


abortion, 386, 387

Acquaviva, Cardinal, 91–92, 93

Act of Toleration, 24

actresses, 343–344, 363–364

Adair, Robert, 45

Addison, Joseph, 7

Adorno, Theodor, 374

adultery, 43–44, 100, 193, 236–237, 247–249

Advocate, The, 259

African American migration, 279

Age of Reason, 7. See also Enlightenment

Alabama, 260–261

Aldini, Giovanni, 213–214

alienation of affection, 236, 256, 312

Amar, André, 182

Amelia (Fielding), 67

American Revolution, 156

Analytical Review, 154, 175

Ancilla, 82

Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America (ASCOA), 310, 311

animal magnetism, 224–229

Ansari, Aziz, 419–420

anti-heart balm legislation, 316–319

Anti-Pamela; or Feign’d Innocence Detected (Haywood), 39

anti-Semitism, 351–357, 360, 368–373

app-enabled dating, 407–417

apprentices, 27–29, 32

Apprentice’s Vade Mecum, The (Richardson), 32–33

Armstrong, Eliza, 342

Armstrong, Louis, 276, 309

Ascension Day, 113, 114

Atomized (Houellebecq), 394–397, 414

attractiveness, 409–410

Augustine, St., 4

Austen, Mary, 266, 268


Balbi, Marin, 129–132

Balcombe, Florence. See Stoker, Florence

Bankes, William, 201

Banks, Ada, 282, 286

Banks, Joseph, 135

Barbaro, Marco, 102–103, 111

Bardot, Brigitte, 385

Barlow, Joel, 175, 177

Barlow, Ruth, 175

bastard children, 215, 216, 230, 240, 245

Baudrillard, Jean, 393, 413

Baumeister, Eric, 388–389

Baxter, William, 197

Bebel, August, 375–376

Bell, John, 227

Bellamy, Edward, 376

Benson, Edward White, 339–340

Bertati, Giovanni, 141–142

Bill of Rights, 24

Blake, William, 165–166, 168

Blanc, Julien, 405–406, 423

Blavatsky, Madame, 320

Blease, Cole, 290–291

Blood, Fanny, 146–147, 148

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 228, 302

Bond, Anne, 13, 22, 23

Boswell, James, 20, 72, 80, 134

Bourdieu, Pierre, 400

boxing, 261–266, 268–275, 302–303

Bradshaigh, Lady Dorothy, 59–64, 66, 75–76, 77

Bradshaigh, Sir Roger, 59

Bragadin, Matteo Giovanni, 101–104, 111, 112, 113, 117, 127, 129

Breece v. Jett, 422, 423

Bryant, William, 267

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 259

Bureau of Investigation, 281, 288–289

Burgh, James, 147

Burgh, Mrs., 147, 148, 149

Burke, Edmund, 155–159, 162, 197, 322

Burne-Jones, Edward, 365

Burney, Charles, 109

Burns, Tommy, 269–271

Butler, Josephine, 334–335, 338–339

Byron, Ada, 205

Byron, Annabella Milbanke, 201–206, 207

Byron, Clara Allegra (Alba), 217–220

Byron, Lord George Gordon, 10, 85, 152, 229–230, 237, 249–250, 259; affairs of, 202–203; Casanova and, 137–138; Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 201; cicisbeismo and, 98–100; Claire Clairmont and, 207, 210, 217–222; marriage to Annabella, 201–206; Polidori and, 207–210, 211–212; scandal surrounding, 206–207; Shelleys and, 210–214, 217–222


Café de Champion, 282–283, 288, 309

Café de Luxe, 308–309

Cagliostro, Alessandro, 226

Caine, Hall, 357, 358

Callisto, 3

Cameron, Archibald, 72

Cameron, Lucille, 282, 284–286, 288–291, 300, 314

Cameron-Falconet, Mrs. F., 284–286, 290

Caminetti, Anthony, 297

Caminetti, Drew, 296–300

Caminetti v. United States, 299–300

Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 5

capital, 400

capitalism, 36, 320, 375, 376, 391–394, 396, 414, 431

Capretta, Caterina, 115–120, 122, 126

Capretta, Pietro, 115–117

Captive of the Castle of Sennaar, The (Cumberland), 165–166

Carpentier, Georges, 301, 302

Caruso, Enrico, 312

Casanova, Gaetano, 83–84

Casanova, Giacomo, 10, 80–142; affairs of, 92–101, 112, 115–127, 134, 137–138; arrest, imprisonment, and escape of, 127–132; Byron and, 137–138; death of, 142; Don Giovanni and, 138–142; in France, 143–144; love children of, 93, 116; travels by, 111–113, 132–138; in Venetian society, 101–132; youth of, 83–93

