acinetobacter 16970

acute paediatric textbook 95

Afghan civilian patients, locals 89

Afghan Cohort 8

Afghan National Army 17, 90

Afghanistan, timeline 15

American Civil War 185, 238

anaesthetist 46

antibiotics, Afghan response to 108

antibiotics 169

avulsive injuries 41, 109, 110


bacteria, funghi, viruses 168

Baltimore shock trauma unit 244

Bastion Bakers 279

Battle of Britain 84

bereavement stages 221

Bessel van der Kolk 270

big legs 192, 198

biological material implantation 168

Biophilia 223

blast boots 247

blast injury 7, 73,

blast lung 75, 247

blast vehicle flooring 247

blast wave 73, 75

Blatchfords 186

bloodstained canvas watchstrap 285

body bag 56

bomb, Brussels 250

bomb, Kabul, 250

bomb, Lahore, 250

bore holes at Bastion 2323

buddy aid 28

bunker, Birmingham 143


Camp Bastion 49

capillary refill 21

Casevac 10

Casualty Notification Officer 139

CCAST 119, 12235, 234

central sensitisation, membrane excitability 269

chest seals 29

chickens 222

chilli plant 2178

Chinook helicopter 34, 45, 48, 53, 56, 120

Chinook pilot 94

chronic pain 26870

civilian paramedic 32

co-morbidity cluster 272

colour therapy (1918) 226

combat anaesthetists 46

Combat Medical Technician 31, 33

comfy sticks 191

complex co-morbidity 216, 271

concordance 182

conscious standing function 195

Counter-IED Task Force 230

Country Life magazine 201

CPERS 93, 155

Critical Care 108, 143

Cromwell, Oliver 200

crows 24

Crunchie bar 51

CT scanner 70, 85


deadly cascade 22, 29, 419, 62, 99

debriding 78

de-gloving, stump 212

decompression 2812

defiant garden 97, 225

definitive repair 1434

Dejerine Klumpke, Augusta 249

Deployed Medical Director 86

dinosaurs 223

dogs 96

dose response pattern 62

Drill, EZIO 51

dust and fines 57, 69

Duty Critical Care Nurse 1458, 284


‘effects of bomb-wounds’ 242

Emergency Department, Bastion 70

extubation 1513

exudate 110

Eyjafjallajökull 123


Falkland Island campaign 130

falling 196

falling down class 237

Fat Boy Fridays (Ormrod) 257

Field Hospital Camp Bastion 66, 85

fixation error 89, 283

flashback 82, 285

food parcels 96

Force Protection Squad 50, 53

Fox, bastards 223

free flaps 157

‘Furnace of Baghdad’ 47


giving up smoking 237

global population of survivors of blast injury 8

global stump analytics 2634

global whole-body badness 62

Globemaster 67, 122, 1257

goals (Ormrod) 253

Going Black 86, 132

Golden Hour 49, 51, 55, 613, 71, 244

gravel 49, 71, 204

Great War amputee cohort 102

Green Starburst 235

Greenhouse 203, 2179

gym at Headley 183


haemostatic agent, dressings 27, 50

hand surgeon 87, 2823

hands 41, 88, 1656

Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics company 253

Hanger, James 2389

hard questions 6, 181

Headley Court 175, 178226

Headley Court Garden 200209

Helmand Province, 15

hemipelvectomy 158

Henry V, 1

Henson, Dave 22940, 264

Henson Model 265

Heterotopic ossification 28089, 281

hip-walking 194

HOXA13 (gene) 266


IED as emerging injury pattern 83

IEDs 9, 17, 23, 39, 40

Imperial College London 12, 104, 105

inflammation 62, chronic pro-inflammatory state 22, 64

inflammatory storm 62, 109, 112

interface astroglial scarring 274276

intubation 524

Iraq 9



Jones, Robert 102, 178, 192

junior trauma surgeon 80, 142, 280


Keogh, Alfred 242

knee joint 1946, 198


laundry 31, 69, 116, 167

Lawrence, Robert 13032, 180, 273

locomotor system 102, 179

lonestar 199

long legs 1956, 198

long legs boot camp 208


Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT) 459, 57, 69, 71, 82, 231

Meenagh, Scott 23, 12021, 123, 151, 163, 191, 220, 224

Meenagh, Thomas 21922, 226

micropigs, 223

microprocessor 177, 207

military pain team 160

Minimise protocol 99, 140

mirrors 1813, 201

mortuary 100

multidisciplinary team 182

Musgrave Park Bombing 86


‘Nelly the Elephant’ 80

neuromas 210

next of kin 139

NHS falling metric 196

Nightingale landing pad 56, 66

9–Liner 49, 69, 81, 87, 123, 142, 231, 285

Nuttery 203, 205, 222


optimized stump modelling 2645

Ormrod, Mark 38, 50, 77, 140, 1979, 140, 224, 239

orthopaedic surgeon 84, 102, 103, 2435

osseo-integration 2602


pain 36, 41, 51, 15963, 21014

pain consultant 160

pain-related catastrophising study 269

pain, regional nerve blocks 11315, 127

paralympics 237, 240

pathophysiology of shock 21, 64

patient diaries 11, 11621, 151, 1713, 232

pelvic injury 163

phantom limb pain 1623, 21314

photographs, mobile phones 285

physio 1526, 2049, 222

physio in Afghanistan 1546

pizza night at the Padre’s 278

plastic surgeon 835, 91, 97, 156, 168, 280

‘Post Traumatic Stress Ordering’ (Paul Roach) 283

prosthetics 185, 259

prosthetists’ workshop 187

PTSD 215, 270


Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Birmingham 141


refugees 17

rehabilitation 17818

repatriation ceremony 8082, 279

Resilience Field Hospital 87

Richmond Scales 14850

Right Turn Resuscitation 72

River City protocol 99

Royal British Legion Centre for Blast Injury Studies 13, 241, 245


saluting 183

Sangin Valley 32

The Secret Garden 205

self-aid 26

sepsis 64

7/7 bombings, London 249

Sharpie pen 55

shock 22, 110

side-by-side therapy 224

silence 98

skateboard park 208

Sloggett, Arthur 242

smart sockets 2624

smoking 60, 232, 235

sniper tape 55

snowballs 207

sockets 18991

sockets and stumps 185

soft-tissue bioengineering 2656

The Sound of Music 87

sports injuries 180

St Dunstans 236

stretcher bearer at the Somme, 278

Stridor 52

Stubbies 19091, 236

sucking chest wounds 29

Sundial, big yew 2023

Surround and Save 47, 54, 712

survival rates in extreme resus 55


tactical darkness 67, 126

tattoo, Ormrod, Mark 78

tattoos 164

TBI 273

team medic 29, 3033

tension pneumothorax 29

terps (interpreters) 70, 92

test track 2068

through the knee amputation 1912

Timberlands 229, 234

time machine, doesn’t exist yet 241

tourniquet 24, 27, 58

transplantation 25960

trauma bay 71

Trauma Centre at Justice Resource Institute 270

trauma reaction 215, 221, 224

tube pedicles 91


ulceration 211

unexpected survivors 101, 159, 178


vascular surgeon 63, 119

Velcro 24, 27, 58, 192, 198


war in Afghanistan, timeline 1517

whistle 71

WHO pain ladder 160

‘Why we are here/in Afghanistan’ 16, 68

Williams, Serjeant Michael 1, 13

witness panels, copper 242, 246


‘Year of the hammering’ 17

yellow limb bag 83, 98


Zimbabwean War of Independence 246