Catherine Spalding had gone to the Pennsylvania Avenue post office and given Geraldine Temperton one tongue-lashing too many. Catherine Spalding had always paid cash, but when the credit card system was down a couple of weeks ago, she was forced to write a check because she didn’t have enough cash to cover the cost of the packages she wanted to ship.

Geraldine had patiently waited for that day to come. She knew it would sooner or later. That very evening, when she closed out her drawer, she carefully went through each and every check she took in that day, looking diligently for the check she’d received from her longtime agitator. Normally, Jerry, Geraldine Temperton; and Terry, Theresa Temperton, wouldn’t bother with an old biddy like Catherine Spalding, but this was personal. It was indeed her turn to feel the sting of the lash.

The twins had picked their women from among the cream of the crop. In order to be chosen, Jerry had to actually serve a selected beauty that had come to her counter at the Pennsylvania Avenue post office. The same restrictions applied to the women that Terry served at the library where she worked. When a beautiful woman came to Terry’s counter to check out an item, the computer automatically pulled up a screen that showed the woman’s home address. Terry had chosen Phoenix when she served her and Savannah; before she learned that Phoenix was an FBI agent. That fact saved her from the twins.

Both twins were expert computer hackers. Jerry wrote down the driver’s license number of potential victims when she accepted a check. With that number they were able to access DMV computers, attain social security numbers, pull credit reports, check police records, view airline manifests, examine bank accounts, and search just about any institution that kept computer records. They collected invaluable information on potential victims before deciding how and when they would die. Tonight it was Catherine Spalding’s turn.

Jerry bent down and snatched Catherine Spalding by her crimson hair. “How does it feel? How does it feel to be humiliated?”

Catherine was naked and hanging upside-down in a pair of portable anti-gravity boots with her mouth taped shut. Gravity had caused her sixty-five-year-old flab to sag. She must have weighed in excess of two hundred pounds. It was a gross sight.

Catherine tried to talk but her words were muffled and incoherent. The sound of the whip howled through the air and cracked loudly against the flesh it struck. Her body convulsed violently. She began to shake uncontrollably for a few seconds and stopped all of a sudden.

Terry frowned. She moved closer, lifted her arm to take her pulse, and felt none. “I don’t believe this. The old buzzard croaked.”

Jerry screamed maniacally and beat on the old woman like a five-year-old having a temper tantrum. “You can’t die! Not yet! Not yet, you old cow! Wake up!” Jerry hit her a few more times. “Wake your ass up!”

Terry laughed. “Let’s go, Sis. She’s done.”

“No! I’m going to get my pound of flesh! She humiliated me too many times!”