Casanova, Zannetta, 83–84, 89–90

Catiglione, Baldassare, 5–6

Ceccaldi, Janine, 379–381

Chapman, Annie, 348

Chapone, Sarah, 49, 69

charitable institutions, 73–74

Charles II, 14

Charteris, Francis, 13–16, 21–24

Charteris, Janet, 14–15, 22–23

chastity, 4, 36, 48, 194, 259, 318, 335, 397

Chaucer, 5

Cheyne, George, 31, 53

Chicago, 279–280, 282

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron), 201

Chivers, Emma, 1–2, 11, 12

Choynski, Joe, 264–265, 274

Christianity, 4–5, 360, 382

Christie, Thomas, 175

Churchill, Charles, 27

Cibber, Colley, 46, 58–59

cicisbeismo, 96–101, 108

Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 376–377

Clairmont, Claire, 10, 199–201, 207, 210–214, 216–220, 249–250

Clairmont, Mary Jane. See Clairmont, Claire

Clarissa: or, the History of a Young Lady (Richardson), 9, 50–64, 68, 385

Coleridge, Samuel, 166

Collier, Jane, 49

Colonda, Maria, 115–117

Commerce Clause, 276–277, 280

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 375, 394

Compagnoni, Giuseppe, 107–108

Condulmer, Antonio, 127

consent, 8–9, 11, 206, 257, 424, 426, 427

consent law, 277, 335, 340, 424

Constantinople, 93

consumerism, 383

Contagious Diseases Act, 338

contraception, 386–387, 390–391

convents, 117–119

Cook, Captain, 135

Coram, Thomas, 73

Corday, Charlotte, 181

Corfu, 93–96

Cornelys, Teresa, 133

Cotton Club, 309

Council of Three, 110–111

court culture, 107

courtesans, 20–21

courtliness, 5–6

coverture, 244–245, 247, 248

Craig, Edy, 363–364

Cranston, Isabella, 21–22

Cravan, Arthur, 304

criminal conversation, 236–237, 239, 256

Criminal Law Amendment Act, 337, 338, 340–342, 357, 367

criminals, 345–347

Critical Remarks on Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa, and Pamela (anonymous), 70–71

