Praise for The Little Book of Being
“The Little Book of Being offers new and experienced meditators reliable guidance on the practice of natural awareness, as well as classical mindfulness. Helpful, accessible, and humorous, it makes meditation an inviting adventure while also setting realistic expectations.”
author of Emptiness: A Practical Guide for Meditators; guiding teacher, Insight Meditation Society
“Without ever becoming precious or dogmatic, Diana Winston shows how natural, or non-dual, awareness emerges within the continuum of mindfulness practice and is an antidote to the trap of excessive striving. The book is a testament to her years of experience and is a treasure trove of elegant, accessible meditations. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to free their heart and mind.”
author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion; co-developer of the Mindful Self-Compassion program
“In a clear and encouraging voice, Diana Winston points out how the shift from noting what is happening to the more spacious awareness that it is happening relaxes the mind and body into a state of okay-ness, bringing natural compassion and deep well-being.”
author of Happiness Is an Inside Job
“Diana Winston lives and breathes the clean, clear air of mindful awareness and brings a great deal of experience and skill to the table. The practical, accessible, and doable tools and techniques, meditational tips and pointers, and plain ol’ wisdom here have helped me discover, recognize, and recover who and what I am—and what we all genuinely are at the level of our very best selves. I believe this will certainly help you, too, release the buoyant little buddha within and live the miraculous life you want and need.”
author of Awakening the Buddha Within: Eight Steps to Enlightenment; founder of the Dzogchen Center and Dzogchen Retreats
“Diana Winston’s wonderful new book, The Little Book of Being, combines the authority of her long and deep practice with her engaging conversational voice—for everyone from beginners to long-time meditators.”
author of Mindful Games and The Mindful Child
“A rare combination of deep, clear, and accessible wisdom, The Little Book of Being is a gem filled with fantastic reflections, practices, and teachings that will nourish new and experienced meditators alike. Written with an engaging freshness, this book reminds us of what we know, love, and regularly forget—the natural awareness that is our very essence.”
author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
“The Little Book of Being is a lovely, simple, wise, and helpful book. It is filled with down-to-earth practical wisdom, wonderful tools to free the heart, and a perspective of self-kindness that we all need.”
author of A Path with Heart
“The Little Book of Being is more than little, and more than about simply being. Diana Winston offers us a big idea about . . . a state of mind we may sometimes call presence—or a ‘natural awareness,’ in her terms—that research suggests boosts our immunity, reduces inflammation, and can even slow the aging process. Even more, her wise and accessible teachings offer us practical tools for becoming more fully aware and cultivating the clarity and tranquility that arise when the mind accesses this open, receptive state. Take in these powerful ideas and bring more well-being, equanimity, and connection into your life!”
clinical professor and founding co-director, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center; executive director, Mindsight Institute; author of Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence
“Crafted with kindness, The Little Book of Being offers a wonderful invitation to the realm of natural awareness. Weaving clear, concise instruction with encouragement and personal anecdotes, Diana Winston leads us in the direction of a meditation practice free from judgment and striving. Through exercises that point toward short glimpses of natural awareness, we can learn to experience relief from the patterns of our habitual mind.”
author of Real Happiness and Real Love
“Breaking new ground, this wise and elegant book, The Little Book of Being, is a wonderful guide to the important next stage of mindfulness practice: natural awareness. These down-to-earth essays and short glimpse practices are wisdom bites that are just the right size to enjoy a delicious taste of natural awareness whenever you like. Highly recommended!”
author of Shift into Freedom
“This is a phenomenal book about mindfulness—and self-acceptance, joy, love, and the natural wisdom and goodness inside each one of us. . . . Each page is full of loving wisdom, plus practical suggestions for living with ease in harmony with oneself and others. Diana Winston combines tremendous clarity with warm-hearted friendly support. Wow, really a gem!”
author of Buddha’s Brain
“Using tools from across the Buddhist traditions, Diana Winston defines a ‘spectrum of awareness’ in language that is simple and compelling. This teaching helps us recognize, generate, and rest in various states of peace and ease. Diana’s insights and clarity provide a clear path to natural awareness. The book is highly creative and innovative, and it will be a source of wellness for many.”
professor, University of Washington School of Social Work; leadership team member of the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute