and belief in it from all thought. Many have dropped it and succeeded wildly. In fact, Bill Gates of Microsoft voluntarily dropped out of college; he just never did finish that undergraduate degree. And millions around the world have succeeded wildly without a college degree. This is not to say that you should not go to university. Universities have a very important role to play. But if you find that your “box” is that you have not been to university and you are unable to go there, simply drop the construction and your belief in it, and your box will disappear. That is thinking outside the box.
You can do this in anything, from product development, to finance, to new business ideas, or anything else. You do it merely by being aware, intending to do it, and consciously dropping your constructions.
Question: How do you build a totally new and radical house or car?
Answer: By dropping all previous constructions of how you have been told a house or a car needs to be built.
Drop it all and have a clean slate without any “shoulds” and “should nots.” Then drop the slate! Let it all come to you. Inspiration unrestricted by “should” or “should not” is key. It is a very deliberate, yet unbound, thing to do. And very fruitful. Ask Einstein.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Make all conditions serve you, for that is what they are here to do. They are an experiential field created wholly for your enjoyment, self-discovery, and learning. This is because they are fashioned out of your previous thoughts, words, actions, and states of being.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Face all financial and other difficulties calmly and without worry. Even before they occurred, they had been solved. Even before you ask, it has been given to you. Simply receive.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
There are no coincidences or accidents, no chance or luck in this universe. The universe works under perfect laws that never make an error even once. The Source, God, does work perfectly. Everything works out perfectly by law. Things only look like coincidences and accidents to those who do not see the truths behind them.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Nature works with effortless ease and precision, with infinite organizing power, in incalculable ways, without resistance. You do not have to understand how your wealth will be created. Simply hold your vision high—think, speak, and do by your vision—and automatically, “coincidentally,” it will all work out. Do not resist whatever happens along the way, for it is only nature's incalculable way working to bring you what you envisioned. Just hold your end of the bargain by keeping your vision high and steadfast, and think, speak, and act according to your vision.
Be detached. This allows nature's creativity to work for you. Detachment means not preferring anything other than what is happening right now, but having the freedom to choose a different future. What is happening right now is the perfect manifestation of your previous intentions, thoughts, words, and actions. Preferring an alternative Now leads to delaying the achievement of your goals. Such preference is wanting, and wanting perpetuates a state of wanting.
For example, if it is your desire and intention to become a multi-millionaire, and you have done your part in aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with your vision, you must admit that you do not know which is the best and optimal path for you to take to reach that goal. You cannot predict the exact day-to-day events that you need to lead you to your desired outcome. But the Source can do that easily. Your inner Self can do that as well. And it will take you there in the best way possible. Let it work its magical way by not resisting the moment of Now that it brings you. Just do your part, and let it do its part. It is the fastest, most effective, most enjoyable way. And you can be happy and restful always, for you know what is coming eventually.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Calmness is power. Calmness puts you in harmony with yourself and nature. It puts you in control of your thoughts and enables you to have right thought. It is a testament to the fact that you are not your circumstances and that you are not inferior to your circumstances. Calmness is confidence. Calmness is your true nature, perfect balance, perfect stillness, and perfect peace. Always say, “I am calm.”