Cruel Intentions (film), 9

Cumberland, George, 165–166

Curley, Jack, 302

Custody of Infants Act, 240, 242–243


Damian, St. Peter, 4–5

Dandolo, Marco, 102–103, 111

d’Antoni Vallati, Anna Maria, 92–93

Darwin, Charles, 344–345, 348

Darwin, Erasmus, 213, 215

dating apps, 407–417

Davis, Angela, 391

Davy, Humphry, 227

de Bernardis, Bernardo, 90–91

de Bernis, François-Joachim de Pierre, 126, 132–133

de Bougainville, Louis-Antoine, 135

Declaration of the Rights of Woman (de Gouges), 161, 182

Defoe, Daniel, 31

degeneration, 345

de Genlis, Madame, 176, 182

de Gouges, Olympe, 161, 181, 182

de la Houssaye, Abraham Nicolas Amelot, 118

Delany, Patrick, 42

Deleuze, Joseph, 226

Dennigan, William P., 317

de Pizan, Christine, 4

de Ponte, Lorenzo, 139, 141

Depsey, Jack, 312, 314

Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 344, 348

Diderot, Denis, 136

Diggs, Maury, 296–300

digital revolution, 394

Disraeli, Benjamin, 355

divorce, 44, 45, 160, 161, 172, 177, 193, 205–207, 243, 247–249, 386

Dodd, William, 75

Dohrn, Anton, 345

Don Giovanni (Mozart), 138–142

Don Juan character, 138–139

Don Juan (Byron), 137, 214

Don Juan (film), 385

double standards, 44, 248, 312–313, 339, 389, 423

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 328, 357

Drabble, Margaret, 386–387, 390–391

Dracula (Stoker), 358–368

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 344–350

Ducal Palace, 127–130

Du Maurier, George, 326, 355–357

d’Urfé, Madame, 133

Duryea, Etta. See Johnson, Etta Duryea

Dworkin, Andrea, 404, 423

Dyer, Alfred, 334


economic capital, 400

economic inequality, 386, 408, 430–431

Eddowes, Catherine, 348

education, female, 149–152, 160–161, 163–164, 182

Edwards, Thomas, 67–68

Elements of Physiology (Richerand), 225

Eller v. Lord, 258

Ellington, Duke, 309

embryology, 345

Emigrants, The (Imlay), 177

Émile, or On Education (Rousseau), 151–152

Engels, Friedrich, 375, 394

Enlightenment, 6–10, 12, 49, 53, 83, 106–107, 112, 123, 134, 240, 421

Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 378, 391

erotic capital, 400, 411

Essay Concerning Human Understanding, An (Locke), 53–54

Essay On Man (Pope), 432

Europa, 3

European civilization, 106–108

European Slave Trade in English Girls, The (Dyer), 334

Eve, 4–5

evolutionary theory, 344–345

extramarital sex, 309–310. See also adultery


false morality, 193–194

family dissolution, 382–383

Fanny Hill, or Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Cleland), 385

Fasussi, Zannetta. See Casanova, Zannetta

Fear of Flying (Jong), 385, 387, 390

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 281, 311–312

female education, 149–152, 160–161, 163–164, 182

Female Eunuch, The (Greer), 12

Female Quixote, The (Lennox), 49

female sexuality, 388–390, 403

Female Spectator, The, 48–49

female writers, 47–50, 69. See also specific writers

feminism, 6, 366–367, 386, 391, 403–407, 420–421

Fenton, Lavinia, 20

Fielding, Henry, 10, 37, 39, 58, 66–67, 133

Fielding, Sarah, 49, 68, 69

Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 2, 421

film, 368–369, 373, 403

Final Solution, 373

Fisher, Kitty, 21

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 306, 309

Fitzgerald, Zelda, 306

flappers, 306–307, 308, 420

Fluke, John, 239

Foundling Hospital, 73–74

Frankenstein (Shelley), 214–216, 220, 229

Free Love, 10, 12, 165–173, 194, 196, 199, 200, 212, 230, 250

Freisler, Roland, 370–371

French Revolution, 154–161, 168, 170–185, 196

Freud, Sigmund, 375, 376–377

Fritsch, Theodor, 370

Fukuyama, Francis, 384, 391

Fuseli, Henri, 168–171, 190, 195, 365


Galvani, Luigi, 213–214

Galvanism, 213–214

Galveston, Texas, 253, 261–262, 272

Game, The (Strauss), 399, 402–403, 406, 407, 421

Ganymede, 3

Gardiner, Marguerite (Countess Blessington), 220

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos), 313

George II, 22

Germany, 319, 368–376, 386

Gersen, Jacob, 425, 426, 428

Gilray, James, 228

Gimbel, Frederick, 312

Girondins, 178, 180

Glenarvon (Lamb), 220–221

Glorious Revolution, 24, 25, 155, 156

Godwin, Mary. See Shelley, Mary

Godwin, William, 158, 166–167, 170, 188–191, 194–199, 228, 235

