Copyright © 2012 by Charles Ferguson
All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ferguson, Charles H.
Predator nation : corporate criminals, political corruption, and the hijacking of
America / Charles Ferguson. — 1st Ed.
p. cm.
1. Financial crises—United States. 2. Banks and banking—United States. 3. Global Financial Crisis, 2008–2009. 4. Equality—United States. 5. United States—Economic conditions—2009– 6. United States—Economic policy. 7. United States—Politics and government. I. Title.
HB3722. F458 2012
330.973′0932—dc23 2011052366
eISBN: 978-0-307-95257-8
Jacket illustration and design by Jamie Keenan