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Calmness is not suppression. True calmness is clear and open; it does not hide or suppress anything internally in order to show calmness. It is pure and natural. Calmness represents, and can be developed by knowing, internalizing, practicing, and living the laws of the universe, the laws of life—laws like the ones in this book.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Suffering indicates an error in thinking. It is a cue for you to find and change that error. Often, in the deepest moments of suffering, you find the biggest opportunity to find new truth. But suffering is not necessary. In fact, the most enlightened of people have been able to eliminate suffering completely. Suffering is just a means for your Self to communicate with your personality and mind—and vice versa—and is only used when there are no other options. The people who are most resistant to more subtle clues from their Selves find themselves suffering the most. Those who are most aware and tuned to their Selves through things like active intuition are able to work out life deliberately instead of having life work them out.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Conditions do not exist. Conditionality is an illusion. Conditions are created to create an environment that matches your thoughts. In other words, conditionality is an illusion that follows thought to fulfill and manifest thought into experience of that thought. Conditions convert thought from symbols in the mind to actual experiences. The reality is that the universe contains all that there can possibly be, all held in the eternal moment of Now, Here. But if you believe and think that you are poor, conditions will form around you to fulfill that belief and those thoughts. On the other hand, if you believe and think that you are wealthy, conditions will form around you to fulfill that belief and those thoughts. Thus, the statement “I cannot afford that because I don't have the money” is false. What is actually happening is that you believe in insufficiency, and the world around you arranges itself over time to present you with “needs” of things that you “cannot” afford. By the way, for the same reason, need is also an illusion. How can you need what you already have? And you have it all, for it is all created. Even before you ask it has been given unto you, as Jesus and many other teachers have told us before and quantum physics is showing us now.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Conditions do not exist. Conditionality is an illusion. You cause conditions, yet it seems as if they are placed upon you by external forces. This is one of the most liberating insights. Understand it deeply. Live by it, make all your decisions by it, and life will become magic. Just try it.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
When you fight against circumstances, you are fighting fruitlessly against effects, and strengthening and preserving the cause. Let us say, for example, that your circumstances are such that you see yourself as broke. If you act from a “broke” perspective (cutting costs, being mean and stingy, being bitter, scared, and jealous) in an attempt to prevent yourself from becoming even more broke, what are you really doing? Can you start to see how you are perpetuating and energizing the “broke” conditions? By consistently believing and thinking about being broke, you are creating the conditions of being broke, through the power of belief and thought. Remember, the universe always gives you what you think about most often, earnestly and with conviction. It is at your command. The way to fix being broke is to take on a state of wealth internally and think, speak, and act from that perspective.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Wealth is first a state of being, which is then experienced. It is not the other way around. Wealth is not created because of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created because of wealth. Abundance is not created because of certain conditions. Certain conditions are created because of abundance. Conditionality does not exist. The following statement is wrong: A person is poor because of certain conditions around him or her. The following statement is right: Conditions of poverty are around a person because that person's Self and thoughts are of poverty consciousness. The state, being-ness, creates the conditions. Most people think it is the other way around. Those who see it clearly find their conditions magically transforming themselves to give them “lucky breaks” and “coincidences.”
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Get out of the thinking that you are your conditions. Say: “I am not my seeming lack of the wealth I wish to have. I am not my job. I am not my condition.”
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Why do things repeat themselves? Some people keep “failing” in whatever business they try, for example. Here is the reason: You keep bringing yourself the same circumstances and situations over and over again, until you decide to recreate yourself anew, change your thought pattern, and change yourself into a new, “improved” being.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Avoid judging things as right or wrong. Things are just things. Their classification lies in the choice of the observer of these things to classify them as good or bad, right or wrong, fun or not. The minute you judge things, you judge yourself. You also block the hidden gift that an event brings to you.
The Taoists have a wonderful way of explaining this using the story of the farmer whose horse ran away. A farmer's horse ran away, and his neighbor, feeling sorry for him, said to the farmer: “I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you.” The farmer replied: “Don't be, for who knows what is good or bad.” Well, the next day, the horse that ran away came back to the farmer, this time bringing with it a herd of wild horses that it had befriended. The neighbor said to the farmer: “I congratulate you for your good fortune!” The farmer replied: “Don't, for who knows what is good or bad.” Well, the next day the farmer's son tried to mount one of the wild horses and fell, breaking his leg. Again, the neighbor said to the farmer: “I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you.” The farmer replied: “Don't be, for who knows what is good or bad.” The next day soldiers came by to forcefully recruit for the army, but the farmer's son was exempted because of his broken leg.
