Running away from problems can sometimes seem like the right thing to do, but it’s not necessarily the best choice. Feeling both joy and pain is part of the human experience.
Dr. Kyle “Spence” Spencer has been running most of his life, ever since he lost his brother in a tragic accident when they were kids. He shoulders the full responsibility of his brother’s death. Yet instead of processing his grief fully, he chooses to save as many lives as possible, and run when a situation gets too intense.
Maddie McBride has always cared so much for her family, and even hoped that her nurturing personality would keep her parents from splitting up and moving away, but it didn’t. No matter how much you care about people, you can’t control their choices. Maddie guards her heart, fearing a painful outcome of loving too fiercely.
Will Maddie’s love for Spence and promise of God’s forgiveness encourage Spence to stop running? And if he can’t stop running, will she be able to let go of her pain and open her heart to God’s healing?
Life isn’t always easy or simple. Relationships are complicated thanks to all the baggage we carry with us from our experiences. I hope you are able to process your experiences with love and then let them go. Holding on to guilt, shame or resentment only impedes our path to grace.
Wishing you peace on your journey,
Hope White