WE COME NOW to the heart of synchrodestiny. We have discovered the dual nature of the soul, and we understand that we are fully part of the nonlocal intelligence, just as a wave is part of the ocean. We have learned to see the synchronicity in all things, the matrix that links us to the source of the universe. We have learned to value coincidences as messages from the nonlocal intelligence that point us in the direction of our destiny, and we know that our intentions can influence this direction. All these revelations are essential for living a fulfilled life. But when we look for guidance in how to construct our everyday lives, we still need to answer the central question of self: What are my dreams and desires? And that can only be answered by asking, in addition, Who am I? What do I want? What’s my purpose in this lifetime?
We know that our deepest relationships and meanings and contexts derive from the soul. And our aspiration, that grand and wonderful and mythical thing that we yearn to do, also ultimately derives from the soul. In our time here on earth, this individual soul will not be fulfilled unless it completes its mythical quest, which we can think of as the Grand Plan around which our destinies are organized. Inside every human being there is an overarching theme, a template for heroic living, a god or a goddess in embryo that yearns to be born. This is who we were meant to be, the self that we deny ourselves because most of us cannot see the field of limitless potential that is open to us. This is our best self, the egoless self, that bit of the universe acting through us for the good of all.
People who live ordinary, mundane lives have not gotten in touch with the mythical being inside them. You can pave the path to enlightenment by understanding the plan written on your soul, by nurturing the relationships that give you context and meanings, and by enacting your mythical drama. Out of that is born love and compassion. Out of that comes fulfillment and completion.
These mythical stories, these heroes and heroines within, are called archetypes. Archetypes are perennial themes that reside at the level of the collective, universal soul. These themes are representations of our collective soul’s yearnings, imagination, and deepest desires. These themes have existed forever. We see them in the writings of ancient cultures, in literature throughout the ages. Their shapes shift depending on where we are in history, but their core remains the same. These archetypes are enacted in modern-day movies, television soap operas, and tabloid newspapers. Anytime a person or character is “bigger than life,” we are seeing the enactment of an archetype. These characters are usually presented as uncomplicated, with purity of intent, regardless of what that intent may be. Divine or diabolical, sacred or profane, the sinner or the saint, the adventurer, the sage, the seeker, the rescuer, the love object, the redeemer—all are exaggerated expressions of the conscious energy of the collective soul.
Archetypes are born of the collective soul, but they are enacted by individual souls. Their mythical dramas play out daily in our physical world. We can look at Marilyn Monroe and easily see the embodiment of Aphrodite, a goddess of sex and beauty. We can see Robert Downey Jr. as the embodiment of Dionysus or Bacchus, the untamed, fun-loving spirit. Princess Diana was Artemis, the nonconformist, the wild one, the rule breaker, the fearless warrior who fights for what she believes.
Every human being is attuned to some archetype, or two or three archetypes. Every one of us is hardwired at the level of the soul to enact or model archetypal characteristics. They are seeds sown within us. When a seed sprouts, it releases the patterning forces that allow it to grow into a certain type of plant. A tomato seed will always grow to be a tomato plant, not a rosebush. The activation of an archetype releases its patterning forces that allow us to become more of what we already are destined to be. And our individual archetypes are reflected in our desires or intentions. So, who are you? What do you want? What is the purpose of your existence? At the deepest level these questions are asked of the soul. And to find the answers you must speak to that part of the soul that is unique to you. And as we do, we learn to define our individual archetypes.
We live in a society that is so totally goal oriented that everything has to have a label, but this is less helpful when you explore the nature of your soul. Some people call me an author. Others call me a spiritual thinker, or a mind-body doctor, or a personal adviser. My children think of me as a father, and my wife sees me as her mate. All these roles help to define me, but who I am is continually emerging as my destiny unfolds. If you label yourself, you become stuck, like a butterfly caught in a jar. Adopting an archetype is not labeling because it is not about limitations. Quite the opposite. Archetypes are life models, images and ideas that guide the direction of your life toward your soul’s ultimate destiny. Recognizing your true nature and allowing it to blossom is part of the beauty of living from the level of the soul—you become the hero or heroine of a mythical saga.
If we allow ourselves to become swayed by forces in the physical world, whether they are well-meaning or not, then we are lured away from our soul’s destiny. We start to desire things that may not be meant for us; we begin to have intentions that do not match up with the intentions of the universe. What do these forces look like? They can be as innocent as friends giving advice they think is in your best interest; they can be as pervasive as media messages enticing us to buy an endless line of products; they can be as seductive as a corner office with the title of corporate vice president and a seven-figure salary. These are messages from the physical world, not from the universe. The blueprint that the universe intends for you is found at the level of the soul. We get clues in the form of coincidences, and we get guidance in the form of archetypes.
