Table of Contents


Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Geography

Title page

Copyright page





Editors’ Introduction: The Long Decade: Economic Geography, Unbound

Geography and Economics: Estranged Cousins?

Unruly Discipline: The Reach and Grasp of Economic Geography

More than Variegation: The Projects of Economic Geography

Situated Economic Geographies: Organizing The Wiley-Blackwell Companion

Open-ended Economic Geographies

Section I: Trajectories

Editors’ Introduction: Trajectories

Chapter 1 Diverse Economies: Performative Practices for “Other Worlds”

Introduction: Diverse Economies as a Performative Ontological Project

Becoming Different Academic Subjects

The Ethics of Thinking

New Academic Practices and Performances


Chapter 2 Geography in Economy: Reflections on a Field


The Central Place of Neoclassicism in Post-war Models

Development, Corporations, and Spatial Divisions of Labor

The Coming of Capital and Spatial Dynamics

The World According to Ford

Industrial Districts and Urban Economies

Innovation, Creativity, and Culture

Global Supply Lines

A New World of Political Geography

Financial Crisis and the Geography of Money

A New Geographic Order?

Chapter 3 Release the Hounds! The Marvelous Case of Political Economy

Political Economy and Economic Geography

Political Economy on the Street and the Sidewalk

Political Economy Off the Beaten Path

Release the Hounds!

Chapter 4 The Industrial Corporation and Capitalism’s Time–Space Fix


A Political Economy of the Corporation

Spatial Fixes and Spatiotemporal Fixes: Harvey and his Structured Coherences

New Views of the Corporation

BHP Billiton Ltd.


Chapter 5 Theory, Practice, and Crisis: Changing Economic Geographies of Money and Finance


Changing Geographies of Money and Finance

Post-crisis Performances of Money and Finance


Chapter 6 The “Matter of Nature” in Economic Geography


Evolving Perspectives on Environmental Issues within Economic Geography

Rethinking “Nature”

Conclusions: A “New Materialism” in Economic Geography?

Chapter 7 East Asian Capitalisms and Economic Geographies


Changing Dynamics of Capitalist Economic Geographies in East Asia: How Flows and Networks Matter

Remaking Global Economic Geographies: Theorizing Back


Chapter 8 Contesting Power/Knowledge in Economic Geography: Learning from Latin America and the Caribbean


Eurocentric Geographies of Industrial Restructuring

Economic Geographies from Latin America and the Caribbean: Reworking Power/Knowledge

Conclusion: Contesting Power/Knowledge in Economic Geography

Section II: Spatialities

(a) Accumulation and Value: Editors’ Introduction: Accumulation and Value

Chapter 9 The Geographies of Production


Global Divisions of Labor

Production as Instituted Process: National Variety

Regional Worlds of Production

The Dynamic Network/Territory Interface

Chapter 10 The Global Economy


Post-World War II Global Capitalism


Chapter 11 Evolutionary Economic Geographies


Basic Principles of Evolutionary Economics: Variety, Selection, Retention

Evolutionary Economic Geographies


Chapter 12 Geographies of Marketization

Introduction: Markets and Marketization

Studying Markets: Places and Prices, Networks and Structures

Real Markets?

Geographies of Marketization

The Discursive Borderlands of Global Capitalism: B/ordering the Market

The Framing of Markets


Chapter 13 Economies of Bodily Commodification






Chapter 14 Lives of Things

Important Artifacts . . . 

Ambivalent Relations

Magical Marxism

Affirmative Critique / Enchanted Activism

Chapter 15 Crisis in Space: Ruminations on the Unevenness of Financialization and its Geographical Implications




Chapter 16 The Insurmountable Diversity of Economies


Central Tenets of Diverse Economies

Widening the Theoretical Terrain of Diverse Economies

The Diversity of Economies

Issues and Ways Forward


Chapter 17 Waste/Value


Commons as Waste

“Waste” as Marker of Distance/Difference

Waste as Society’s External Margin

Waste as Society’s Internal Margin

The Matter of Waste


(b) Regulation and Governance: Editors’ Introduction: Regulation and Governance

Chapter 18 The Virtual Economy


Linking the Virtual and the Material

The Power of Code in Virtual and Material Places

Speeding Up with the Virtual Economy

Complicating Measures of Distance

New and Retooled Products

Labor Processes in the Virtual Economy


Chapter 19 Economic Geographies of Global Governance: Rules, Rationalities, and “Relational Comparisons”

Regulation School

Governmentality Studies

Articulation Approach

Global Governance and Critical Reflexivity

Chapter 20 The Geographies of Alter-globalization

Introduction: The Geographies of Alter-globalization

Free Trade?