Now this is just a simple story, but it demonstrates the miracles that the Source works in the most unpredictable and seemingly unconnected ways so that all things work out to perfection. For those who know and work with the laws of the universe, those who apply the law of cause and effect, those who have certain goals and purpose and vision, this magic works beautifully, bringing with it synchronous events, “coincidences,” and many other twists and turns that lead to the desired end.
So avoid judging things and people. It only slows you down and harms you. For you do not know the chain of events planned. Also, you become what you judge, and what you condemn returns to affect you. By the law of cause and effect, when you judge and condemn, you set yourself up to be judged and condemned. Your part is simply to have clear vision and certainty on all matters that relate to your life—the inner workings of how your visions and goals will come to be. The daily events, “good” or “bad,” are taken care of for you, as long as you do not interfere with the process.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Your intention works like a magnet that draws to itself all that is needed to make it manifest into the physical world. Here is an example of how your intention works out. You think up a new idea; you have a new desire. You intend to have your desire come to life. This starts drawing to you all the things needed for you to attain your desire. It is a magical thing—you have certain dreams, you meet certain people, you go through certain conditions, you acquire certain skills—many seemingly coincidental events occur. As this process goes on, parts of your desire keep manifesting into reality until the whole of it completely manifests. Trust the system. Do not fight the things that are drawn to you by your intention, for they are the perfect drawings of your own co-creation.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
See your predicaments with humor; this is the first step to getting unattached from them.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Why do people sometimes hit rock bottom? Why do people sometimes become devastated—financially, emotionally, or otherwise?
The answer lies in the way we use suffering. We are not designed for suffering. If we were to listen to our spirits a lot more, if we were to recapture that ability and be much more intuitive and listen to that intuition, our suffering would reduce dramatically. But when we refuse to listen to the higher wisdom of our souls, we suffer in the physical world so that we can correct errors in thinking. Haven't you ever wondered why is it that many of the people who become extremely wealthy had at some time been broke? The classic rags-to-riches story. Remember, it is not necessary for this to happen. But when it happens and the person it is happening to takes responsibility and learns from it, that person becomes very wealthy. At the bottom, at rock bottom, a person is stripped of everything. The false psychological defenses that keep that person from accepting his or her highest truth are taken away. When the person un-identifies with and disengages from these falsehoods and accepts the truth, he or she becomes wealthy.
One of the truths about wealth is that we are abundant by nature. There are many truths about wealth and happiness, and many are covered in this book. It is not necessary for you to go to rock bottom and suffer so that you may identify with the truth. Suffering only comes when people refuse to listen to more subtle signals. These signals can come from within or from sources like books, other people, TV, movies—the Source communicates in infinite ways. It is we who do not pay attention and listen. It is we who choose to ignore what we feel to be true.
Another reason for suffering is to teach us what not suffering is and how to get to a state of no suffering. For example, for you to know what red is, you have to know what red is not. You do not have to know this experientially and personally, but you definitely need to know it. Imagine a robot that has never experienced the state of happiness or sadness. This robot may be very smart, very well programmed in the knowledge of happiness and sadness. The programmer may “explain” as much as possible what happiness is. But that robot will only ever know conceptually what happiness is. And that is not true knowing; it is emptiness.
Only by experiencing happiness yourself can you know happiness. And to do that, you need to experience, even if only for a short while, the opposite of happiness, which is sadness. There are some things of which you need firsthand personal experience. And there are some things that you only need to know conceptually. Sometimes, the things you need to know firsthand include things you may call “suffering.” But in essence, they are tools to enable you to enjoy their opposites, the very things that you seek.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility: For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen.
—Kahlil Gibran
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when an individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves.
—Carl Jung
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
All other things held constant, to the extent that an individual or society understands and uses the illusion of conditionality in the right way, so will it have wealth and happiness.
It feels refreshing to know that we are not at the mercy of some random circumstances and conditions, to know that we create them and they are beautiful gifts that come to serve our growth. It is liberating!
Now we shall look at an aspect of conditionality that has been extremely misrepresented in society. They say that you can either succeed or fail. Here is the beautiful truth and secret: you always succeed.