Chapter 11



Mike stepped onto the hospital elevator and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been two long weeks and they were now finally releasing him from the hospital. When he turned his phone back on, it was blowing up with missed calls and messages. Mike clicked two unread messages from Eric. His mood immediately changed from good to sour after reading Eric’s text message about Chico putting a hit on the entire family. No matter what happened it seemed like things kept getting worse and never better. Mike stepped off the elevator and immediately noticed two Columbian-looking men with no nonsense looks on their face pretending to be reading an old newspaper. The jeans and trench coats were a dead giveaways, especially with it being the middle of summer. Mike walked towards the exit and just as he suspected the two Columbian men got up and headed towards the exit as well. Mike discreetly pulled his 9mm from his holster and cocked a round into the chamber. He’d just got out of the hospital and wasn’t about to go back. Mike thought about turning around and opening fire on the two men but then thought about all the innocent people, he would put in harm’s way if he did that, so he decided to lead the two men out into the parking lot and hold court there. 

Mike walked through the parking lot and as soon as he was about to confront the two men a fellow officer walked up on him.

Detective Brown its good to see you back on the streets.” The officer said with a smile. His smile quickly faded when he noticed the gun that Mike held in his hand. “Is everything alright?”

I think these men are following me,” Mike said in a light whisper. The officer looked over Mike’s shoulder and saw the two men in trench coats.

Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?” The officer asked in a stern tone. Before Mike could fully turn around, the officer’s head exploded like a melon as blood splattered all over Mike’s face. Mike quickly fired two shots over his shoulder blindly as he took cover behind the closest car in the parking lot. He heard one of the gunmen drop to the ground as several bullets pinged loudly against the body of the car.

When the taller gunman saw his partner hit the floor, he went crazy. He pressed his finger down on the trigger and lit the car up.

Mike moved around to the other side of the vehicle in a low crouch when he got a clean shot of the gunman he took the shot.


Mike watched as the second gunman crumbled down to the ground with a gunshot wound in his neck. He slowly walked up on the gunman and kicked his gun out of arms reach. “Who sent you?”

The gunman flashed a bloody smile. “There are thousands of us in the states. It won’t be long until you and your entire family are dead.” He said as he took his last breath.

Mike stood over the dead man and shook his head. It was obvious these gunmen had no respect for human life if they were willing to have a shootout in a crowded hospital with a cop. Mike knew this was going to be an ugly outcome. He just hoped and prayed that his family was on the winning side.