In 2018 the UK faced an escalating conflict, resulting in a rather unique strike in many universities over pensions. 27 February 2018, the Telegraph headed:
“Lecturers and university leaders enlist conciliation service ACAS but strikes are set to continue”.1
Lecturers and university leaders have agreed to enlist the conciliation service ACAS to mediate in their bitter dispute over pensions. The full 14 days of strikes are still going ahead, University and College Union (UCU) said, with students facing further disruption and cancelled lectures in the coming weeks.
Strikes will continue on Wednesday, as well as four days from next Monday, and ending with a five-day walkout from Monday March 12 to Friday March 16. The UCU said it was pleased that Universities UK (UUK), the vice-Chancellor membership body, had agreed to another meeting to try to end strike action currently affecting 61 universities.
A spokesman for Universities UK said: “Further talks are being arranged. In the interest of students, we have asked UCU to stop the industrial action while talks continue to find an alternative, viable and affordable solution. Both parties agreed to involve ACAS in facilitating further talks to bridge the significant distance between both sides.”
Almost two months later, the Guardian headed2:
“UK university strike action to end after staff vote to accept offer”
The ballot of 50,000 University and College Union members in higher education found a substantial majority in favour of accepting the offer, which establishes a joint committee of experts to evaluate pensions provided through the University Superannuation Scheme (USS).
The conflict in the UK on pensions is a classic example of a collective sectorial conflict, with many institutes for higher education involved. In the UK (see Chap. 14 for details), employees have the right to strike, without previous attempts to find agreement through conciliation or mediation. We see here, that even while the actions continue, also ACAS as third party is invited by parties to mediate in the dispute. ACAS offers different third party services, including facilitation, conciliation and mediation related to the development and escalation of the conflict, and the requests of the parties. Typically, when collective conflicts arise and escalate, different third parties and different interventions are available. In this chapter we first present a model of development of these conflicts, and secondly, related interventions.
2.1 Escalation of Collective Labor Conflicts
Escalation of conflict is the process of intensification of a conflict. According to several authors (Rubin, Pruitt & Kim, 1994), escalation is characterized through different changes: (a) parties use harder tactics (change from promises to threats); (b) the number of issues increases; (c) small issues grow into big and more fundamental ones; (d) number of involved persons and parties increases; (e) the goal of parties shift from realizing own interests to hurting the other.
A main cause of escalation is the denial by one party of the claims of the other. Deutsch (1958) mentioned three main phases of conflict escalation. Firstly, parties’ focus on the realization of their own goals, and maximize these. When it becomes clear this is difficult to achieve, competition becomes dominant. The aim now is to win from the other. When this power battle develops further, again a fundamental shift appears. The aim is to blame and shame and hurt the other party. These three phases, (win-win; win-loose; loose-loose), have been further developed by Glasl (1982), into his nine stage model of escalation. There is little empirical evidence conflicts go through all these nine phases, however the essential idea is, that third party interventions should be tailored based on the level of escalation. With facilitation being most useful in relative early stages of escalation, mediation in higher escalated levels, followed by arbitration and legislation, or forms of unilateral power, trying to end the conflict. The intervention of a neutral third party with status or other forms of power (for example a politician, a public figure), is employed in some cases as a way to reduce the social and organizational conflict. An example is the mediation between a mining company and the inhabitants of Cajamarca (Perú), leaded by Miguel Cabrejos, a prestigious priest in Perú. Pruitt and Kim differentiate five ways to end escalation. (1) One party wins over the other. One of the parties gives in, or simply loses. Such outcomes can be seen after a long battle in labor conflicts, where one the parties gives in. (2) One party gains, manipulates the situation to their own advantage. (3) Parties stop fighting, and move forward. (4) A third party in an authoritative role rules and forces parties to comply to the decision; (5) Parties negotiate towards an agreement, usually supported by a third party. This might include the formation of a joint taskforce, as in the case of the university staff strike in the UK.
Zartman (2000) added three concepts to escalation theory which are highly relevant for the understanding of the development of collective labor conflicts. His core idea is the ‘ripeness’ of a conflict, needed to come to a solution. This is essentially composed of two criteria: a hurting stalemate situation, and hope. Industrial relations in organizations often develop over time into antagonistic relations. We have seen the example of Air France, where labor relations in France have been intensely conflictive for many years. A change towards social peace requires such conflict to ‘ripen’, before a more systemic solution can be achieved. For such, according to Zartman, two conditions are needed. First, parties have to experience a ‘hurting stalemate’, the conflict is costly to the parties, both financially as well as in general terms of threat of survival of the company or relationship. Reputational costs are high, media exposure contributes to that, and social and psychological costs build up. When costs increase, and former strategies don’t work, parties are motivated to work on solutions if the second condition also is there: hope. Hope that for example working with a third party, changing the strategies used so far, might bring indeed an improvement of conditions.
