Chapter 4
Eric, Pistol Pete, Jimmy, and Mike all sat at the Mason family mansion, having a drink. The family lawyer Mr. Goldberg told them he had a message from Derrick Mason that he had to deliver. As the trio waited the lawyer’s arrival, their minds began to wonder.
“So I wonder what the message is.” Jimmy said out loud.
Eric shrugged. “Hopefully it’s good news about pop being released soon.”
“Or maybe he’s found a new connect on the inside and has a way for us to get some new product.” Mike said. Whatever the message was it had to be something big for Derrick to have all of them at the house. When Mr. Goldberg walked through the front door everyone’s eyes lit up in excitement.
“Alright don’t waste our time, spit it out,” Jimmy said. He was tired of sitting around in suspense.
“Okay,” Mr. Goldberg began. “I just came back from talking to Derrick Mason for over two hours and he had a lot to say.” Mr. Goldberg cleared his throat and poured himself a drink. “First and foremost he wanted you all to know that he’s very proud of you all and he has no idea how long he may have to sit behind bars, but no matter how long he has to stay in there he wants you all to not worry and he assured me that he would be fine. In his absence, he’s chosen one of you to take over for him. One of you will be the new leader and head of this family,” Mr. Goldberg took a slow sip from his drink. “Eric your father has chosen you to lead this family in his absence.”
“Who me?” Eric looked around with a confused look on his face. “Why would he pick me to lead the family?”
“You’re who he picked.” Mr. Goldberg shrugged with a dumbfounded look on his face.
“You can’t be fucking serious!” Jimmy barked. “Pops has officially lost his fucking mind.”
Mike turned and looked at Eric and extended his hand. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Eric shook his hand. He still couldn’t believe that his father has picked him over Jimmy to be the head of the family business. This was a huge promotion but Eric knew since he had been chosen that now he would really have to step up to the plate. “Well we are going to keep things how they are for now,” he said. “Jimmy you are still in control of security and enforcement,” he turned to Mike. “Mike I’m going to need you to keep all of these nickel and dime hustlers off of our corners and give me the heads up before the heat comes down on us.”
“And what exactly are you going to be doing?” Jimmy said with an attitude. He was furious that Eric had been picked over him to run the family business.
“I’m going to find us a new connect and get us some product,” Eric said.
“Can’t do that genius!” Jimmy snapped. “If Chico finds out that we have a new connect, he’ll send a million troops down here to kill us all.”
“Fuck, Chico!” Eric barked. “We don’t need him or his product If we sit around and wait, we’ll lose all of our territory and I’m not about to sit around and let that happen.” He was the boss now and had to make the tough decisions and do what was best for the family.
“You’re going to get us all killed!” Jimmy yelled as he stood to his feet and stormed out.
“Jimmy is right,” Mike said. “We are not strong enough to go up against Chico.”
“Chico doesn’t decide if our family eats or starves.” Eric said simply. “He doesn’t call the shots in this house.”
“I hear you,” Mike said as he looked down at his cell phone and saw Jack’s name flashing across the screen. “I’m out of here. I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said then made his exit.
Once everyone was gone, Eric walked around the empty mansion with a drink in his hand with Pistol Pete close on his heels.
“So what’s the plan?” Pistol Pete asked.
“I need you to go out and recruit as many soldiers as you can just in case we do have to go to war. This could get real messy.”
* * *
Eric walked through his front door and saw Kelly standing in the kitchen barefoot in a t-shirt, leggings, with her hair pulled up in a bun standing over the stove.
“Hey baby, you hungry?” Kelly asked as she walked over and gave Eric a hug.
“I’m not your baby.” He quickly corrected. Eric didn’t want to open that door back up, but he had to admit that ever since he allowed Kelly back into the house, she had been like a brand new person. She now treated Eric like her husband and not a stranger. It was seeming like she had really learned her lesson and decided to turn over a new leaf.
“Sorry Eric,” Kelly apologized. “How was your day?”
“Eventful,” Eric walked in the kitchen and poured him a shot of tequila. “My father chose me to run the family business in his absence.”
“Are you serious?” Kelly couldn’t believe her ears. “Why did he pick you?”
“I have no idea,” Eric replied honestly. But he knew if Derrick chose him it was for a reason and he refused to let him down. “Pack your things we have to move into the mansion.”
“No right now.” Eric told her. He walked over to his floor to ceiling window and just stared out into the night. Eric knew he had to huge shoes to fill and was up for the challenge.