Appendix 1: Names and Pronunciations


Most of the names used in this novel have been taken straight from the Greek New Testament and transliterated into English. Note that there is no character for a word-initial “Y” in New Testament Greek. Consequently, a “Y” sound is approximated by using the letter “I”. Also note that in the following pronunciations ‘oo’ is pronounced as in the word ‘book’.

Ioanneis [yoe-AH-nace]

Iēsus Christos [YAY-soos KRIS-toss]

Loukas [LOO-kuss] (2 Tim. 4:11)

Iounia [YOO-nee-ah] (Rom. 16:7)

Stephanos [stef-AH-noss] (Acts 6:5)

Tychicus [TAICH-i-kuss] (2 Tim 4:12)

Markos [MAR-koss] (Acts 15:37)

Tertios [TER-ti-oss] (Rom. 16:22)

Paulos [pa-OO-loss] (Acts 8:1)

The Russian names and places should be fairly self-explanatory. However, the letters “ZH” represent the sound in the middle of the word ‘leisure’.