Copyright © 1999 Richard E. Rubenstein
All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.
The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:
Rubenstein, Richard E.
When Jesus became God : the epic struggle over Christ’s divinity in the last days of Rome / by Richard E. Rubenstein.—1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13 978-0-15-100368-6 ISBN-10 0-15-100368-8
ISBN-13 978-0-15-601315-4 (pbk.) ISBN-10 0-15-601315-0 (pbk.)
1. Jesus Christ—Divinity—History of doctrines—Early church, ca. 30-600. 2. Arianism. I. Title.
BT216.R83 1999
273'.4—dc21 98-52097
eISBN 978-0-547-41573-4