Chapter 21 Reinventing the State: Neoliberalism, State Transformation, and Economic Governance


Theorizing States and Governance

Processes of State Restructuring

Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and the State

Emerging Research Issues and Challenges


Chapter 22 New Subjects


Theoretical Subjects

Neoliberal Subjects

Knowing Subjects

Laboring Subjects


Chapter 23 Renaturing the Economy

Governing Neoliberal Natures

The Renatured State

Nature as a Service

The Carbon Economy: Way Down, Way Up



Chapter 24 Bringing Politics Back In: Reading the Firm-Territory Nexus Politically


The Rise of the Dynamic Theory of Firm

Reading Firm Theories Geographically

Firms under Community Governance: Regulating Firms

Back to basics? Politics within the Firm-Territory Nexus in a Capitalist Economy

(c) Embodiment and Identity: Editors’ Introduction: Embodiment and Identity

Chapter 25 Economic Geographies of Race and Ethnicity: Explorations in Continuity and Change

Imperial Projects, Economic Geography, and Questions of Race

Racism, Race Relations, and Economic Geography’s Epistemological Revolutions

Marxist, Feminist, and Critical Race Challenges

Feminist and Critical Race Incursions in Economic Geography

Relational Geographies, Network Approaches, and New Possibilities for Race and Ethnicity

Chapter 26 Gender, Difference, and Contestation: Economic Geography through the Lens of Transnational Migration


Global Care Chains: Indonesian Migrant Women Workers

Bodies and Households: Feminist Interventions

Migrants Organizing: Local Protests and Transnational Imaginaries

Chapter 27 Labor, Movement: Migration, Mobility, and Geographies of Work

Conceptualizing Mobile Labor

Elite Labor Markets

Temporary Migrant Labor: Accumulation by Disenfranchisement

Immigrant Labor Markets: Racialization and Employment

Gendered Geographies of Everyday Labor Mobility


Chapter 28 Making Consumers and Consumption

Thinking through the “Work” of Consumption Geographies: Sights, Sites, and Citation

Cites: The Performance and Practice of Consumption

Sites: Consumption as Multiply Situated and Constituted

The Consumer and the Labor of Consumption

Consumption Geographies – Still at the Border?

Chapter 29 The Rise of a New Knowledge/Creative Economy: Prospects and Challenges for Economic Development, Class Inequality, and Work


Transition to a Knowledge-based Economy

Implications of the New Economy for Economic Development Policy

The Creative Class Thesis as Practice: Why it’s so Seductive and Why it’s so Dangerous


Chapter 30 The Corporation as Disciplinary Institution


A Requiem for the Undead

Corporations as Disciplinary Institutions



Chapter 31 Social Movements and the Geographies of Economic Activities in South Korea

Introduction: Social Movements and Economic Geographies

Democratization Movements and Regulatory Changes of the Korean Developmental State

Neoliberal Reforms, Social Movements, and Spatially Selective Liberalization

Labor Movements and Greenfield Locations of the Korean Auto Industry

Concluding Remarks

Chapter 32 Subalternities that Matter in Times of Crisis

Crisis, Subalternity, and Forgotten Places

What’s in a Word? A Postcolonial Detour

Subaltern Solidarities in the Face of Crisis

Subalternity and Space

Acknowledgment and Dedication

Section III: Borders

Editors’ Introduction: Borders

Chapter 33 The Genuine and the Counterfeit: Qualitative Methods in Economic Geography and Anthropology

Introduction: The Genuine and the Counterfeit

Epistemologies, Methods, and the Object of Study

The Coin of Value: Divalora

How Things Work

The Production and Circulation of Scholarly Value

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Chapter 34 The Cultural Turn and the Conjunctural Economy: Economic Geography, Anthropology, and Cultural Studies


The Cultural Turn and the Diversity of Geo-economies

Overdetermination and the Cultures of Economies

Context and Conjuncture5


Chapter 35 Worlds Apart? Economic Geography and Questions of “Development”

Worlds Apart? Economic Geography and Questions of “Development”

Force and Concrete: Destruction and Construction

Development as Soft Power

The Millennium Challenge Corporation


Chapter 36 Putting Politics into Economic Geography

Naturalization and Depoliticization

Putting Politics into Economic Geography


Chapter 37 Inheritance or Exchange? Pluralism and the Relationships between Economic Geography and Economics

Introduction: Engaged Pluralism?

Geographical Economics: A New Trading Space?

An Evolutionary Exchange

Conclusions: Conversations and Critical Pluralism

Chapter 38 Sociological Institutionalism and the Socially Constructed Economy


Geography, Sociology, and the Mark of the Market

Sociology in the Shadow of Economics

Social Constructions: Making History, Just Not as They Please

Sociological Institutionalism: Beyond the Weberian Concession

Capitalism, Variegated: Uneven Development and Institutional Political Economy

Conclusion: Socially Constructed Economies

Chapter 39 Political Ecology/Economy

Political Ecology as Economic Geography

Foundational Themes in Political Ecology

Political Economic Structures and Spatial Interdependence

Dialectical Understandings of Environmental “Problems”

Anti-Determinism and the Potential of Politics

Conclusions: Political Ecology and Alternatives to Capitalism