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 108–109

“gold digger,” 313

Goldin, Claudia, 431

Goldoni, Carlo, 84, 99, 141

Gourley, John, 16

Gover v. Dill, 257

Graham, Catherine Macaulay, 158

Graham, David, 67

Grand Tour, 80

Grau, Fritz, 371–372

Great Disruption, The (Fukuyama), 384

Great Reform Act, 238, 242

Great White Flight, 270

Greer, Germaine, 12

Grimani, Alvisi, 84–85

Grundy, Sydney, 362–363

Guiccioli, Teresa, 98–99, 100


Haeckel, Ernst, 345

Hakim, Catherine, 400, 411

Hammond, William, 44–45

happiness, pursuit of, 123

Hardwick, Elizabeth, 390

Harlem Renaissance, 309

Harlot’s Progress, The (Hogarth), 23

Hart, Marvin, 269

Haydon, Benjamin, 233

Haygood, Bishop, 253–254

Hays, Mary, 189

Haywood, Eliza, 39, 48–49

Hazlitt, William, 196

heart balm acts, 257, 316–319

hedonism, 12

Hell-Fire Club, 44

“Heroic” seduction narrative, 10

Hewlett, John, 148, 149

Highmore, Joseph, 76–77

Hill, Aaron, 31, 39, 59, 67

Hinge, 408

History of Sir Charles Grandison, The (Richardson), 64–69, 70, 74–75

Hite, Shere, 403

Hite Report, The (Hite), 403

Hitler, Adolf, 369–370, 371, 374, 379

Hobhouse, John, 203, 223

Hogarth, William, 23, 28

Hoppner, Richard, 219

Horkheimer, Max, 374

Houellebecq, Michel, 381–384, 394–399, 407, 414, 430

How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed (Jeffries), 401

How To Pick Up Girls! (Weber), 401

Hume, David, 8, 54

Hunt, Leigh, 229

hypnotism, 225, 355, 361–362

hypnosis metaphor, 11


Ilive, Jacob, 20

illegitimate children, 215, 216, 230, 240, 245

Imer, Teresa, 88, 89, 116, 133

Imlay, Fanny, 183–184, 191, 216

Imlay, Gilbert, 177–180, 183–186, 188, 190, 195, 216

immigration, 279, 367

incels (involuntary celibates), 398–399

individualism, 383, 396

Industry and Idleness (Hogwarth), 28

Information age, 384, 386

Inquisition, 126–127

interpersonal conflict, 383

interracial relations, 260–261, 271–273, 284, 290–291, 294, 296, 310–311, 319

Io, 3

Irving, Henry, 323–325, 329–331, 343, 344, 351–352, 356, 357


Jack the Ripper, 348–351, 353–354

Jacobins, 159, 178, 180–184, 196

James II, 24, 25

jazz, 307–308

Jazz Age, 308–314

Jeffries, Jim, 268–269, 273–276

Jeffries, Ross, 401

Jenkins, Nettie, 295–296

Jerome, St., 4, 5

Jews, anti-Semitism and, 351–357, 360, 368–373

Johnson, Etta Duryea, 272–274, 282–284, 287, 319

Johnson, Jack (John Arthur), 251–277, 314; boxing career of, 261–275; decline of, 314–315, 318–319; in exile in Europe, 300–305; heavyweight championship and, 268–271, 274–276, 302–303; Mann Act and, 281–295; return to U.S. by, 305, 308–309; white women and, 268, 271–273, 282, 284–286, 290–291, 314

Johnson, Joseph, 152, 154, 157, 165, 169, 175, 189, 195

Johnson, Lucille. See Cameron, Lucille

Johnson, Samuel, 17, 49–50, 72, 74, 148

Johnson, Sol C., 294

Jong, Erica, 385, 387, 390

Joseph Andrews (Fielding), 66

Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon (Fielding), 67–68


Kelly, Mary, 348–349

kerdaelophron, 132

Kerr, Clara, 266–268

Ketchel, Stanley, 272

Kingsborough, Lord and Lady, 150–152

Kipnis, Laura, 426

Klein, Ezra, 424, 428

Klossowski, Pierre, 392–393

knowledge economy, 385, 391–392

Kollontai, Alexandra, 376

Ku Klux Klan, 315, 378


Labor of Love (Weigel), 413–414

Ladies National Association (LNA), 334–335, 338

Lamb, Lady Caroline, 201, 202–203, 207, 220–221, 237

Lamb, William (Lord Melbourne), 236, 237–239

Langford, Sam, 301

Lankester, Ray, 345

Larson, Jane E., 404–405

laughing gas, 227, 228

La Valeur, 94–96

Lawrence, William, 212–213, 215

Leake, Elizabeth, 32

Leather Apron, 353, 360

Leigh, Augusta, 202, 204, 206–207

Lennox, Charlotte, 49

Letters Written in France (Williams), 158

Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (Wollstonecraft), 186–189

liberalism, 6

libertinism, 24–25, 106, 110

Libidinal Economy (Lyotard), 392–393

Living Currency (Klossowski), 392

Locke, John, 53–54

logic, 7–8

Lombroso, Cesare, 345–347, 354

London: Casanova in, 133; City of, 25–26; early eighteenth century, 16–21, 27–30; fog, 328–329; seventeenth century, 25–27; Victorian era, 327–344; Wollstonecraft in, 153

