“HEY, ICE,” GREG CALLS OUT, “YOU GONNA PLAY for us or what?”

It’s a few hours later and everybody’s over at Hogan and Hawk’s celebrating the end of a super-exhausting Friday-night shift. I eye Hawk’s tables thinking of how badly he trashed my skills the last time I was on them.

“Hey, Ice!” Greg calls out again.

“Naw,” I tell him, “I’m done for the night.”

I scan Hawk’s records, pulling down ones that look interesting and checking out their song lists. There are several crates in the living room that weren’t here before, and they’re all full of records too. I check out every single title. I’m dying to play. But no way will I do it. He may not be in the room with us, but he’s definitely here.

It wasn’t until my third time over that I found out where Hawk goes while everyone else is here partying it up after work. He doesn’t go anywhere. Hawk is here too: in his bedroom sleeping with earplugs shoved in his ears and an early-morning shift at his day job on his mind.

I don’t know if he’s in there sleeping right now or not, but I know I can feel him whenever I look at his decks. If I use them or anything else of his, he automatically wins the silent battle going on between us, and I refuse to give him the satisfaction.

“Ice.” Hogan motions to me. “Come over here a minute, will ya?”

I cross the room and take a seat on one of the bar stools. Hogan lines up seven glasses and pours whatever concoction he’s created into six of them.

“So look,” he says as he pours Pepsi into the last glass and places it on the counter in front of me, “I’ve got something here I’m supposed to give you. Real good news.”

I eye the envelope in his hand. “What is it?”

“Look inside and see,” Hogan says, handing it to me and standing back. “Go ahead,” he urges. “Open it.”

It’s got DJ Ice typed across the front. I look up at Hogan questioningly and he nods to me, still grinning. He did say good news. I rip the envelope open, pull out the letter inside, and start to read. And as I begin to understand what it is I’m reading, my mouth goes dry and my stomach gets queasy.