This mammoth undertaking could not have been possible if it weren’t for the endless encouragement, love, and support I received from countless individuals that spurred me on to make this the best book possible. I wrote this book to help others who have ever found themselves ignored by health professionals or felt less than because they didn’t have the energy or support required to fulfill their soul’s purpose. You drove me to ask more from myself and our medical community.
Thanks to my mum and dad for the endless encouragement and support you have both provided me throughout my lifetime. You will both forever be my heroes and my moral compass that guides everything I do. An enormous debt of gratitude goes to Jonathan, who has been by my side as we worked our way through what felt like endless health issues. Your love, support, and patience made this possible.
To all of the experts I interviewed for this book, I can’t thank each and every one of you enough. You shaped Unstoppable, encouraged me, and challenged me to find the answers to my questions. Thank you for your time and commitment to getting to the essence of real health and sharing your own battle scars so that others can find inspiration in your stories. You each provided insights that will change countless lives and you are each pushing boundaries that few dare to.
To Dave Asprey, who inspired me to go on this journey. Your book, Head Strong, made me feel like I was no longer alone in this battle and ignited a fire within me to keep going when I was on the verge of giving up. The impact you are having on this world is nothing short of astounding. You are shaping lives in ways you may never be able to fully comprehend. Your legacy will pave the way for others to follow in your steps and for real lasting change to occur.
Special mention goes to Deborah Holmen, my next-door neighbor at the time, now lifelong friend who not only enthusiastically wanted to hear and participate in the biohacking experiments I undertook, but also assisted in editing and research for the book. Our countless conversations made it what it is.
To all of those incredibly special people I came across throughout my journey that provided wisdom, love and laughs, including; Trisha, Colt, Mary-Webb, Howard, Trish, Rick, Richard, Teresa, Steve, Jaya, Kristy, Stephanie, Scott, Rich, Melissa, Matt, Dean, Janeche, Sharon, Ashley, Michael and Derya. This couldn’t have been possible without each of you. You have each impacted my life in ways you’ll never know. Michael Smallbone, my agent, for throwing your full support behind me and getting me to the U.S. Thank you!
A huge thank you goes to the Entrepreneur teams that have shown unwavering support that made this entire project a reality. I can’t thank you enough for putting your faith and trust in me to deliver something that was nothing short of a mammoth task in a short amount of time. You have welcomed me with open arms and have shown the utmost professionalism and commitment to making Unstoppable truly unique. You are changing lives! To the editors and fact checkers who worked tirelessly on this book to ensure it is accurate, thank you. I will forever be grateful to each of you. You are the unseen heroes that made this possible.
A big thank you goes to my best friend and Unstoppable team member, Adam Shepherd. Your tireless work behind the scenes allows me to do what I love and to help others while doing it. I have never come across a more loyal friend and dedicated team member. You inspire me each and every day.
And finally, to you, the reader. Thank you for picking this book up. It is my hope that this book shows you what is possible, no matter where your starting point. You drive me to do what I do.