We were alone, I didn’t mind,
Sprung as children from strife itself
Or Tennessee, or winter wind,
And set back down, together, safe.

—Or safe enough: in dreams behind,
The ogres squatted in the trees.
I looked back almost all the time,
He looked back even more than me.

Blue below and blue beneath,
Do as you say, and say as you do.
There’s more to a marriage than wanting to leave,
Say as you do, and do as you please.

Oh, there are those who look abroad
For pornographic ecstasy
And there are those who don’t, the brides
Of patience, good cheer, modesty.
Here I stay, for here I chose
To prove the choice, this song I sing
With verses long since memorized
—But melody’s the tricky thing.

Blood below and blood beneath,
Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
There’s less to a marriage than absolute faith,
Mean what you say, and say what you may.

The little sister knows these things:
A telephone ringing late at night
Should not be answered, bringing
As it might, news of death—or worse, of life.

So I will stay here with my boys
And make a house, and call it peace
And pass along my local voice
And die when living comes to cease.

Love below and love beneath,
Mean what you do, and do what you mean.
Always a little is always enough,
Do what you can, and mean what you will.