So how do you know which destiny is meant for you, and which dream is just the product of our mass-market culture? How many little girls dream of being the next Britney Spears? How many little boys aspire to be the next Michael Jordan? We emulate these celebrities because they are enacting their own archetypes, they succeeded in following their own inner quests. You can begin to know your own archetypes and your own destiny only by accessing the will of the universal soul, by looking deep inside and defining your innermost desires, by choosing the archetype that most closely matches your intentions, and following its ancient pattern.
Discovering archetypes is a highly personal experience. No one can look at you, even if they know you well, and tell you, “Oh, you are this archetype.” Vedic science, the ancient wisdom tradition of India, says that unless you can get in touch with that embryo of a god or goddess incubating inside you, unless you can let that embryo be fully born, then your life will always be mundane. But once that god or goddess expresses itself through you, then you will do grand and wondrous things.
These days, we tend to seek symbolic archetypes in celebrities, but we need to nurture a full expression of the archetypes in ourselves. They are part of what creates us. This is the stuff our dreams are made of. This is the stuff of mythology, of campfire stories, of legends. This is what inspires great movies. In Star Wars Luke Skywalker is the expression of the archetype of the eternal adventurer, willing to take risks to explore the unknown. Princess Leia is like Artemis, the independent huntress, the protector. Yoda is the wise seer, the keeper of powerful knowledge who is connected to the nonlocal intelligence. These are figures of our collective imagination, ancient archetypes in futuristic form.
Archetypes are vital to understanding and defining who we are, individual expressions of a collective consciousness. Mythology is the wellspring of our civilization. One of the consequences of depriving people of mythology is that they join street gangs. Why? Because gangs have a leader, they have rituals, they have initiation rites—the stuff of mythology. Our children are joining gangs in search of a mythical experience. Whenever somebody does anything remarkable—when astronauts walk on the moon, when a pilot embarks on the first solo flight across the Atlantic—these are mythical quests, Jason in search of the Golden Fleece, Icarus soaring in his wings of feathers and wax. From Persephone’s abduction by Pluto to Orpheus seeking his bride among the shades of Hades, to Apollo, Krishna, and all the stories of Celtic mythology—this is the deepest wellspring of civilization and identity.
Gangs and movies and soap operas and celebrities are seductive precisely because they strike this mythic chord. But they are second-class substitutes for mythology. Real archetypes are enacted by people like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, anyone who reaches beyond daily life into the realm of the wondrous. They are able to achieve greatness because they tapped into the collective consciousness, which gave them the ability to see several event lines simultaneously and predict the future based on choices in the moment. They say that when Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of the train in Durban, South Africa, he closed his eyes and saw the British Empire crumbling halfway across the world. That one episode changed the course of history.
These events create a shift in cognitive and perceptual mechanisms. Normally this hardware allows us to see only what’s happening here, right in front of us. But from time to time we can awaken dormant potentialities and the wisdom to use them. In Sanskrit, these are referred to as siddhis, which means supernormal powers—extrasensory perception, synchronicity, telepathy—all products of the nonlocal domain. These are the powers that bloom as myth.
The process of finding an archetype should be joyous. Don’t worry about choosing unwisely. Because archetypes spring from the collective consciousness, every archetype is present in every one of us. But some archetypes are represented more strongly. Your goal is to find the one, two, or even three archetypes that resonate with you most powerfully, those that represent your heart. Do not choose who you wish to be, or even which qualities you most admire, but seek out the qualities that you feel drawn to, that motivate you, that inspire you. You will know them when you find them. Best of all, there are no wrong answers.
To help you on your search, try the following exercise, which has been modified from the work of my friend Jean Houston, author of A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story. She has many other exercises in her books, which I highly recommend. Get comfortable and clear your mind. Ideally, the following paragraphs would be read to you while your eyes are closed; if possible record them on tape or CD and play them back so you can imagine the scenes more clearly. But reading with a clear and open mind can work, too.
Start by taking a few deep breaths. Slowly inhale and exhale, releasing any tension or tightness or resistance that you’re carrying in your body. Keep taking slow, deep, smooth breaths, allowing each exhalation to take you to a deeper, quieter, and more relaxed place.