London, a poem (Johnson), 17

London, Jack, 271

loneliness, 399

Looking Backward (Bellamy), 376

Loos, Anita, 313

Louis, Joe, 318–319

Louis XIV, 107

Louis XV, 143, 144

Louis XVI, 144–145, 159, 173–175

Lovecraft, H. P., 394

Loving v. Virginia, 319

Lyceum Theatre, 327–332, 343–344, 349–350, 356, 364

lynchings, 254–256, 261, 268, 287, 291, 297

Lyotard, Jean-François, 392–393


MacKinnon, Catherine, 404

madness, 225

Magdalen House, 75–77, 153

male sexuality, 388

Malipiero, Alvise, 87–89

Malleus Maleficarum, 5

Man, The (Stoker), 363

Man and Superman (Shaw), 364

Mann, James Robert, 280–281

Mann Act, 277–300, 311–313, 319

Man of Feeling, The (Mackenzie), 10–11

Mansfield, Richard, 344, 348–350

Manuzzi, Giovanni Battista, 126–127

Marat, Jean-Paul, 181

Marcuse, Herbert, 374–379, 391–392

Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman (Wollstonecraft), 191–194

Maria Teresa, 113

Marie-Antoinette, 181–182

Markovik, Erik von, 402, 414

marriage, 7, 108, 166–167, 216, 244–245, 247–249; interracial, 261, 291, 294, 310–311, 319; reformation of, 366–367. See also divorce

Marriage Bar, 386

Marx, Karl, 375, 394

Marxism, 374–377, 379, 389, 391

Mary, A Fiction (Wollstonecraft), 152, 154

Mary Magdalen, 63

Mary Stuart, 24, 26

Match Group, 411, 413

materialism, 6, 7–8, 383

Maxwell-Stirling, Sir William, 249

Mazeppa (Byron), 222

McClay, Hattie, 271–274, 282

McIntosh, Hugh D., 270–271

McMillan, Margaret, 367

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 369–370

Melbourne, Lady. See Lamb, Lady Caroline

Melbourne, Lord. See Lamb, William (Lord Melbourne)

Memmo, Lucia, 127

memoirs, 47–49

Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington, The (Pilkington), 47–48

Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Godwin), 195–196

Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 352

mesmerism, 355

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 3–4

#MeToo movement, 418–432

Milbanke, Annabella. See Byron, Annabella Milbanke

Millar, Andrew, 30

Minassian, Alek, 398

miscegenation, 260–261, 272, 291, 319

misogyny, 4–5, 6, 423

modernity, 2, 3, 79, 278, 279, 320

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 58, 81

Moral Essays (Pope), 21, 23

morality, 36, 38–39, 69–70, 192–194, 247, 340, 390–391, 429

moral panic, 73, 292–293

Moran, Frank, 301

Morisson, Fynes, 104

Morris, William, 376, 389–390

Morrison, Jim, 385

mothers, rights of, 240–241

Mount Tambora, 210

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 138–142

Murnau, F. W., 368, 373

Murray, Fanny, 20

Murray, John, 81–82, 208

Mystery Method, 402, 416–417


natural rights, 240–241, 247

natural selection, 320, 344–345

Nazis, 319, 369–375

negging, 402

neo-liberalism, 396

New Man, 366–367

News From Nowhere (Morris), 376, 389–390

New Woman, 320, 343–344, 362–368

New Woman, The (Grundy), 362–363

New York Female Moral Reform Society (NYFMRS), 259

Nichols, Mary Ann, 348

Nicholson, Roberta West, 315–318

Nootbaar, Max, 286

Norris, Lola, 297

Norton, Caroline, 230–249

Norton, George, 231, 237–238, 242, 244–247, 249

Norton v. Viscount Melbourne, 238–240

Nosferatu, 368, 373

Notorious Mrs Ebbsmith, The (Pinero), 363

Nuremberg Laws, 372


O’Brien, Nellie, 271–272

Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 422–423

OkCupid, 409–411, 414

One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 391

online dating, 407–417

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 344–345

Osborn, John, 30

Osborne, Walter, 363

Ovid, 3–4, 5, 66

Oxford, Lady, 202


Padua, 85–86, 113

Paine, Thomas, 158, 175, 228

Pall Mall Gazette, 333, 334, 335, 337–338, 343, 346–347

Palm, Etta, 160

Pamela Censur’d (anonymous), 39–40

Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded (Richardson), 2, 34–41, 49–51, 58, 66, 419

