My journey toward publication began several years ago, and many people have bolstered my every step.
To my agent, Jessica Alvarez, thank you for your tremendous enthusiasm, insight, and encouragement. To my editor, John Scognamiglio, thank you for being so easy to work with and for believing in my work.
Thank you to the wonderful members of the Compuserve Books and Writers Forum—especially to forumites Diana Gabaldon, Joanna Bourne, Beth Shope, and Kristen Callihan, all exceptional novelists and excellent teachers of the craft of writing. Very special thanks go out to forumite Barbara Rogan, also a novelist, editor, and former literary agent; I had the pleasure of taking one of her online writing courses, offered through Writer’s Digest. Barbara’s teaching and feedback have been tremendously helpful, and she continues to be a valuable source of encouragement and guidance. Thank you as well to past and present forumites, too numerous to name, who have helped me hone my skills and grow as a writer.
Thank you to the online writing forum at the Absolute Write Water Cooler. In particular, thank you to Absolute Write’s creator, MacAllister, for creating and maintaining such a wonderfully informative and diverse playground for writers.
To my dear friend Chris A., thank you for all you do to help me stay sane.
To my parents and my in-laws, thank you for your seemingly bottomless well of love and support and free meals.
Finally and most importantly, to my husband and my son, thank you for your love, encouragement, acceptance, love, humor, affection, love, indulgence, patience, and even more love. Thank you for knowing what I need before I do. You two are everything to me.