
Thank you, Alex, for your insightful edits, persistent encouragement, and dedication. I am so proud to partner with you. Amy and the other folks at Beacon, thank you for your overwhelming excitement and the opportunity to work with such a remarkable press.

Elizabeth, you were the first person in the industry to believe in this project, and with so much enthusiasm that I thought you had to be nuts. Thank you for being nuts, and for helping me shape my proposal into the foundation for this book.

Lisa, for your vision, friendship, and unwavering belief in me. Jane Anne, for our Friday afternoons. Karl, for being a role model in every way. Stephen, Lewis, Deborah, Aaron and the Lone Mountain crew of my peers, thank you for the truly amazing gift of writing community.

Dad, I hope the overriding sentiment you take away from this book is my love for you. Mom, thank you for supporting my writing despite your complete confusion as to how a creative person emerged from our gene pool. Bro, you are my best friend and that means everything.

I am indebted to many friends for providing feedback on early drafts, keeping me as sane as possible during the later ones, and inspiring me: Derek, Sandra, J. P., Danaa, Meghan, Megann, Liz, Ryan, Molly, Zippy, Breezy, Tom, Dara, Melinda, Brody, Caitlin, Christine, Josie, Solomon, Thea, Betsy, Jody, and my A-gays. Although I am unable to name everyone here, I carry with me every kind and encouraging comment made about my writing.

Janet and Rusty, your love and light are wondrous guides—thank you for breathing with me.

And finally, Kristina, thank you for reading every draft, for your wisdom, and for putting up with me. To be as concise as you have always been: I am so grateful for you.