Pankhurst, Christabel, 423

Pantisocracy, 166

parental authority, 312

Pascal, Blaise, 382

passion, 7–8, 10–11, 54, 55, 57, 83, 164–165, 401–402, 421

philanthropy, 73–74

Philipps, Constantia, 69

pick-up artists, 402, 405–407, 414–417

Pilkington, Laetitia, 42–48, 69

Pilkington, Matthew, 42–45

“pill, the,” 386–387

Pineau, Irene Marie, 314

Pinero, Arthur Wing, 363

Pitt the Younger, 154–155

pleasure, 123–124

Plecker, Walter, 311

Polidori, John William, 207–209, 211–214, 222–224, 228–229

Political Justice (Godwin), 166–167, 199

Polwhele, Richard, 195

Pope, Alexander, 21, 23, 432

Portugal, 148

post-Sexual Revolution, 392–403, 414

Powell, John, 311

Price, Richard, 147, 156

Priestley, Joseph, 228

Printing Act, 24

printing industry, 27–31

prizefighting, 261–266, 268–275, 302–303

Prohibition, 305, 312

property rights, 240–241, 243

prosititution, 19–20, 63, 74–75, 108, 243, 278, 281, 288, 293, 336–338, 340, 343, 354

Prussian Memorandum, 370–371

Public Assemblages Act, 311

public spaces, 430

Punch, 326, 329, 349, 355

Pushkin, Alexander, 77

Putnam, Robert, 430

Puységur, Marquis de, 225, 226


Queen Mab (Shelley), 216


race relations, 252

race theory, 320

race treason, 371

racial laws, 260–261

racial violence, 275–277. See also lynchings

racism, 294, 428–429

rake culture, 13–79

rape, 8, 13, 35, 51, 404

rape culture, 405

rationality, 12

Real Social Dynamics (RSD), 406

reason, 7–11, 54, 55, 57, 83, 123, 149–150, 158, 164–165, 397, 401–402, 421, 429

Reconstruction, 252, 253, 292

Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke), 157, 158

Reich, Wihelm, 378

Reign of Terror, 180–184

Religious Courtship (Defoe), 31

religious freedom, 24–25

repression, 376–377

Richardson, Martha, 29, 31–32

Richardson, Samuel, 24–79, 419; Apprentice’s Vade Mecum, The, 32–33; biography of, 24–34, 71–79; Clarissa: or, the History of a Young Lady, 50–64, 68; criticism of, 39, 70–71, 77–78; Fielding and, 39, 66–68; History of Sir Charles Grandison, The, 64–69, 70, 74–75; influence of, 77–78; moral values of, 69–70; Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded, 2, 34–41, 49–51, 58, 66; Pilkington and, 46–48; wealth of, 41–42, 47

Richardson, Thomas Verren, 32

Richerand, Anthelme, 225

Rivington, Charles, 30

Robespierre, Maximilien, 171, 178, 180, 228

Roddenbery, Seaborn, 277, 291

Rodger, Elliot, 398

Roe, Clifford G., 280

Roebuck, John Arthur, 244

Roe v. Wade, 387

Roland, Madame, 182–183

Romantics, 10, 12

Roscoe, William, 169, 172–173

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 358

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 132, 151–152, 161, 180, 223

Rudder, Christian, 410

Russia, 376


Salieri, Antonio, 141

Salisbury Court, 29–30

Schreiber, Belle, 272, 273, 274, 282, 289–290, 293, 296

Schwartz-Bostunitsch, Gregor, 372–373

Scott, Benjamin, 334, 335

Sebottendorf, Rudolf von, 369

seducers, 8–9, 10, 397

seduction: definition of, 258–259; end of, 376, 393, 396; legal dimension of, 2, 8–12, 236–239, 243–244, 256–261, 404–405; literary history of, 2–6; Sexual Revolution and, 393, 396–397; as social issue, 2–3