Now imagine that you are walking along a beautiful, tree-lined country path, far from the turbulence of the city. You observe the lush countryside as you stroll along, with birds soaring overhead, white-tailed rabbits scampering across the path, and butterflies fluttering about. You come to a clearing and you notice a charming, rustic cottage with a thatched roof. The door is open and welcoming. You look inside and see a den and a hallway leading to the back of the house. You feel very safe and comfortable here, as if you’re returning to your own home, and you begin to walk down the hallway into a small room. You notice a closet door, which you open. Pushing aside the clothes, you discover an opening at the back of the closet. Moving through the opening, you find that it leads to an ancient stone staircase, which winds down and around, down and around. The light is dim, so you carefully descend, one step at a time, holding onto the railing and being very careful not to fall, descending deeper and deeper and deeper. You finally reach the bottom of the stairway and you find yourself at the edge of a broad river reflecting rays of silvery moonlight. Sitting by the side of the river, you listen to its hushed passage and gaze into the star-filled eternity of the night sky.
Off in the distance you see a small boat sailing toward you. It glides up, and a figure shrouded in linen robes stands in the boat and beckons you to enter. Feeling safe and protected, you step aboard and you’re given a flowing garment, decorated with ancient symbols, to change into. The boat sails through a narrow tunnel, which seems to go on forever. The bearded boatman in the stern begins chanting some unfamiliar mantras, and after a few moments you notice that your senses have become much more alert. You’re relaxed yet curiously exhilarated.
A light appears at the end of the tunnel and grows brighter. As you move closer to the light, you become aware that it is an invitation to enter the virtual realm. As you accept, and immerse yourself in the light, you suddenly find yourself becoming weightless. You begin floating off the boat and experience yourself merging with this nourishing light. You become this light. You are now a virtual being, a sphere of pulsating light. From this realm of pure potentiality, you can emerge into quantum and material reality in any form or shape, and at any location in space-time that you choose.
You reach into the depths of your light being and emerge as the goddess Hera, Queen of Olympus and all the gods of Greece, the symbol of regal power and beauty. You’re in command of the world, filled with confidence and authority. Your subjects rely upon your certainty and strength. You are the ultimate expression of self-assurance. Feel what it is like to have the consciousness of this powerful goddess. Feel the sensations of moving in her body. Feel what it is like to have her gestures, to have her speech, her facial expressions. Look at the world through her eyes. Hear the world through her ears.
Now bid farewell to this goddess and return to your virtual light form. Once again you’re in the realm of pure potential, pulsating with possibilities. Reach into the depths of your light being and emerge as the wise old king, skilled in the ways of navigating the storms of life. You are the bearded sage, the great rishi who sees the forms and phenomena of the world as a cosmic dance. You are in this world but not of it, and each of your thoughts, words, and actions expresses absolute impeccability. Feel what it is like to have the consciousness of a sage. Your mind is the mind of a seer. Feel what it is like to have his thoughts, his speech, and his gestures. See the world through his eyes.
Now release the seer and again merge back into your essence as a virtual light being. Reach into your depths and emerge as the redeemer. You are the light of compassion, radiant with forgiveness and hope. Your very presence dispels the darkness, no matter how foreboding it may seem. You are the essence of avatars, the essence of Christ, of Buddha. Your very nature transforms experience into faith. Witness the thoughts that arise in the mind of the redeemer. Feel the emotions in the heart of the redeemer. Experience the world through the eyes of the redeemer, overflowing with compassion and love for all sentient beings.
Now release the redeemer and return to your primordial essence. You are a virtual light being, a distilled pool of universal energy. You are the full potential of all that was, is, and will be. Reach into the depths of this light nature and emerge as the divine mother. You are the essential nurturing force, alive with life-giving energy. You are Demeter, Shakti, the feminine face of God. You are the divine mother, bestowing your loving kindness on all sentient beings. You are the primordial creative force, giving birth to forms and phenomena. Experience the consciousness of the divine mother. Feel the feelings of the divine mother. See creation through her eyes. Hear creation through her ears. Inhale and exhale the breath of the divine mother.
Now release the divine mother. Resume your essential nature as pure light, the primordial virtual energy, alive with possibilities to manifest anything you choose to become. Plunge into the depths of your being and emerge as Dionysus, the god of sensuality, of ecstasy and intoxication, the god of excess and abandon. You are the personification of total surrender into the moment. Your nature is to hold nothing back, to immerse yourself in the experience of being alive. You are drunk with love. Experience the world with the consciousness of Dionysus. Feel intoxication. Perceive the world through Dionysian eyes. Hear the music of the universe as a celebration of your being. Give yourself over to the ecstasy of the senses and of the spirit.