As long as parties believe they can win over the other, there is not much incentive to search for a negotiated solution. Such beliefs, also embedded often in beliefs of (moral) superiority, and justice (‘the other acts totally unfair and illegal’), contribute to escalation.
Stalemate and hope motivate parties to search for an acceptable solution, helped by a third party.
2.2 Collective Conflicts: Development Through Five Phases
Escalation theories naturally focus on the process of growth of the conflict. And typically start where there is already a conflict present. Also most collective labor conflict models start with the dispute, sometimes even with the threat of a strike, which already involves a high level of escalation.
Therefore, we might best compare the development of conflict, with the development of storms.
Industrial relations have a strong conflict potential, given different interests of employers and employees, in combination with their interdependence. Interdependence means that employers and employees need each other to realize their own goals and they need to continue working together when their conflict disappears. However they also have different and even conflicting interests. These latent phases are the perfect condition to build up the industrial relations, so they can endure the winds of change that inevitable come.
The cycle represents different possible phases of conflict escalation and de-escalation. Evidently, not each conflict has to go through all phases. Winds of change might be mild. And when handled properly might result in renewed productive working relations and continued social dialogue. However, winds can also develop to storms or hurricanes, with potential to destroy. This destructive side of conflicts is seen too often, although Brown (2014) convincingly argues that the occurrence of escalated labor conflicts such as strikes has become less frequent. This might be due to early warning signals and early interventions (Brown, 2014), which will be discussed in more detail in the next paragraph.
Five phases of collective labor conflict development
- 1.
Latent conflict: No visible conflict, however conflicts of interest are latent, problems about misinterpretation or other’s behaviors or small discrepancies could appear in this phase.
- 2.
Early stage: rise of tensions between parties, debate replaces dialogue, issues at the table, open discrepancies, pressures inside the parties for an open conflict.
- 3.
Confrontation: negotiations are blocked, confronting tactics, forming of alliances, threats, competitive approaches by both parties.
- 4.
Hot conflict: parties aim to hurt the other, through strikes, unilateral actions, lay-offs etc. Communication bridges are blocked. Parties increase competitive and aggressive actions.
- 5.
Rebuilding working relations: ending of conflict episode, searching new ground to work together, if the organization continues to exist. Dealing with damage done, restore relations, replace key actors (fire, prosecute, or change for political reasons)
A conflict might end in different ways. The UK university case shows a classic technique, that is forming a joint task group, which will investigate and work on integrative solutions acceptable for the main parties involved. Alternatively, arbitration or ruling of the court might end this conflict episode. However after the storm, usually parties continue to work together. This does not necessarily have to be the same actors, however employer(s) and employees are there. Unless the conflict ends through dramatic change, the bankruptcy of the company, moving to another country, downfall of union, or massive layoffs. Most conflicts don’t result in such damage and then repair works need to be done. This is typically left to the organizations, and usually parties move on, however with low trust and an increased risk for new escalations. If not properly addressed, the aftermath of one conflict episode will be fueling the next cycle, reinforcing a conflict culture. Therefore, investing in preventive interventions as well as measures for trust rebuilding are important steps to take, and not just left to the organizational dynamics.
2.3 Third Party Interventions in Each Phase
- 1.
Training during the latent conflict phase.
- 2.
Facilitation during early stages of conflict.
- 3a.
Conciliation when a formal conflict appears.
- 3b.
Mediation when the conflict intensifies.
- 4a.
Arbitration when conflict costs run high.
- 4b.
Court rulings when the conflict needs an ending.
- 5.
Facilitating rebuilding relations
2.4 Conclusion
Collective labor conflicts typically develop through phases. Given the nature of industrial relations, there is always a latent conflict between the interests of employers and employees, also in times of social peace. These latent conflicts might develop into episodes of overt conflict, and escalate to destructive levels. Different third party interventions are available during different phases of conflicts. In most countries some form of third party intervention is available. This is usually limited to specific escalation phases (particularly around threat of strike, or other collective actions) much less seems arranged for preventive third party support, or restorative actions to rebuilt relations after a conflict episode.
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