Displaying the cover when playing a song

The other feature to add is to show a bigger cover when we click the play button. We'll start by adding a function to get the image from the selection in the playlist:

    pub fn pixbuf(&self) -> Option<Pixbuf> {
        let selection = self.treeview.get_selection();
        if let Some((_, iter)) = selection.get_selected() {
            let value = self.model.get_value(&iter, PIXBUF_COLUMN as i32);
            return value.get::<Pixbuf>();

This method to be added to the Playlist structure starts by getting the selection; if there's one, it simply gets the pixbuf from the model and returns it. Otherwise, it returns None.

We can now write a function that will fetch the cover from the playlist and show the image:

use gtk::Image;

use playlist::Playlist;

fn set_cover(cover: &Image, playlist: &Playlist) {

Add this function in the toolbar module. And, finally, we can call this function from the click event handler of the play button:

        let playlist = self.playlist.clone();
        let cover = self.cover.clone();
        self.toolbar.play_button.connect_clicked(move |_| {
            if play_button.get_stock_id() == Some(PLAY_STOCK.to_string()) {
                set_cover(&cover, &playlist);
            } else {

Here's the result after adding a song and clicking play:

Figure 5.9