HINDUISM TAUGHT THESE LESSONS in a different way. Buddhism taught these lessons in a different way. Tao taught these lessons in a different way. Jesus and Mohammed both taught these lessons in a different way. Today, quantum physics teaches them in a different way. Just about every spiritual teacher, sage, quantum physicist, and religion teach, in their own way, that we are all one. By acting in that awareness, we move forward fastest, most richly, and least painfully. This is nothing new, but we have often refused to listen. Now, in your quest for wealth and joy, you may wish to look at this again.
Everything is One, the same Being, individuated in different guises. In other words, everything is a localized point in and of the Source, of the All That Is, of God. Nothing can possibly exist outside of and separate from the Source. The individuation and illusions of separation are necessary, as we saw in the chapter on Self. But they are only great tools when used as tools. When they are believed in as realities instead of as illusions, they destroy and cause unnecessary suffering and inadequacy.
Let us look, very briefly, into this Oneness. Once you realize, feel, and act from the position of Oneness, you will start seeing that you already are one with all the things you desire and with all the people and things that will bring wealth to you. You will see that you are simultaneously the one making the request, the one communicating the request, the one fulfilling the request, and the one experiencing the manifestation of the request. Hence, you need not worry. The illusion that you are not the same one doing all this is there just for your thrill and experience. This chapter will take a brief look at this Oneness, just to give you evidence for it and to start you thinking about it. It will merely start you on a journey that only you can take, for that journey cannot be described, only experienced. We are all One.
You are one with the Source, and nothing is difficult or denied from, by, and to the Source. The universe is friendly to your desires. Nothing is impossible, if only you believe.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
You can never permanently own anything on earth. Life is change, and One is all there is. Ownership is a detrimental state of mind that allows what you think you own to own you. Again, here on earth, what you think you own ends up owning you, possessing you, taking away a part of your freedom. Think about that for a moment. Everything is One. How, then, can you own a part of the One? How can your hand own your leg? Your hand can play with your leg for a while, but it cannot own it. This works the same way with you and the rest of life. When you think you own something, you chase it about to prevent the loss of it, a chase that is fruitless. Hence, it owns you.
Instead, think of yourself as a custodian of things until it is time to relinquish them. Whether you like it or not, when the time comes or when your life on earth moves on, you will have to release all these things. Even your own body is eventually released from its present form. So enjoy, share, and have these things, but do not think that you are their owner. You can be something, but you cannot really own something. It is all One, and One is always changing.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Everything and everyone are connected. All life is one. What happens in Kabul affects you, somehow, wherever you are. And what happens with you, the thoughts you have and so on, affects everyone else everywhere, somehow. So for your own sake, think, act, and be as One.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Superiority and inferiority are not built into people and things. Seeing things in terms of better or worse is a judgmental weakness. This is especially a weakness of nations, whereby one government considers itself superior to another—especially in its economy or its governmental system. It is also a weakness of social classes. An extremely high number of wars, corporate collapses, and societal divides have been caused by the idea that “my way is better than your way.” Disharmony is costly and never profitable in the long term for anybody. Harmony is extremely profitable. You can avoid disharmony by looking at everyone around you—not as better or worse compared to you or anything else—but as different. In other words, one entity's way is not a better or worse way; it is just a different way. This is a much more peaceful and profitable approach to everyone and everything else. Being special is not the same as being better. An entity can be special, but that does not make it better.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
If you wish always to be in harmony with the incredibly powerful laws of the universe, simply act as if the whole universe is one unit with no separation between its seemingly separated components. For example, to know how to handle a business opponent in a way that will profit you the most, act as if your opponent and you are one. Treat him or her that way.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
There is not a person alive who is not capable of greatly contributing to the well-being of this planet. Just changing your attitude can affect the world around you.
