WE PAST A BATHROOM and there was Snocone looking out—just his head. Jaden pulld me after him. Snocone was pacing up and down swaring.

Who did it? he said. Who set us up?

Did what?

How did the cops no about the deel? How did they get here so fast? Sum 1 told them. Sum 1 set us up.

Jaden lookd at me. You no thats rite he said. They were wating for us. They were reddy the hole time. Wen we all got there they jumpd us.

Thats what Jello thinks said Snocone. I find out who set us up Im going to kill him he said.

The bathroom had hi walls and his voys went ping pong ping.

Where is Jello? ast Jaden.

Snocone shook his head.

Sum 1 gave us up he said agane. Sum 1 told the cops about the deel.

1 of the Angels said Jaden. Or the yanks.

Not the yanks said Snocone. They wudnt tell the cops here.

Angels then.

Yah there the bad guys I said.


Being in the bathroom reminded me. I went over and peed. There were 4 places and I pickd the far 1.

What now? said Snocone. Cops going to pick us all up and sum 1 going to give us away agane. Going to work with the cops so he wont go to jale.

No way I said.

I was drying my hands.

Whos going to give us away? Not Jaden not me I said. Not you or Jello or Cobra or Beens or Morgan or even Xray. Were 15 I said. Together we fly. Rite?

They stared at me.

Sum thing my grampa told me I said.

Cops got Morgan said Snocone. I saw them. And they got Beens and Cobra and Xray in the parking lot. We’ll never sell those guns now.

Guns? I said.

The deels dead said Snocone. Cops will catch us all. The only 1 wholl get out is the 1 who gave us away. The rat.

Guns? I said. They talkd sum more about a rat in the possy and about Jackfish and how the cops were probly there 2. I stared into the meer and thot about what was going on. Guns. Wow.

You dint do it did you Bunny? said Jaden. His face was all tite and twistd.


You told Cobra that Al Capoli was in Jackfish. Scratch went up there and found him and so did the guys from Buffalo—and thats why there was a deel today. There wudnt be a deel without you. Did you tell the cops 2? Did you sell us out? He stood beside me. His eyes were big and sad in the meer. Mine were small and blank. I punchd myself in the meer. Nothing happend to the glass. My fist hurt.

Did you Bunny?

I shook my head.

Im 2 stupid I said.

We left Snocone in the bathroom. We went past a muffin place and a bikini place and an other close place.

I never new it was guns I said.


The stuff in those boxes. Guns. I never new. The boxes said car parts. You said it was stuff. I dint no stuff ment guns.

Cobra found a hole stash of them he said. They were in a barn out in the country sum ware. Old ones but never bin used. He got them reel cheep from the lady who ownd the farm. Were selling them to the Angels and the Buffalo guys and there selling us stuff. Like a pool you no—they have drugs and money and we have guns. Evry 1 gets sum thing.

Drugs? I said. Like—drugs?

That was the problem with Al Capoli—he ran away with Rockos drugs. Cobra told me about it. Thats why there calling him a rat.

I was lost. I meen I new ware I was but I was lost 2.

So the cops r after us for selling drugs?

No—guns. The Buffalo guys had the drugs.

He shruggd.

I cant beleev your upset Bunny. Your a tuff guy. You have to be—you made it thru juvy. Your 1 of us. And—and—you killd sum 1. Whats rong with you?

No I dint.

What do you meen?

I dint kill any 1.

He grabbd my arm near Grampas tatoo. The tatoo I put goop on. The tatoo Id lookd at 100 times. 200. 1000 times.

See that candl he said. Its out. That meens a dead body.

It does?

You belong to the 15 Street possy and you killd sum 1. Thats what the tatoo meens. You killd sum 1 for the possy.

I shook my head.

No I dint.

Not now but wen you were in jale.

I wasnt in jale.

You said you were.

No—you said so.

You had to check in with your mom. Thats your prole offiser.

No I said. Its my mom.

We were in front of a place selling glasses. They were all over the windo—a store full of eyes staring out at us. Sum things began to make sens. The jale stuff yah and me being in the possy even tho I was white. And also the guns—bang bang. Jeez Bunny I thot how dum can you get? Cobra on the phone to Buffalo. Jaden thinking I was OK.


Xept there was still lots I dint understand. Like why Grampas tatoo was the same as the possy tatoo or what I was doing here in the mall running away from the pleece with my best frend. Or if he was my best frend.

I new more than I used to and I still dint no any thing.

I startd to count the glasses in the shop windo.

Bunny said Jaden.

I kept counting.

You saying your not part of the possy? Come on he said. What about that tagging we did? And the fiting and driving round? Member what you said just now in the bathroom? Together we fly.

He grabbd me.

You got the ink Bunny. The cops r after you. What r you going to do?

20 21 22 I said.

What about you and me? Were frends rite? Rite?

I pulld away from him. I was way stronger.

I ran.

Hey Bunny—come back!

I dint.