Seduction (Baudrillard), 393, 413

seduction community, 401–403, 405–407, 414

seduction narrative, 1–12, 397, 429; classical, 99–100; Pamela as first, 34–51; sexual ideology and, 49–50

seductress, 20–21

segregation, 311, 371–372

sensibility, 53–54, 56, 73

September Massacres, 171–172

Seward, Anne, 49

Seward, Thomas, 49

sex bureaucracy, 425–429

sex recession, 422–423

sex trafficking, 334–337. See also white slave trade

sexual assault allegations, 418–432

sexual culture, 421–422

sexual economics, 384–393, 396

sexual experience, 6

sexual fraud, 405

sexual freedom, 10, 12, 105, 108, 165–173, 199, 245, 312, 366, 386–387, 391, 393

sexual harassment, 426–427

sexual ideology, 39, 69–70

sexual liberation, 12, 165, 167, 366, 378, 379, 387, 396–397, 402–403, 414, 424. See also sexual freedom; Sexual Revolution

sexual morality, 6, 309–310

Sexual Revolution, 12, 309–312, 378, 384–396, 422

sexual virtue, 196

sex workers, 19–20, 74–75, 281, 354. See also prostitution

Shakespeare, William, 6

Shamela (Fielding), 39, 66

Sharpe, Samuel, 97

Shaw, George Bernard, 323, 324–325, 330, 357, 364

Shelley, Clara, 217, 218–219

Shelley, Harriet, 197–198, 199, 217

Shelley, Mary, 10, 11, 194, 196, 197–250, 429; Byron and, 210–214; Caroline Norton and, 230–236, 239–242; death of, 249; Frankenstein, 214–216, 220, 229; Free Love and, 230; Percy Shelley and, 197–201, 217–219, 229; tragic sensibility of, 200

Shelley, Percy, 10, 197–201, 207, 210–214, 216–219, 229, 249–250

Shelley, William (Wilmouse), 200, 216, 218, 230

Sheridan, Caroline. See Norton, Caroline

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 231, 322

Shylock character, 352

Sidney, Philip, 5–6

Signora F., 94, 96, 100

Sims, Edwin W., 280

Sims Act, 277

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 5

Sixties, 378–379, 382, 385, 386, 423

slavery, 252

Smith, Adam, 429

Smith, Alfred E., 312

Smith, Henry, 254–256, 275

Smollett, Tobias, 99

sociability, 106–107, 108, 110

social democracy, 396

social interactions, 430

socialism, 375–376, 389–390, 393

social mobility, 20–21

Society for the Reformation of Manners, 26

sodomy, 207–208

somnambulism, 224–229

Sorrows of Rosalie, The (Norton), 231

Southey, George, 166

Southey, Robert, 195

sporting culture, 266, 308

Stanley, Edward Lyulph, 341

“Statues, The” (Pilkington), 46

Stead, William Thomas, 333–344, 354, 368

Steinem, Gloria, 403

sterilization acts, 311

Sterne, Laurence, 27

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 344–350

Stoker, Bram, 11, 320–368; biography of, 320–323; career of, 357–358; death of, 368; Dracula, 358–368; Henry Irving and, 323–325, 329–330, 357; Lyceum Theatre and, 327–332, 350, 356, 357; The Man, 363; marriage of, 325–327; W.T. Stead and, 343