—Susan Jeffers
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
It is in your best interests to do your part to ensure that people all over the earth have wealth consciousness and joy. Many thinkers and scientists are beginning to show that an individual's thoughts affect the whole world's thoughts. An individual is responsible for what happens in the world and to everyone in it. The ancient Greeks had a similar concept—Gaia. This philosophy has been espoused by many thinkers all over the world—from Plato in ancient Greece, to Buddha in the Near and Far East. Modern scientists and thinkers in various fields of science are also starting to study and show that we are all connected. These connections are being found in various forms and in various fields of science by researchers including Dr. John Lovelock, Peter Russell (The Global Brain Awakens), British biologist Rupert Sheldrake (A New Science of Life), Howard Bloom (Global Brain), and many others. If you wish to be wealthy, you can do so on your own. But you can do so a lot more easily and to a much larger extent if you help the world attain wealth consciousness.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
It has been said before in many places that the reason the One chooses to individuate Itself is this: In the absence of That Which Is Not, That Which Is, Is Not. Think about that.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of you all... And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone. Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who, though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone... The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder, and the robbed is not blameless for being robbed... Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured.
—Kahlil Gibran
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
Let us revisit quantum physics briefly. We saw that subatomic particles are what make up the physical universe. We also saw that these particles have intelligence. And we saw that this pure energy has intelligence. It also has remarkable properties, like being able to be in two places at once, to move from here to there without crossing the gap between, to travel back and forth in time, and so on. We also saw that we are in relation to and in collaboration with these particles, for what we choose to observe is what becomes, emerging out of this energy pool. Now, what do you suppose these energy packets are? What is pure energy?
Before we attempt to answer that question, let us look at the Source, All That Is, what many call God. We have been told that we are children of God, created in the image and likeness of God, and that God is All That Is. Now, let us go back to where God was the absolute Only, before “creation.” In truth, there is no such linear time line, but let us imagine that there is, for the sake of study. On this time line, God was out there before creation, all alone. Remember, in the absence of That Which Is Not, That Which Is, Is Not. In the realm of the absolute, there exists only One with nothing else to compare Itself against. So for the One to experience Itself was not possible. To do this, the One had to individuate into a Duality, a realm of Relativity.
When the One did that, there now was a “this” and a “that”—a duality that could allow experience. We will call this the Initial Duality. Day could experience itself against night, and vice versa. The same was possible with all the “opposite” dualities or individuations—man and woman, up and down, left and right. And each of these dualities had their own smaller dualities. For example, a woman or man had the dualities of sad or happy, and so on. And even happy had its range of very happy and not so happy, and so on. And the total of these experiences is the experience of the One. But for our discussion now, we will look at the Initial Duality that first came of the One.
Now let us get back to the question of what energy is. From One, we have the Initial Duality. Now let us call that duality spirit and anti-spirit. By the way, quantum scientists have discovered that subatomic particles all have opposites—a proton has an anti-proton, for instance. But in our part of the universe, the anti-particles are not present because anti-particles destroy particles when they meet. Scientists talk of these as the matter and anti-matter of the universe.
Now the part of One that is spirit individuates itself again into infinite little parts or spirits. Quantum physicists have also seen that, although they call a subatomic particle a particle, it is not really a “thing,” but rather the building block of other things. And although a subatomic particle has a wave-like behavior and a particle-like behavior, there are no particles actually running around and no waves actually fluctuating. You cannot visualize a subatomic “particle.” You can only calculate it and experience it. Subatomic particles behave as spirit would. Why do they do that? Now do you see what pure energy is? It is spirit. Everything in this part of the universe is energy. Energy is matter—one and the same thing (E=mc2). Spirit is energy. And hence, spirit is matter. You see, there are no clear lines of definition and separation. All That Is really is One. Individuation is not separation. Think of individuation as possessing many dimensions, not as separation into many separate things. And think of the world as dimensions or facets of the same One, not as separate things.
The other part of the universe, for everything is a duality, is the anti-universe, made up of anti-matter. But that is another topic altogether. The point is that you now can trace the origins and explanation of the universe and its link to spirit and to All. You now remember who you really are, who we really are, and why you, we, did all this. You now also know that what the Source is, You Are. It is a very complex topic, and you do not need to understand it fully. Just knowing the truth is enough; you do not need to explain it in detail.
—I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.—
All other things held constant, to the extent that an individual or society is One, so will it have wealth and happiness.
Again, the greatest advice that can be given to you now is this: meditate daily. Soon—maybe on your first meditation, maybe later—you will come to experience this Oneness, and you will be amazed at it! It cannot be spoken of, only experienced. This is a journey only you can take on your own. Meditation takes you in to meet your Self and infinity. It cannot be explained, only experienced.
Now, if you are one with the Source and All That Is, guess what else you are? You are abundant by nature! Let's have a look at your abundance.