Let us with a gladsom mind
Praise the Lord, for he is kind,
For his mercies ay endure,
Ever faithfull, ever sure.
Let us blaze his Name abroad, 5
For of gods he is the God;
For, &c.
O let us his praises tell,
That doth the wrathfull tyrants quell. 10
For, &c.
That with his miracles doth make
Amazed Heav’n and Earth to shake.
For, &c. 15
That by his wisdom did create
The painted Heav’ns so full of state.
For his, &c. 20
That did the solid Earth ordain
To rise above the watry plain.
For his, &c.
That by his all-commanding might, 25
Did fill the new-made world with light.
For his, &c.