Writing this book would have been impossible without the assistance of many people. We are grateful to our colleagues at Yeshiva University, Dr. Larry Siegel, Dr. Abraham Givner, and Dr. Irma Hilton for their administrative and personal support of this project in good times and bad. Dr. Barbara Melamed was an early supporter of the Yeshiva Fatherhood Project, as it was moving from idea to reality. We are grateful to Carl’s teaching assistants, Dr. Edith Shiro-Gelrud and Mr. Harold Hamilton, for bearing with us while we developed the course material. We received invaluable editorial assistance from Jennifer Hammer at NYU Press, who saw the book through from an initial conversation to the final product, and helped us find the appropriate tone for the book. Dr. Jeanne Marecek and Dr. Michelle Fine paved the way for our making contact with NYU Press, and were the best of readers—equal parts supportive and challenging. Dr. David Klein read our first book proposal and helped us get it into shape.
We cannot mention them all by name, but would also like to thank the students in Carl’s course in qualitative research methods, who were guinea pigs for the material in this book. Equally valuable were our research students, who taught us as we were teaching them.
Finally, Louise thanks her husband Barry, who has made it possible for her to engage in the very expensive hobby that is an academic career. And Carl thanks his partner, Sheila, who was always supportive about the writing and other things.