Many hands are involved in the creation of a successful book. I want to thank Priya Karsan Bhakta. None of the books we write would exist were it not for her. She designs the interior, formats for the various platforms, creates promotional materials, runs contests, and deals with a million other vital issues. I'd also like to thank Rebecca Barrett, Susan Y. Tanner, Claire Matturro, and Beth Terrell--all members of the Mad Catters for their help and comments on this story. And the efforts of our wonderful Beta readers must be acknowledged. They have saved me from embarrassment more than once! Thank you. A special thanks to Cissy Hartley at who creates our covers. If you enjoy this book, please check out the other Trouble books by writers in the coalition. We all share the Sherlockian cat detective, Trouble, but each writer brings her unique gifts to the telling of the story.