Stoker, Florence, 325–327, 363, 365, 368

Stoker, Irving Noel Thornley, 326

Stone, John Hurford, 176

Strauss, Neil, 399, 402–403, 407, 415, 421

Streicher, Julius, 370

Stride, Elizabeth, 348

Suk Gersen, Jeannie, 425, 426, 428

surplus-repression, 377

Svengali character, 355–356

Sweden, 427–428

Swift, Jonathan, 23, 27, 42, 43


Tahiti, 134–136, 166

Talfourd, Sir Thomas, 241

Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice, 160–161

telepathy, 355

Tellez, Gabriel, 138–139

Terry, Ellen, 343–344

Tertullian, 4, 5

Thelwall, John, 224, 228

This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald), 306

Thomas, Michel. See Houellebecq, Michel

Thomas, René, 380–382

Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (Wollstonecraft), 149–150

Thule Society, 369

Tillman, Ben, 297

Tinder, 410, 411–412, 414, 430

Tinger, 408–409

Titanic, 368

Title IX, 425–426, 428–429

Tom Jones (Fielding), 66–68

Torbillon, Robert A., 312

Tower of London, 25

Treatise of Human Nature, A (Hume), 54

Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, 356

Trelawney, Edward, 229, 233–235

Trilby (Du Maurier), 355–357

Tunney, Gene, 312

Twenge, Jean, 430

Twenties, 306–314


United States v. John Arthur Johnson, 292–295, 297, 300

university consent guidelines, 425–426

“Unsex’d Females, The” (Polwhele), 195–196

“unsexed,” 338–339

Updike, John, 384–385


Vampire, The (Burne-Jones), 365

vampires, 358–370

Vampyre, The (Polidori), 220–224, 229

Vance, Myrtle, 253–254

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 312

Vane, Lady Frances, 69

Venice, 80–82, 85, 97, 101–132, 136, 142; convents of, 117–119; Enlightenment in, 106–107; society of, 108–111; women in, 104–106, 117–119

Venus, 135

Victoria (queen), 239

Victorian era, 69–70, 320, 327–344, 361–368

Vienna, 113

villainous seduction narrative, 8–12

Vindication of the Rights of Men, A (Wollstonecraft), 157–159

Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft), 161–165

virtue, 36–37, 51, 71, 196

Vohs, Kathleen, 388–389

Volstead Act, 305

Voltaire, 10, 133

von Schlabrendorf, Gustav, 176–177


Walcott, Joe, 264

Wallis, Samuel, 134–135

Walpole, Horace, 37, 76

Warrington, Marsha, 297

Washington, Booker T., 286–287

Watts, George, 343

Webb, Beatrice, 366

Weber, Eric, 400–401

Webster, Sir Richard, 341

Weigel, Moira, 413–414

Weimar Republic, 368–369

Weinstein, Harvey, 418–422, 431

Wells, Ida, 254

Westbrook, Harriet. See Shelley, Harriet

Whatever (Houellebecq), 394–395, 397–398, 407, 408

White, Arnold, 355

White Cross League, 340

whiteness, 311

white slave trade, 277–281, 291–292, 334–347, 372

White-Slave Traffic Act. See Mann Act

white supremacists, 252

whores, 20

“Wife of Bath’s Tale, The” (Chaucer), 5

Wilberforce, William, 73

Wilde, Oscar, 325, 329, 357

Willard, Frances, 277, 424

Willard, Jess, 302–303

William of Orange, 24

Williams, Helen Maria, 158, 171–172, 176, 182

Wing, Isadora, 385

witches, 5, 320

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 10, 145–198, 338, 429, 431; biography of, 145–154; death of, 194; in France, 173–185, 196; Free Love and, 165–173, 194; Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, 186–189; Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman, 191–194; marriage to Godwin of, 189–191; Mary, A Fiction, 152, 154; Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, 149–150; Vindication of the Rights of Men, A, 157–159; Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 161–165

womanhood, ideal of, 69

“woman question,” 6

women: early eighteenth century, 19–21; education of, 149–152, 160–161, 163–164, 182; Enlightenment view of, 53–54; European, 107; exploitation of, 63; flappers, 306–307, 308, 420; in French Revolution, 155–161, 180–183; Mann Act and, 295–296, 298–299, 312–313; marriage and, 244–245; rights of, 159–164, 240–243, 245–249, 257–258, 362; sexual economics and, 384–391; sexuality of, 388–390; sexual rights of, 338; Venetian, 104–106, 117–119; Victorian era, 338–340, 361–368; vilification of, 4–5

Women and Socialism (Bebel), 375–376

Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 277, 310

Women’s March, 155, 156

Wood, Myron, 1–2

Woolf, Virginia, 168

World War I, 301–305

World War II, 319, 374–375, 379

Worsdale, James, 43–44

Wyndham, Horace, 331, 332


“Yes Means Yes,” 424

Yorke, Henry Galgacus Redhead, 243

Young, Arthur, 150

Young, Edward, 58

youth culture, 308, 312


Zeus, 3