
First, any code blocks in documentation comments will be tested by default if they don't have ignore or any non-recognized tag. So, for example:

/// ```ignore
/// let x = 12;
/// x += 1;
/// ```

This block code won't be tested (luckily, because it wouldn't compile!). A few other examples:

/// # Some text
/// ```text
/// this is just some text
/// but it's rendered inside a code block
/// nice, right?
/// ```
/// # Why not C?
/// ```c-language
/// int strlen(const char *s) {
///     char *c = s;
///     for (; *c; ++c);
///     return c - s;
/// }
/// ```
/// # Or an unknown language?
/// ```whatever
/// 010010000110100100100001
/// ```

A few other instructions might come in handy for you. Let's start with ignore!