Now release Dionysus and merge back into your primordial energy state of pure virtual light. Find the impulse of wisdom and intelligence within your infinite potential and emerge as the goddess of wisdom, Saraswati or Athena. You’re the protector of civilization with your commitment to knowledge, wisdom, the arts, and scientific knowledge. You’re a true spiritual warrior, dedicated to destroying any ignorance that impedes the expression of truth. Experience the consciousness of a goddess of wisdom. Look at the world through her eyes; hear the prevailing conversation through her ears. You are refinement, you are elegance, and you are civility and wisdom at its highest value.
And now let go of the goddess of wisdom. Return to your original state of pure virtual light. Merge back into your unbounded, unmanifest being, pulsing with potential. Dive into your essential light essence and emerge as Aphrodite, as Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. You’re the embodiment of sensuality, passion, and sexuality. In your presence, sentient beings lose their heads and crave the rapture of Eros. Express and experience the consciousness of the goddess of love. Experience the body of the goddess of sensuality. Savor her sensuality. See the world through the eyes of the goddess of love.
Now release the love goddess, returning into your core as light, as pure undifferentiated being, as infinite possibilities. Dive deeply into your essence and emerge as the holy child, the expression of pure divine potential. You are the incarnation of innocence embodying the expectation of unconditional love, both as giver and as receiver. You are born of divine parents, and you are ripe with destiny and cosmic potential. Observe the world through the eyes of the holy child. Feel the love flowing through your heart of innocence. Experience your playfulness as a child of light, rejoicing in your own being.
Release the holy child. Experience yourself as a virtual light being. Rest in your boundlessness. You’re a throbbing heartbeat of energy, capable of creating anything you desire. Dive deeply into your light core and emerge as the cosmic alchemist. You’re the ultimate magician, capable of turning nothing into something and something into nothingness. You know the world of the senses to be nonsensical. You experience the material world as an expression of your conscious energy, which you can transform into matter with your intention and attention. You can assume any form you choose, living or inanimate, because you are consciousness in all its disguises. You are Krishna; you are infinite possibilities. Experience yourself as Krishna, the cosmic alchemist, capable of manifesting anything you choose. Experience yourself transmuting your thoughts into phenomena. See the universe through the eyes of Krishna. Experience the cosmos as your body. You are not in the universe; the universe is in you.
Now for the next few minutes, play with your creative energy, manifesting yourself as any form you choose. It may be one of the common archetypes we have just reviewed, or it may not. Become any being you would like to experience. Assume the consciousness of a great artist or musician. Experience the world as a powerful political leader. Become an eagle; experience the world as a soaring bird. Become a whale and experience the consciousness of a playful underwater being. There are no limits to your possible expressions. Enjoy your virtual self, exuberant with the knowledge and experience of your infinite potential. In this form you are all the many gods and goddesses, archetypes, and mythical images in one body. For the next few moments, allow any images, any phrases, any symbols, any words that arise to take shape in your consciousness.
When you feel that you have experienced a wide range of interesting possibilities, choose three archetypal images or symbols or words or phrases that resonate within you, that inspire and motivate you. They could be familiar gods or goddesses known to you, images, animals, symbols of the elements, forces of the cosmos, words, phrases, or any other quality that means something to you, anything that feels most comfortable when you experienced it in your mind. You should feel that if these people or qualities could come into your world and express themselves through you, you would be capable of grand and wondrous things. I always recommend that men choose at least one female or feminine archetype, and that women choose at least one male or masculine archetype. We all have both masculine and feminine qualities inside us, and to ignore one particular side of our selves is to smother that source of personal passion.
Write down your three symbols or archetypes. Then, begin to collect artwork or pictures or symbols or jewelry that remind you of this archetype. Some people create a small altar for their archetypes as a place to center the search for self. If the principal qualities of your archetypes can be expressed in words or phrases, write them on a piece of paper so that you have something to remind you of them. At least once a day, preferably after meditation, look at these reminders and silently issue them an invitation: “Please come and express yourself through me.” Let them be a reminder of your life’s inspiration. When you feel lost or distracted in the world, they will be your compass back to your true self.
Instead of following the latest fashion trend or emulating a movie star, model yourself, your thoughts, and your actions on your archetypes. People do this every day, without even realizing what it is they are doing. Have you ever heard the question “What would Jesus do?” Christians who feel stuck at a crossroads in their lives or who have to make a decision about how to act are encouraged to ask themselves that question. It is a way of using the powerful archetype of the redeemer, as embodied by Jesus Christ, as a life guide. Use your personal archetypes in the same way. Ask yourself, “Am I acting in a way that would be consistent with my archetypes?” This is a profound way of asking, “Am I being true to myself?” You will find fulfillment through your archetypes by allowing the gods/goddesses/totems/personalities to enact their drama through you. They are the keys to your true and miraculous destiny.